Chapter 168: The Mysterious Man4

 However, the situation that was about to happen turned a hundred and eighty degrees in the next moment-



 But what did Lucifer do when he came to N City? He couldn't bear it so quickly, and did he want to deal with them himself? Or did he just want to give them a dismount?



 But, this is an illusion, don't be fooled by ignorant little pot friends-



 How worthless is your faithfulness? ——The speechless and embarrassed voice of the whole "Black Division".



 Don't you think... Isn't that too conspicuous?



 What Mu Wanwan didn't know was that Bai Jianyu has always been very perverted, he used to be hidden, but now he is exposed.



 Cut, this little ghost is Qiao Fei, not only is the attack speed fast enough, but even the strength is ... It's also an amazingly big, weird power girl.



 Moving her aching body, Mu Wanwan frowned, still nestled softly in Bai Yuyu's warm arms, and muttered for a while: "You help me get dressed." "



 Awesome characters.



 Placing his hands elegantly on the conference table, Bai Yuyu's two-color eyes, one gold and one blue, glanced sharply at Hedes and Qiao Fei, and asked in a deep voice, "Did you find it?" "



 Anyway, Bai Jianyu has seen everything that should not be seen, and now she is still hypocritical, not to mention that she was tossed by this little pervert all night last night, and now she is sleepy, painful, and hungry, it is bitter for her.



 A perverted aunt.



 Merely... Mu Wanwanxiu's brows furrowed, and her starry eyes looked thoughtfully at the amazingly beautiful man in front of her, and her delicate face flashed with a distressed pain-



 It's just that Satan is not simple, and the forces he implicates are very wide.



 Roar roar, finally someone recognized the natural loli pie. Finally, someone praised her cuteness., Sure enough, the old lady is still the most invincible and cute Lori.



 Huhhehe... It's impossible, how can it be? This little sister looks underage, and there is a limit to how exaggerated it is.



 Oh, how can this guy Bai Jianyu provoke some well-known 'big shots'?



 Well, this little sister is really good-looking, take her out shopping and the return rate is high.



 Judas appeared within the Black family, and Satan, who seduced Judah into a detour, was connected with the mastermind behind Hades.



 Arrogant enough. Dark enough.



 Rampant enough. Enough nymphomaniac.



 Oh my God, none of the people around Bai Yuyu are normal. Black Boy Handsome Guy ... How old are you, and you still look at it, but you just look at it, why do you have to squeeze around a few little pot friends to watch it?



 God knows that Qiao Fei, the second predator, is a 14-year-old girl who has not yet reached adulthood. This reality is also too cruel and shocking.



 She didn't want to stay at home all day long, although she was used to being a housemaid before, but it didn't mean that she would never leave the house, she was about to forget how long she hadn't been on the street.



 What's wrong with their natural lolita pie, cute, fair-skinned, and sweet, it's just that the breasts are a little smaller, what's wrong, I can't see if it's at the airport. ?



 After all, he is a righteous FBI inspector, and now he sees a room full of terrorists, and Nima has to cover them in turn.



 If there is no mistake in the analysis, then he is in common with the enemies of Hades and Qiao Fei, and he must dig out the Judas of the Black family, otherwise the information will continue to leak out, and he will become very bad.



 Such a drunken and dreamy life, how can people not be jealous, envious, and hateful?



 The little head was raised high, and the cool and handsome black boy didn't buy it and said, "No." "



 Just like a doll hugging, Mu Wanwan hugged the immature and short Qiao Fei with both hands, constantly rubbing and rubbing, as if she were a Chinese doll, constantly spoiling and ravaging her, a perverted aunt. The members of the "Black Division Regiment" who saw it on the side were terrified, and they were ready to rescue Mu Wanwan from death.



 Just when Mu Wanwan was struggling in her heart and hesitating whether to go up and call the black boy, a Rolls-Royce extended luxury RV drove at the traffic light on the main road, and stopped on the side of the road after the traffic light.



 Even the omniscient Klein couldn't investigate Lucifer's past, Lucifer's pit... It's deep, it's bottomless, and it's devouring.



 On the commercial street in the city center, Mu Wanwan, who was wearing a sky blue spinning skirt, walked around the bustling street with the black boy who followed closely beside her, Mu Wanwan, who had not been out of the street for a long time, completely felt the beauty of freedom and openness this time, at least the air was a little fresher than at home, although Bai Jianyu's new home was very tall and beautiful.



 The split cheongsam exposed a white flower calf, Qiao Fei took it lightly, patted the messy cheongsam, raised a super cute smile on his invincible and cute face, and said sweetly: "I look like Lori everywhere." "



 I always feel that the black boy is a bit like Bai Jianyu, but Bai Jianyu's skin is not as black as this little boy's. But those cool eyes, cool expressions, and cool looks are carved out of the same mold as Bai Yuyu.



 Mu Wanwan didn't know who Qiao Fei was at all, and she didn't understand what she meant at all, so she just joked with her, "Hahaha, the way you talk is so cute, my name is Mu Wanwan, what's your name, little sister?"



 Mu Wanwan's little head tilted, and her starry eyes looked at Bai Yuyu, and said, "Then can I go out for a walk?"



 Mu Wanwan's crooked little head was very pitiful, Bai Guanyu couldn't help but lean down and kiss her a few times, pretending to be a mysterious guest: "A mysterious guest." "



 Mu Wanwan lazily stretched out her snow-white arms, letting Bai Yuyu help her put on her clothes, her little head tilted and asked, "Guest, who?"



 Mu Wanwan tightened her eyebrows and cursed lowly, wanting to use her left foot to support the weight of her whole body and leave her in a rabbit jump, huh... It doesn't seem realistic. Just barely stood up, her paralyzed right foot softened again, and her body was about to fall, just when Mu Wanwan was about to hit the street, a pair of white and slender hands supported her leaning body in time-