Chapter 162 : The Alternate Bride

 Hello sister, my name is Lina, 18 years old this year, you can call me Xiaoli, a delicate girl in a crimson Japanese kimono, gracefully walked up to Mu Wanwan, half leaning her little head, like an ignorant girl, this is my first time in China, I don't understand anything, I ask my sister for more advice



 Since Zhou Feng didn't think about it, as if he could see through Qiao Fei's bad thoughts at a glance, Uncle Sang, who looked rude, shattered Xiao Loli's delusion in one bite and then pressed the button on the car window, the black bulletproof window slowly slid down, he reached out and threw the Bai family emblem gem in his hand out of the car, and the flickering gem rolled down into the traffic, and the gem contained a miniature tracker, and the people of the Bai family couldn't afford to mess with it



 I don't know them, they have nothing to do with me, Bai Yuyu simply cleared the relationship with Mu Wanwan and these 10 beauties, as if he was clarifying something with a little woman, the faces of the 10 big beauties suddenly turned white, and 20 eyes suddenly shot at Mu Wanwan's body, with an eerie resentment, a jealous woman's resentment made Mu Wanwan shrank her shoulders and shivered innocently



 Xinjia Mu Wanwan's little head lay in front of Bai Yuyu's chest, and his strong heartbeat could be heard next to his ears, his red and glamorous little mouth muttered, and his starry eyes became more and brighter



 Welcome you back, the master's delicate and crisp female voice pulled the sleepy Mu Wanwan back to reality, she raised her little head sluggishly, and her starry eyes were brighter than the cold star, and swept the 10 beautiful women of different appearances and nationalities who stood in front of the door to greet her, hesitated for a while before gently asking: Is this a maid game?



 Get out of the way, it's a pity that Bai Jianyu, who has a serious cleanliness habit, hates others coming into his room to touch his things the most, except for Mu Wanwan and Jian Bai, Bai Jianyu has not been able to accept a third woman yet



 There is also a bride-in-waiting, Mu Wanwan's little head leaned lazily in front of Bai Jiao's strong chest, squinted her starry eyes, looked at the 10 beautiful beauties in front of her, and the corners of her lips hooked lazily, and asked: Bai Yuyu, don't you let them introduce themselves



 This is our new home, turning Mu Wanwan's slender face, the warm kiss fell on her soft red lips, Bai Yuyu's eyes were full of crazy tenderness, and Mu Wanwan, who was like a ball, hugged her tighter, opened the car door, picked her up horizontally, and walked out of the car



 A man has 10 alternate brides of great beauties, Bai Jianyu, you are really capable



 Mu Wanwan, who had been curled up in Bai Jianyu's arms to watch the play, almost couldn't help laughing, her little head lay on Bai Jianyu's broad shoulders, her slender shoulders twitched, and her fingertips wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, feeling a little sorry for these 10 beauties



 If you don't have such a blow, the difference in age, appearance, figure, and temperament is too big



 I don't know why she doesn't seem to exclude Bai Jianyu's 'new home'



 But what does the ten old man mean and what is the alternate bride What kind of thing is it, and now the upper-class rich people love to play this kind of game of the emperor's concubine selection, it is low-level fun



 Miss Qiao Fei's true identity was noticed by the owner of the Bai family from the beginning, shouldn't it be, in his opinion, that the owner of the Bai family just made the mistake and asking Miss Qiao Fei to take away the gem buckle with the miniature tracker, so that he could track down and investigate Miss Qiao Fei's origin



 Qiao Fei is a girl, 150 years tall, 14 years and 5 months old, short and delicate, in addition to having a super cute and cute Lori face, she also has a pure white physique that makes women jealous, and she is very afraid of the sun's rays, so when she goes out, she will hold a sun umbrella all year round, and she is the second most wanted in the world, the "mysterious predator" thief, Qiao Fei has a deep relationship with the "arms predator" Hades, abbreviation: Strange force Lori



 He doesn't want Wanwan to get involved with other people, Wanwan only needs him



 Linai's advance and retreat have a good grasp of proportion, and she will not be too nymphomaniac to Bai Jianyu, nor will she be too hostile to Mu Wanwan, and the appropriate advance and retreat will not cause Bai Jianyu's deep disgust, but what Lina doesn't know is that Bai Jianyu doesn't like the relationship between others and Mu Wanwan, even if it's just a verbal sentence. Sister' also made Bai Jingyu feel very uncomfortable, possessive, and domineering, he finally sent away all the people around Mu Wanwan who could give her support, and now Mu Wanwan no longer has any related people, she only has him, and she can only rely on him to stay by his side



 Besides, what era is it now, there is still a bride-in-waiting, and the rich people of the wealthy family are all old-fashioned



 Bingyan glanced at Bai Yuyu coldly and refused: You can massage yourself



 Isn't it necessary to go home when you are discharged from the hospital, and you want to buy something in Bai Jianyu, a commercial building



 The purpose of the ten old men's visit this time is just to send alternate brides to the boss, and he doesn't know, but these alternate brides can't be thrown away, since they are women sent by the ten old men, whether the boss wants it or not, at least they can't be sent out for the time being



 What's going on, although Bai Jianyu is not Lina's husband, now it looks like she has become someone else's husband's vixen



 Hey, isn't she an ordinary woman, or does she look like Bai Yuyu's mother?



 Wow, this Japanese doll is really beautiful and beautiful, and she's only 18 years old, oh my God, it's 8 years younger than her, and the veritable little bride makes her cry



 Hey, hey, hey, there is a debtor, and it is Bai Yuyu who has a relationship with you, and it is not her, why do you stare at her, and use such vicious eyes



 Hey, hey, hey, she found the next fat duck, and the next target, they went to steal the Bai family's vault, okay, who called that lewd uncle dare to be so rude to her



 It doesn't matter if the castle is destroyed, he can rebuild his home, and he can have many of them, as long as there is Mu Wanwan, everywhere is 'home'



 Ruthless enough, ruthless enough



 Sister or something, she can't afford this 'title', making her look like a vicious queen with a femme fatale heart in the harem, please ask her, but an only child has no sister, it's okay, there was a little brother before