Chapter 166: The Mysterious Man 2

 "Qiao Fei. Bai Yuyu, who had been silent, suddenly spoke, and his two-color eyes, one gold, and one blue, looked at Lori Qiao Fei lightly before saying, "It seems that we have to talk." "



 "Qiao Fei. Little Lori Qiao Fei did not hesitate to report to Mu Wanwan the name of this world-famous, wanted, and hunted-



 "You... You... Do you think I'm cute?" Qiao Fei, who belongs to the tsundere and arrogant type of Lori, actually stammered, and his cute little face turned shy crimson, like an 18-year-old girl, and her heart was ready to move.



 "Where are you like Lori... The ** prince Zuo Yan, who was trampled on by Qiao Fei's completely darkened thoughts, and his intestines were tangled, pushed the snow-white calves on his abdomen fiercely with both hands and then turned over and jumped repeatedly, away from Qiao Fei, an extremely dangerous, violent and strange woman.



 "Don't look down on natural lolita pie, bastard. "The invincible and cute face is full of arrogant Qiao Fei, and the baby voice is very tender and kawaii, but the words that come out are absolutely rude and scumbag.



 "Now, your name is Black Boy, isn't it, what do you like?" Mu Wanwan, who had positive communication with Black Boy for the first time, completely regarded the cool Black Boy as a little boy and was thinking about whether to buy him a gift to comfort him.



 "Phew. What is called our FBI, I am a black family, a person from the underworld. "Chi Hao, who has always called himself a 'chief', quickly and decisively defected to the enemy.



 "Wow - whose little doll is so cute. As soon as she came out, Mu Wanwan saw Qiao Fei standing in the center of the living room at a glance, his invincible and cute face showed a little adult-like expression, which was indescribably cute and cute. There is also a delicate and ingenious cheongsam with a pair of black leather boots, and pure white skin like a baby, and Qiao Fei, who exudes a super 'cute' atmosphere, makes Mu Wanwan's eyes suddenly red, and one arrow soars up.






 "Hmm..." Mu Wanwan responded softly, her little head leaning on Bai Yuyu's firm and warm chest, and she said lazily with half-squinted eyes: "I'm so tired, I don't want to move." "



 "Well, it's cute. You're the cutest little girl I've ever met. Mu Wanwan nodded her little head sincerely and honestly and said truthfully, and then the two devil claws did not forget to pinch a few handfuls of Qiao Fei's cute apple face, bringing the hooligans and scoundrels to the extreme.



 "Hiss..." Mu Wan's jade-white fingertips stroked his paralyzed right foot, and he didn't understand why his right foot suddenly cramped... Why is she always so unlucky?



 "Thank you for the compliment, Qiao Fei. Even if he stood in the bright sunlight, he was still the best demon who turned all beings upside down, and he replied with a shallow smile from Qiao Fei and continued to look at the Bible in his hand.



 "Alright, Wanwan, get dressed first, we're going out to pick up the guests. Bai Yuyu said in a low voice while gently and considerately serving Mu Wanwan and putting on her clothes.



 "So cute, so cute, so cute. Little doll, what's your name, why do you look so cute? "Mu Wanwan, who has never had much resistance to 'beauty', has just come back to her senses from Bai Yuyu's naked man, and now she was seduced by Lori Qiaofei again, which is heartfelt.



 "If there is no miscalculation, it has been found. Qiao Fei smiled darkly and violently.



 "Miss, are you alright?" a nice voice floated in the air, accompanied by a faint cologne smell, a very elegant taste, a taste that would make people can't help but sink into it.



 "Young master, she is Mu Wanwan, what should I do?" In the carriage, there were several men in black suits, with sharp eyes and iron bones, and they knew at a glance that they were not easy to mess with, their breath was cold, and they were extremely dangerous.



 "It's here, please. "The only normal person in the 'Black Division' is already used to doing public relations work, and he didn't forget to invite the big man in the elevator to come out and appear-



 "Unexpected ordinary. The man's melancholy amber eyes looked at Mu Wanwan who was standing in the distance up and down, and his beautiful lips only gave five words, evaluating Mu Wanwan's whole body.



 "I ..." Just when Mu Wanwan was about to explode the three-character scripture, she happened to pass by an animation store with cartoons playing on the big screen, and the first sentence in it floated over especially loudly-



 "I've seen Lucifer fight black boxing once in the underground black market before..." Qiao Fei's cute little face, who has always had lingering palpitations for Lucifer, said in a serious and dignified and squeamish baby voice: "It's no longer a problem to be ruthless, and every punch you give to your opponent is fatal." It's not like a normal person... It's like... It's like a madman, beaten to death. Even when his opponent has lost his breath, he still does not stop, and no one who has fought a black market boxing match with Lucifer has ever survived. Covered in a bloody murderous aura like a Shura refinery, I think Lucifer's origin must be investigated. "



 "My name is Xiyangyang. "



 "My name is Xiyangyang. "



 "My name is Xiyangyang. "



 "I'm back, where is the eldest sister?" As a member of Mu Wanwan's loyal little fans, Xiao K, the first person to ask when he came back was of course the idol Mu Wanwan.



 According to the news, Lucifer will take a plane at 3 p.m. the day after tomorrow and arrive in the city of N. Bai Yuyu's voice was as cold as ice, and he said in a domineering and restrained manner.



 "Yes, the eldest sister. Qiao Fei rightfully called Mu Wanwan to be the head of the eldest sister, and then said happily with a smile: "It turns out that the eldest sister still knows me." "



 "Yes..." Uncle Zongming, who was wiping the cold sweat on his forehead, suddenly absolutely his dear wife and baby daughter were too cute and kind, too much.



 "Nope. The dark chocolate-colored paws were inserted into the sleeve of the black boy, and the cool little face was stern and answered succinctly.



 "Nope. Hei Tong didn't even bother to look at Mu Wanwan, and replied coolly, as if he couldn't see her kindness at all.



 "Now Lori, it's terrible. Xiao K, who was holding a laptop on the side and constantly entering and perfecting Qiao Fei's information, said with feelings.



 "Definitely. Bai Yuyu sneered, his handsome face was full of killing chills.



 "Wanwan, saliva is running down. As soon as Bai Yuyu, who had chosen clothes for Mu Wanwan, turned around, he saw a certain little woman wandering away, ** evil little touch, and at a glance, she knew that at this time, she was thinking of the 18 forbidden pictures.



 "Wanwan, I'm going to have a meeting, it may be a little later to come out, you can pass the time yourself. He kissed Mu Wanwan's smooth forehead deeply, and Bai Yuyu's handsome face was not only spoiled.



 "Wanwan, are you satisfied to see it? If you like to watch, I can let you see enough naked every day in the bedroom, and of course, you can't wear clothes in the same way. Bai Yuyu's handsome and peerless face raised a bright and dazzling smile, and he looked upright, saying extremely perverted and shameless words.