Chapter 180: The Siege 4

 Prince Zuoyan retracted the sharp knife into the sheath, stared at the puppet doll whose little arm was still restless on the ground with narrow peach blossom eyes, and stepped on it fiercely, smashing the puppet doll's wriggling little arm.



 "Which side should you choose?" a joking voice floated from the elevator, and a red suit trouser was the first to step out of the elevator.



 If it weren't for their people, they could only hope that the number of enemies would not be too many, after all, they were the ones who could come in handy... There are only three of them, damn it. What a sad number...



 "Ho. The puppet doll on the ground moved itself strangely, and Qiao Fei, who was shocked, couldn't react at all, seeing that Qiao Fei was about to be assassinated by the kunai in the puppet doll's hand, a round of silver light flashed, and the puppet doll floating in mid-air was instantly cut into pieces and shattered to the ground-



 "It's not good, it feels bad. ** Prince Zuo Yan glanced at the injured and poisoned Hades, and then at the wreckage of the place, Xiu Mei frowned more and more uneasily, a flash of spiritual light quickly flashed, and he and Qiao Fei tacitly glanced at each other, and the two said in unison: "Get out of here quickly." "



 Hmph, this stinky little imp who escaped from the battle.



 Qiao Fei, who rushed to Hades' side, quickly squatted down, his blue eyes carefully examined the blackened wounds on Hades's body and said in distress: "Oops." Hades seems to have been poisoned, and the kunai that stabbed him was poisonous. "



 Depend on. It's not good.



 This monster girl is ruthless and unrighteous. If it weren't for the fact that there were only two of them left here., He wants to kill this monster girl in seconds...



 Qiao Fei, who squinted at the elevator number out of the corner of his eye, snorted indecently, and no longer pulled with Zuo Yan, after pushing Hades under the bar and hiding, he stood on both sides of the elevator exit with Zuo Yan, with a cute face dignified and cautious, and the squeamish doll voice Lao Cheng said: "Hey, bastard boy, the old lady doesn't want to die here, wait a minute, don't pull my hind legs." "



 It hadn't been a while since he'd smelled blood, and he was getting a little rusty, and it was time to move his muscles.



 and the usual cynical Zuo Yan, judging like two people.



 His people are still enemies., This makes him tangled and nervous...



 "It's going to be. Zuo Yan, who was pulling the silver thread tightly with both hands, couldn't tear off this small silver thread no matter how hard he tried, and his palms were rubbed until he bled, amazing hardness.



 She's not interested in challenging her chances of surviving a jump from the 63rd floor. In other words, their only exit here is the private elevator.



 "You take Hades, and we'll go out first. The prince said cautiously to Qiao Fei and took out his mobile phone to call back the members of the 'Black Division' who were outside, but found that the mobile phone signal in this area was interfered with, and he couldn't make a call at all. Zuo Yan couldn't help but curse: "Damn, it's been calculated." "



 What should I do? Can I seal this elevator gate?



 Staring at the rising floor numbers of the elevator, Qiao Fei's breathing gradually accelerated and became messy. Doll Yin asked nervously, "Is it possible?"



 "Jianhao VS Jianhao, who is the strongest?" The man with heavy rock music headphones in both ears blocked Zuo Yan's knife with one hand, and grinned at the corner of his lips: "Your rhythm is good, it sounds like quiet classical music, but it is brutal heavy metal." "



"In the lower asura, the NO.3 of the new 'Red Division', see above. The cyan-haired, unruly Asura held the arm of the Taidao and waved it hard, and the wild sword qi completely suppressed the quiet sword qi of the ** prince Zuo Yan, and forced Zuo Yan to gradually retreat, while listening to the rock music in the dual headphones, he looked at the struggling Zuo Yan, and said expectantly: "The beat and rhythm on your body are getting more and more into the state, good feeling." Let me continue to hear a little more. "



 . Asura, 25 years old, height 187, gender male. Blue-haired and arrogant, his personality is freewheeling and uninhibited. Features: No matter what time it is, he often can't hear what others say when he wears heavy rock music headphones in both ears, and he claims to be good at listening to the melody of other people's souls.



 and Zuo Yan, the first swordsman of the "Tricolor Column Family", has comparable strength.



 "I'm Wojin, the second seat of the new 'Red Division', and I have taught the little girl a lot. The giant hand with a height of 220 stretched out violently, tightly grabbed Qiao Fei's small doll-like ankle, shook the petite Qiao Fei with a backhand gravity, and threw the petite Qiao Fei's whole person onto the mahogany coffee table, with a 'bang', which was especially deafening, and a small crack appeared on the coffee table.



 Compared with Qiao Fei's innate strange power, Wojin's divine power is far superior to Qiao Fei's innate and acquired powers.



 On the other hand, Qiao Fei's situation is not easy-



 , I almost got smashed on the head by this weird woman, it's so dangerous.



 Damn, isn't it?. Which one doesn't want to die and the pervert is so ruthless....



 I saw the only exit on the 63rd floor - the private elevator billowing smoke, apparently a small explosive pressed from the inside, blasting the power supply and equipment of the private elevator, the exit is no longer usable, unless you dare to jump from the height of the 63rd floor, or don't expect to escape from here...



 Is this the number one swordsman of the "Tricolor Column Family"? The swordsmanship attainments are indeed very high, and the potential is also very great, but it lacks a passion that makes people boil. The sword qi is too tepid to swallow...



 And is this man named Asura in the third seat? The strength is also ... It's too strong.



 Hearing this, the half-blood-stained face of the ** prince raised a weird sinister smile, the effect was eerie, terrifying, and terrifying, plus the blood stains on his face, it was terrifying to scream. "And next time, you can just go to seppuku for me. "



 "Ahh "



 Zuo Yan's words, obviously can't get into Asura's ears wearing rock headphones, he is still listening to heavy rock music beautifully, the action of the sword in his hand is becoming more and more intense, crazy, chaotic swordsmanship seems to be arbitrary, but it is terrifying, and the overwhelming momentum is not bluffing.



 Wo Jin, 36 years old, height 220, gender male. A super giant with infinite strength, with a grip strength of 100 kilograms, he is born with divine power, and he is the second seat of the new "Red Division", referred to as Orangutan Giant.



 The delicate scolding did not stop, and the coffee table raised by Lori Qiao Fei with both hands on his head was thrown towards the giant Wojin like a fierce throw, but- I didn't expect this orangutan to look clumsy and huge enough, but the speed of his feet to dodge was extremely flexible, and he flashed around all of a sudden, and the coffee table that Qiao Fei threw out was empty, no... didn't pounce into the air, but he missed the target, and smashed straight in the direction of the back of Zuo Yan's head.