Chapter 153 : The Most Thrilling Hunt 8

 Damn, murder!! don't ... Don't shake it anymore, she can't stand it anymore and is going to throw up, help... She's a human being, not a dead thing, and she can't withstand such a toss!



 Hades, you did it on purpose, you did it on purpose!!! Oh no... Her bowels are tangled with you... You have a kind of, this hatred, the old lady, the old lady remembers...



 Next, Mu Wanwan can only be described by the word 'miserable', as if experiencing a crazy roller coaster, constantly being shaken up and down by others, and it is also extremely rude! Mu Wanwan, whose head is as chaotic as a pool of paste, can't see anything else except for Venus in her eyes, and can't tell where this is, let alone if any enemies have found her and Hades, and now the only thing she wants to do most is to vomit fiercely!



 And he had to spit on Hades!! Mu Wanwan viciously slandered him!



 "If you dare to spit on me, I'll throw you downstairs from here!" Hades's cold voice was full of warnings that could not be refused, obviously seeing through Mu Wanwan's careful thoughts that he wanted to be indignant!



 "Hmmmm..." Mu Wanwan, who was so hard that she couldn't even speak completely, could only shake her hands desperately, saying that she loved cleanliness very much, and would never do such a dirty thing!!



 Retracting her previous words, she will not spit on Hedes even if she dies - Mu Wanwan drank tears and scolded sadly! Give in to the dark forces, who make the family a world-class horror predator, she is a simple and kind little person and is not the opponent of this dead perverted demon man!



 You'd better not let her get a grip, though, or she'll ... Evil... She still wants to throw up!!



 Mu Wanwan didn't know how long she had been thrown off as a human flesh sandbag until there was a loud 'bang', and then the world swirled, and Mu Wanwan's whole person was thrown heavily to the cold ground-



 "Ah..." Mu Wanwan, whose feet finally landed on the ground, painfully stroked the wall and forced her petite body to hold up, her red and beautiful little mouth gulped in fresh air, and she hiccuped several times to stop the churning in her stomach!






 "Hurry up and choose a pistol, there are already people going upstairs, and this place will soon be broken through!" "Heides, who is still a demonic temperament, has no embarrassment to escape for his life, he is still handsome and amazingly beautiful, because he ran quickly The red lips of the demon blood became congested and red, and it looked even more amorous and evil.



 Fuck your mother's legs, do you want a man to look so amazing and wicked! How can this make her embarrassed as a woman, this crazy world is simply not alive!



 It was unbelievable that such a superb demon man was the third most wanted arms predator on the world's most wanted list! If she had seen her with her own eyes, she would not have believed it!



 Shaking his little head heavily, Mu Wanwan realized that they had arrived at the so-called ammunition room on the third floor of Bai Yuyu Castle! The spacious room full of light was indeed filled with all kinds of pistols, submachine guns, and desert eagles! Rows of bullets of various types were piled up in a long cabinet! On the cabinet next to it, grenades, bombs, explosives, and mines of various shapes were slowed down! At a glance, people were so dazzled that they couldn't tell the real from the fake of these munitions!



 Mu Wanwan, who was frightened by the fully armed ammunition in this room, opened her red and glamorous little mouth in a daze, and it took a while to buffer it and said in horror: "Oh my God... I'm not dreaming..."



 This, this, this lineup is too terrifying! Is it true that the wealthy people of the upper class have become popular to collect arms? Otherwise, ... What is Bai Yuyu's ammunition used for in this room, playing with terrorist attacks when he has nothing to do?



 Covering her hearty liver that was beating wildly, Mu Wanwan felt that her heart was overloaded today, and the short one-hour escape from life and death seemed to have gone through a century so long, which made her start to be a little delirious, and petrified!



 Hedges, who had already chosen what he wanted, looked at Mu Wanwan, who was still sluggish and stupid on the side, and the corners of his eyes couldn't help twitching, and reminded in time: "Hurry up!"



 It's all at this time, this woman is still thinking about something, if she doesn't hurry up and get her pistol, the enemy will break through!



 However, there is enough pistol ammunition in Bai Jianyu's room, but there is no real power the ammunition in this room is only used for emergency purposes, and the truly powerful arms are not in this castle!



 Hold on, there's still 5 minutes to go, and it's over all at once!



 Heides's calm voice broke Mu Wanwan's unrealistic thoughts, and her reason quickly returned, she blinked her bright starry eyes, calmly looked around the ammunition in the room, and finally fell on a piece of 'big guy' covered by a black cloth, and her red lips hooked up an eerie evil smile, "Na, can I choose any weapon?"



 Hey, then you're welcome, mother!!



 Before Hades could understand clearly, the closed door of the ammunition room was smashed by a series of gunfires, and the double-layer door was kicked open by the enemy outside!!



 However, the number of enemies who broke through the gate gradually increased, and it was difficult for Hades to destroy all the enemies alone, he deftly avoided the enemy's shots, and at the same time quickly aimed and shot, and the empty shells of bullets kept falling to the ground, and 36 bullets were quickly used up, and with a simple flick of one hand, Hades laughed and shouted with a wicked face: "Be careful, there are bombs!"



 Hedith's 'kind' reminder suddenly made the enemies gathered in front of the door panic, and subconsciously fled with their heads in their hands, only to find that the bomb had not exploded for a long time, and when they looked back, Hedis had already set up a submachine gun-



 "Stupid man, that's a lie to you!" the emerald green eyes narrowed dangerously, at this time Hades was already in full swing, and the tattoo of the sacred cross on the snow's forehead had become bloody and violent, and the 'Game of Death' only made him feel more excited!



 How could he have dropped a bomb in such a confined space, he didn't mean to die together!



 "That's right! That's just a lie, so you go to hell with them!" Mu Wanwan's sinister voice came up from behind Hedes, and a group of enemies who had not had time to react showed a ghostly look on their faces, only to see that at this time, the petite Mu Wanwan was struggling to set up a cannon on his shoulder, and his delicate face raised a dark smile that was completely S (abuser) violence and smiled evilly: " Dare to let the old lady suffer so much, you have lived enough, go to hell and confess to the old lady!!"