Chapter 151: The Most Thrilling Chase 6

 This wicked little brother, are you sure you're a gangster?



 Compared with Mu Wanwan's stunned and stupid appearance, Hades observed her in silence for a while, his emerald green eyes looked thoughtfully at the well-versed corridor, the thick Bible in his hand was closed, and he said wisely in a calm voice: "It's here." "



 As soon as Hades' calm voice fell, a series of rapid steps sounded in the dark corridor, especially clear and piercing! The enemy had already entered, and there was more than one enemy, and there were many, many of them!



 Her heart twitched suddenly, and Mu Wanwan quickly pulled out the three keys inserted in front of the door almost out of instinctual reaction, and then ran into the special cell, with a flick of her little hand, she closed the heavy steel door, and the series of process movements were very fluent! After closing the door, Mu Wanwan remembered the existence of Hades in horror!!



 Damn!! she's in the same room as Hades, it's terrible, this is not something that normal people can face, no, no, no, will this horror predator kill her first if it doesn't like her??



 How could she be so stupid as to close the door, even though she had the key to unlock it, but this cell couldn't open the door from the inside!






 The door of the cell sounded the sound of gunfire breaking through, and the enemy had already arrived and was ready to break through, but it was only a matter of time before the thick steel door could not be opened, but it was only a matter of time-



 Seeing the colorful expressions on Mu Wanwan's face, Hades, who had been thinking silently, suddenly spoke: "Ten minutes." "



 Hades's three words in ten minutes quickly pulled back Mu Wanwan's regret of beating her chest, she blinked her starry eyes looked at the wicked and noble man in front of her with a little fear, and asked cautiously in a soft voice: "What do you mean?"



 Ten minutes, don't tell her it's ...



 "This steel door will only last ten minutes. Hades sat down leisurely on the large bed in the cell, took out his Bible, and continued to look at it earnestly as if he was not afraid of the consequences of the enemy rushing in after the door was destroyed, and he was still at ease!



 Ten minutes later, the door would be breached, and neither he nor the woman would have nowhere to run but to die under the gunfire.



 "What?! It can only last for ten minutes. Hey, hey, aren't you the arms predator Hedes? Are you just sitting and waiting to die? Why do you have a few killer tricks or something, right?? Didn't Bai Yuyu say that you are very powerful?!" Mu Wanwan roared at Hedes almost violently, completely forgetting his fear of Hedes just now, of course, the last sentence was added by Mu Wanwan himself without authorization, and there is a flattering ingredient!



 Don't be kidding, that is, she only has ten more minutes to live before she says goodbye to the world?! Fuck your mother's leg, my mother came here to save you after all the hard work, this Hedes sat on the bed and read the Bible, oh my God! You can still summon Jesus to come out and save you, you think you are Ultraman!!



 "Don't worry, don't you have ten minutes left? Ten minutes and 600 seconds are enough time to think about a lot of countermeasures. Hedges, who was extremely bewitching, looked at the Bible in his hand, and said in a wise voice calmly, without the slightest panic of being surrounded by enemies!



 Hades's overly calm calmness made people feel that he was becoming more and more unfathomable, Mu Wanwan nervously wiped the cold sweat on his head, waiting for Hades's next countermeasures!



 As if Mu Wanwan's gaze was too terrifying and scary, Hades slowly put down the Bible in his hand, calmly walked out of bed, and stretched, lazy and bewitching, he looked at Mu Wanwan and asked, "How much ammunition do you have?"



 With 7 minutes to go, it's time to start scheming!



 "Two pistols, one with only 4 bullets left, and one with 26 bullets that have not yet been fired. There was also a watch that could shoot anesthetic needles, but there were only 18 left. Mu Wanwan completely reported the little ammunition she was wearing, and her heart was beating up and down!



 4+26+18=48!That is to say, she and Hades only have a total of 48 chances, once this gate is breached, she and Hades have no place to hide, and they will be surrounded to death at once!



 "Forty-eight, a very unlucky number. Hedes's slender fingertips touched his chin, and his emerald green eyes gradually deepened, like a whirlpool of wisdom precipitated deeply, and the cross tattoo on his forehead also became dark and sinful, and after two minutes of silence, Hades patted his hands lightly and said calmly: "The countermeasure has been thought of." "



 "Huh?" "Two minutes and 120 seconds to think of a countermeasure?? Mu Wanwan looked up and down at the demonic Hades in disbelief, frowned, and said, "Really, what's the best way?"



 Why did she have a sense of foreboding? If this horror predator looked a little scary, she would feel a little more reliable...



 "Hold the defensive line. Hades said lightly, then picked up the pistol that had not yet used up the full 26 bullets, aimed it at the closed doorway, and calmly explained: "This gate is our last line of defense, once the enemy breaks through, we lose!



 "But the other party is not alone, there are so many people, we only have two guns, how can we ..." Mu Wanwan's anxious words were not finished before he was calmly interrupted by Hades!



 "Look at this door very clearly, with the length and width of this door, it is just the space where one person can enter! That is to say, the enemy can only enter one by one, and not two or three at the same time, and this is our advantage! As long as there is enough ammunition, there is no need to be afraid at all. With a confident and wise face, Hades analyzed it perfectly and fully, he walked up to Mu Wanwan, pulled her to the side of the door, told her to squat down, and said, "You just squat here, use your 4 bullets and 18 anesthetic needles to attack the enemy's lower leg position, and I'll handle the rest!"



 Standing back in the middle of the sealed room of the cell, Hades set up a black steel pistol with great stamina in one hand, his emerald green eyes became frozen and cold, and his leisurely aura gradually became solemn, and he began to get serious!



 As the minutes ticked by, the sound of the crash outside the door became louder and louder, the broken steel door was already crumbling, and there was only one minute left for the last minute!!



 "Now, I'll teach you another lesson. When facing an overwhelming enemy, to fill the gap in strength, it is important to overwhelm with numbers. If you can't make up for it with the number of people, you should cooperate with your breathing, unite your heart and body, and attack it in one go at the moment of the most concentration!" With Hades's words, Mu Wanwan's frenzied aura gradually became stable and solemn, and she squatted beside the door with her pistol in her hand, waiting for the moment when the steel door was broken through-



 And then - let the enemy all die!!



 "Ready! 3. "Hades, who had been counting the time, began to count down, and the air was almost completely condensed!



 "2. "



 "1, fire!"



 The sound of crazy gunfire filled the entire underground cell, and the sound of the door of hell in the darkness continued to echo and impact, deafening and piercing, with an earth-shaking murderous aura, making the entire underground cell even more terrifying and terrifying, and the smell of blood was especially strong and pungent, and gradually spread-



 Licking the blood stains splashed on his face evilly, Hades threw away the black steel pistol that had been shot out of bullets in his hand, and the red lips of demon blood laughed fiercely: "Roll me all to the depths of hell to atone for my sins!!"