Chapter 142 : The Head of the Eldest Sister 2

 Why did you let him go so easily? Mu Wanwan is such a strange woman! I remember that when he was 13 years old, he gambled on the 'death game' with other mafias, and in the end, he cut off half of the hands of the other organization's members! The game was no different from the tool of killing for him, and he played every game with his own life, but this woman Mu Wanwan said to him, 'Why are you so serious?'...



 For the first time, it felt so easy to 'play the game'.



 "If you have to do it, I don't mind if you strip naked and dance the ballet in front of me!" Mu Wanwan continued to repeat the request without giving up, not to mention how treacherous the smiling look was, and the starry eyes of the water spirit burst out with the color of a hungry wolf!



 This little handsome guy looks shy, but he didn't expect his thinking to be quite mature!



 Hearing this, Xiao K immediately blushed and his white face decisively refused: "I don't want it!"



 Who can do this thing of stripping naked and dancing ballet, it's too strange for a woman to make such a perverted request!



 "If you say no, then don't! It's just a game, and we enjoy the entertainment of the game, not the revenge after the game. Mu Wanwan looked at Xiao K meaningfully and said meaningfully.



 She is not a fool, how could she not know the purpose of this handsome little man for her? But is she so hateful? Why did she go out of her way to take revenge on her? Hey, it makes my sister feel sad!



 Mu Wanwan's slight hint made Xiao K understand in an instant, his white and childish face was about to turn into a popular tomato, he lowered his head and said to himself: "You know that I want to teach you a lesson, why didn't you refuse me just now...?"



 He thought he thought Mu Wanwan didn't know anything, he thought Mu Wanwan was a woman with an empty head, he thought Mu Wanwan was a shameful woman, but now it seems that he has become shameful...



 Because the old lady is a very boring, little handsome guy! Mu Wanwan replied very honestly in her heart, of course, she would not say such unpretentious words, but she decided to sensationalize the dog's blood so that this little handsome guy was more ... Hey, hey, conscience!



 That, Mu Wanwan, you are an S (abuser) control!



 "The game needs two people to play to feel the fun! At least I have a good time playing this game with you!" Mu Wanwan's delicate face raised a soft smile, and the crescent moon eyes smiled and curved...! Clean.



 How about it, it's bloody enough, it's sensational enough, it's not enough for the Virgin heroine? (⊙o⊙)!



 The childish face evaporated with steaming heat, and the thin-skinned little K shyly looked at Mu Wanwan, who was smiling gently, and her tender voice became stammering: "You... I... Ahhh!!!!h



 Looking at the back of Xiao K fleeing from the wilderness, as if the evil spirit behind him was chasing and killing, the speed is called a fast! Mu Wanwan blinked her starry eyes innocently, her red lips were deflated, and her pure temperament was completely devoid, and she said like a female hooligan: "Cut! A fart child, does the old lady look so terrifying?!"



 Do you want to run so fast, how can this make the sisterhood embarrassing?





 In the assembly room of the "Black Division", "pop" - the little K who closed the door collapsed and fell to the ground like a prostration, his face was flushed, he clutched his beating heart, panting breathlessly, and cold sweat was flowing all over his palms, and he looked panicked as if he was shy, but his ruddy cherry lips evoked a smile of adoration!



 It's cool and cool!



 Mu Wanwan suddenly fell in love with this woman! The woman who can be worthy of the boss is afraid that only the eldest sister is Wanwan!



 In the future, he decided to follow the eldest sister with all his might!!



 As a result, the "Black Division" No.6 has defected gloriously!



 "Xiao K, you're back! How about it, did you teach Mu Wanwan a lesson?"



 "Look at his spring-colored face, you can tell at a glance that he was popped with chrysanthemums by Mu Wanwan!"



 "Why are you so useless, a woman can't be even! No matter what you say, you should blow up her chrysanthemum!"



 "Off topic, off topic! How can you entangle the question of teaching Mu Wanwan into a chrysanthemum?" Uncle Zong Ming interjected on the side!



 "Shut up all four of you!!" Little K, who had always been a meek little sheep, roared angrily, and he angrily walked up to the chattering four, pointed at them one by one, and said: "How can you say that Mu Wanwan! She is a very gentle, very intelligent, very kind, and very large woman, I will not allow you to insult her like this in front of me!" And in the future, Mu Wanwan is my eldest sister, if you dare to touch her, I will sell the information of you terrorists to the international FBI, and you will wait to repent in prison for the rest of your life!"



 Hmph! Dare to say that his eldest sister is not, looking for death!



 "Did this guy take the wrong medicine? And Xiao K, as an FBI inspector, I have the right to sue you for intimidation!"



 "It's only been an hour, why did you rebel? Xiao K, where did you go? Did you fall into the toilet and be washed away by the sewage?" The one-eyed handsome guy shook his head and said bitterly while wiping his beloved silver gun!



 "He was definitely blown up by the chrysanthemum, and I now know that Xiao K is the m (masochist) in the **, this hobby is distorted!"



 These three people have complained about it too superbly, and sure enough, the members of the "Black Division Group" are all wonderful!



 Listening to Chi Hao, Lei Li, and Zuo Yan's repeated job hopping, Xiao K, who was enduring the convulsions of his brain's nerves, took a deep breath and roared: "Shut up! You have just been blown up with chrysanthemums! In short, the eldest sister is a very cool and powerful woman, I advise you to beg for hardship!"



 After the analysis of Xiao K's head which is stronger than X-ray scanning, Mu Wanwan's fierce index is close to their boss, so the members of the "Black Division Group" are destined not to be Mu Wanwan's opponents!



 "Is it cool?" Listening to Xiao K's serious and serious words, the ** prince Zuo Yan touched his smooth chin and remembered the first time he saw Mu Wanwan, and at that time he also felt that Mu Wanwan was very cool for a moment! "OK, for your word, I decided to meet your eldest sister for a while!"



 Whether it's a flash in the pan or not, he has to try it to find out!



 And it's rare that now the boss and Hades are in secret talks, this is the best time to start!



 "Isn't it Zuo Yan, are you serious?" Xiao K looked at Zuo Yan with an abusive face in disbelief, and his heart was beating uneasily!