Chapter 172: Be My Woman

 The boring conversation with Lucifer made Mu Wanwan feel drowsy, and besides, why did she have to talk to a man she hadn't known for a little while, she resisted the urge to yawn and said directly: "Why don't you leave yet?"



 Passerby A, you should go home to wash and sleep, we don't know each other, and her eyes are too cold, she is creepy...



 Mu Wanwan's outspoken words made Lucifer, who has always been invincible among women and extremely popular, slightly stunned, her beautiful lips evoked a malicious smile, and her chestnut hair fluttered in the breeze, there was an indescribable beauty and moving, but it made people have a sense of unreachable distance, the man was beautiful and beautiful, and his skin was very fair, but behind the melancholy, there was a cold darkness.



 It's chilling.



 "Be my woman. Lucifer's amber eyes looked deeply at Mu Wanwan, who was stunned, and then threw out a powerful bomb in a cold and pleasant voice, jokingly and proudly, as if Mu Wanwan had lost his luck and picked up a treasure, completely arrogant and arrogant.



 This was the first time he had eaten deflated on a woman.



 Why... Why did she have a feeling of overlapping shadows with Chu Lingfeng, was it her illusion?



 Lean on it. Passerby A, are you gossiping paparazzi, if you want to gossip, you should go to Ba some superstar celebrities, and a woman who has known less than a child, ask you if you have a man. What does this mean, a new way of flirting? Step by step.



 "Sir, can I explode? If not, then I have nothing to say. Mu Wanwan looked at the coquettish and stunning beautiful man Lucifer in front of her calmly and said calmly. SJW.



 Mu Wanwan's calm reaction and answer were completely unexpected by Lucifer, and her stunning and handsome face was almost cracked, in the plan, he originally planned to catch Mu Wanwan in five minutes, but who knew that ten minutes had passed, but she was splashed with cold water.



 And he also looks like he owes a gift of charity. Mr. A, passerby, it's not your fault that the neuropathy is still coming out to scare people, then you are very wrong.



 Mu Wanwan, who was still immersed in her world one moment, was messed up by Lucifer's words the next moment, "What, what?" "



 It's not Chu Lingfeng.



 Can she sue this neuropathic sexual harassment?



 This idiot woman was afraid of him, not so much in fear of him, but in his eyes.



 Amber's eyes slid through a fierce chill, and Lucifer's clear voice gradually sank, and he said in silence with an expressionless face: "You are the funniest woman I have ever met, my name is-"



 If Chu Lingfeng was still alive, would he ... when he saw her now? Wouldn't you be disgusted with her?



 "Are you driving me away?" Lucifer silently stretched out his head to approach Mu Wanwan, the melancholy aura in his amber eyes was gone, and all that was left was a remnant coldness, a bit of cold murderous aura, but it disappeared very quickly, obviously hidden by himself.



 Mu Wan's bright starry eyes widened, and she almost fell out of the window, her red and glamorous little mouth was also wide open so that she could stuff an egg. She looked at Mr. A, a passer-by in front of her who had only known him for about ten minutes, with a look of horror and horror, and she couldn't tell which one was which.



 Mu Wanwan subconsciously followed the voice and glanced in the direction of the black boy outside, and when she looked back again, Lucifer was no longer on the bench and left.



 Excuse me, is this a conversation between normal people? Anyway, they've only known each other for about ten minutes, and then she's going to be his woman?



 It was terrifying, and the lingering aura around this man gave her an ominous feeling and made her feel an indescribable fear in her heart.



 The closer Lucifer's handsome and subversive face became, the more Mu Wanwan wanted to step back, but her slender little hand was tightly grasped by Lucifer at some point, and she could only avoid her head, avoiding the eyes that disturbed her heart, and said stiffly: "Who will be afraid of you, you are not... It's not ...."



 It's a fantasy.



 Damn, the world is crazy.



 There are all kinds of thoughts lingering in her heart, and the problems that have been ignored by Mu Wanwan have gradually surfaced in a calm heart lake because of the appearance of Lucifer, the grievances that can't be sorted out, and the complexes that can't be solved, she doesn't know if she is right now.



 The most terrifying thing is that this man's eyes are too similar to Chu Lingfeng's eyes, obviously one has amber eyes and the other has red eyes, obviously, the two don't look like each other at all, but she always overlaps the outlines of the two of them.



 Or she was already wrong, but she couldn't turn back, Chu Lingfeng... It's gone.



 She betrayed Chu Lingfeng, whether she was willing or not, she had already betrayed Chu Lingfeng, and she couldn't forgive it.



 Posture Tour. These eyes made her feel ... Irresistible choking.



 Although you are beautiful, handsome, and good-looking. Of course, there is nothing to say about an expensive outfit, but does she look like such a casual woman?



 She admits that she has no resistance to men, but when she encounters such a superlative, she thinks that men and horses are all floating clouds and that being rude is the king.



 "Ah, Mu Wanwan, so you are here. Lucifer's deep voice was suddenly interrupted by a black boy running not far away—



 His charm didn't work in front of this ordinary woman.



 Looking at Mu Wanwan, who had all kinds of emotions flashing on her face, Lucifer's beautiful lips hooked confidently, seemingly casual but full of cold: "Do you have a man?"



 "Yes, sir, I don't know you well, so there's no need to talk in depth. Mu Wanwan, who had been not starting, suddenly looked back, only to find that Lucifer was close to her at some point, and her amazingly beautiful face was almost magnified in front of her eyes, and the beautiful effect was amazingly dazzling, so that Mu Wanwan could react for a while, and her starry eyes flashed with a touch of panic, and the words she thought in her heart accidentally slipped out of her mouth: "Damn, passerby A, what are you doing so close." "



 She wished, but it was just her delusion.



 "Are you afraid of me, what are you afraid of, are you afraid that I'll eat you?" the scarlet tongue licked his slightly dry lips, and Lucifer smiled ambiguously, not at all of the temperament of the melancholy prince before, but added a ghostly yin aura.



 Enduring it, Mu Wanwan knew that it was best not to have anything to do with this man if she was sensible, but there were some questions she wanted to ask: "Sir, what is your name?"



 Strange ... Man. Full of mysterious mysteries.