Chapter159: The Demon Master 2

 The ten old men made a special trip to see the boss this time, it seems that it is for the matter of the alternate bride of the black family, it is said that they want the boss, you pick out a satisfactory bride and get married quickly, and the prince who is in charge of meeting with the ten old men Zuo Yan explained with a handsome face



 Hey, why did they leave so quickly, Mu Wanwan, who had been watching the video brought by Xiao K with relish, only to find out about the "Black Division" after a long time, and their departure did not look at Bai Yuyu and asked



 Hmph, finally showed his true face, obscene uncle, old lady, but the natural Lori pie doesn't like to gnaw on the old cow, you still die of this heart, cute little Lori looked at Mu Miaotian with contempt and contempt, and said arrogantly









 Long and long-winded, Mu Miao Tian interrupted coldly without looking back, and said in a charming voice, without mercy: If you quarrel again, I will let the white fox bite you



 Oh, it's my inflatable doll, it's so cool



 Uncle, I want to eat dragon fruit, as if I am addicted, Mu Wanwan leaned comfortably on the soft pillow pointed to Uncle Zongming's fruit basket, and said



 Big sister, I'll show you the video, this is my latest shot, I've been watching the LCD screen on the boys and children are not suitable for anime, Xiao K decisively replaced it with the video he shot before the boss and the "Black Division" killing the enemy, and its picture is comparable to an action blockbuster



 Good husband, I'm dying, in



 Baby, you clamp so tightly and scream a little more



 It's a pity that the Qiao Fei in the mouth of chief Hades is the Qiao Fei that your FBI has been investigating and tracking, it seems that this time if we are lucky, we can also see Qiao Fei's true face, oh, Uncle Zongming said with a hearty smile



 Understood the boss, "Black Division", everyone responded in unison



 Mu Miaotian, the master of the Bai family, came to N City, what is the specific purpose of the city, I don't know for the time being, Xiao K, who turned on the laptop, kept tapping the keyboard, and briefly reported the situation to Bai Yuyu



 Bai Tong, you are useless, Mu Miaotian mercilessly criticized Bai Tong's poisonous tongue, according to him, he picked up the silver ring placed on the blanket, tied up the long silver hair ring, and then stood up and stretched his waist, the beautiful and beautiful face was full of different amorous styles, he looked at the white fox beside him and said: Go, the white fox completely ignored the Bai Tong standing in front of the door



 Wanwan took a sip of oranges, and kept staring at Mu Wanwan's Bai Yuyu at the right time, handed her oranges to quench her thirst, and gently wiped off the flesh on Mu Wanwan's lips, very carefully and intimately, and looked at the members of the "Black Division Regiment" on the side, and their faces showed surprise-



 It's time for Wanwan to take a nap, Bai Yuyu decisively turned off the TV, took off his coat, put on the double hospital bed, and the soft bedding hugged the reluctant Mu Wanwan on each other and took a nap



 How do you know where this is, are you purely looking for scum, are you careful, waiting for me to get rid of you in seconds, oh, the cute Lori of the red cheongsam is shaking the purple sun umbrella, the delicate baby voice is displeased, and the cute white and tender face excretes beads of sweat, obviously the little Lori's physique is very intolerant



 Who is the country girl, the old lady, but I am the city girl who follows the rhythm of the trend, you are the country guy and the obscene uncle, in the face of Mu Miaotian's rude words, Xiao Lori retorted not to be outdone, and the arrogant temper does not match the cute and pure appearance at all, it is simply a hooligan who grew up



 I don't know yet, Bai Tong said dejectedly, and his red face gradually turned white



 How disgusting is this kind of thing, this is the great process of human beings continuing their descendants, without this process, do you think there may be your existence in this world, the slender white finger pointed at the man and woman who were crazy on the screen, Mu Miaotian looked forceful and reasonable, and the beautiful and handsome face was above board as if what he was doing now was great so that Bai Tong could not refute it with a voice



 Then let me go, Bai Yuyu ruthlessly ordered the eviction of customers, obviously disliking them to stay in Mu Wanwan's ward



 The Black Family and Hades have signed an alliance treaty, let's wait and see what happens for the time being, anyway, we can't stay out of this matter, and I also want to dig out the black hand behind the scenes, Bai Yuyu's handsome face showed a deep ruthless and cold voice and said proudly: Anyone who dares to touch me, I will make him regret it



 The news that Hedes is here in our place, I have sent someone to block it, and it is estimated that the wind can slow down for a while, but the support of Hedes seems to have also come, and the most headache in N City is that the backup of Hades is the famous Qiao Fei, who is in charge of Uncle Zongming on the side of Hades, holding his forehead and baring his teeth, and saying with a headache



 Why did he become a Filipino maid for no reason?



 How could the hand strength of the ordinary little ghost head be so big?



 A dimly lit soundproof room was filled with sound, and the huge screen shone brightly with ambiguous luminosity, brightening up the silver-haired beautiful man in front of the screen, and a person and a fox on the soft blanket were intently staring at the 'action blockbuster' on the screen—



 Qiao Fei is also very interested in this "mysterious predator".



 Qiao Fei is unknown, his appearance is unknown, his identity is unknown, and even his age is unknown, he is like a mystery to the world, a clueless "mysterious predator", in addition to knowing that he is proficient in stealing, an organization he rules once stole hundreds of billions of dollars overnight in Las Vegas casino, and he is unaware that until now, the FBI has not solved the case



 So in the end, Bai Tong could only watch one person and one fox dragged out of the villa, and there was a sad cry in his heart-



 Several of them came here at the same time just to pay a visit to Wanwan



 On the remote and quiet street, Mu Miaotian, who had a pure white and beautiful fox curled up around his neck, walked aimlessly on the street, seemingly, but his purple eyes looked around thoughtfully as if looking for something



 Mu Wanwan wanted to say that the boss, wasn't sleepy at all, and she was past the age to take a nap, okay-



 She is another little kid



 Ten old men, these old foxes are so anxious to get married as soon as possible, they must not know what they are planning, and he will not agree with those vase women, and the women who are bosses feel disgusted when they look at it



 The one-eyed handsome guy subconsciously touched his right eye with an eye patch, hooked his lips, and said happily: Okay, the eldest sister went to Mu Wanwan like a puppy who heard the master's order



 After hearing Mu Wanwan's unintentional words, the five members of the "Black Division Group" found out that they had been tricked by Mu Wanwan, but if they had, they would have been tricked, what could they do, boss here, they didn't dare to make any moves, not to mention who called Mu Wanwan was their eldest sister