Chapter193: The Funeral, The Return 3

 The geographical location of this island can't even be calculated by instruments, and people outside can't find here, but now she has brought two people back to the island... But, she believed it was going to be okay, they didn't look like bad people, at least she wanted to believe they were good people.



 At least that's what her heart told herself·



 Miss Lala, you're here... The handsome red-haiChi tong wears simple and simple civilian clothes, different from the meticulous old suits of the past, and now he is no different from ordinary boys who are 14 years old, except for being a little handsome, a little pretty, and a little dazzling with fiery red hair, no different from ordinary people.



 Looking at the Chi tong who ran straight and fast, Lala, who was half-squatting in front of the tombstone, slowly stood up, the sky blue gauze skirt rippled with the wind, like the color of the sky, and she raised a quiet smile when she was surrounded by the sea breeze, and said gently: It turned out to be a red child, what's wrong...



I·· I·· I... Looking at the quiet and smiling Lala, as pure and gentle as an angel, so beautiful, so elegant, and the Chi tong who has always been indifferent to others stammered for the first time, his handsome face was slightly stiff and broke out in a thin cold sweat, and his ears were flushed with shy crimson.



 Lala quietly looked at the Chi tong with red ears and cold sweat, and she blinked her beautiful and rippling eyes. Slightly hooked and chuckled pleasantly, took out a clean handkerchief handed it to Chitong, and smiled considerately: Don't worry, speak slowly...



 Hehehe, Chitong is so cute and simple, every time I see her, I blush, and everything I think is written on my face.



 The Chi tong took the handkerchief handed by Lala in a low voice, wiped a few handfuls on Jun's face, and then blushed and said embarrassedly: "Well, the housekeeper's mother-in-law said that breakfast was ready, please Miss Lala go back to eat...



 What's wrong with him, every time I see Miss Lala, he looks like this... It's all because Miss Lara is so good-looking, much better than anyone he's seen in the past.



 Beautiful, gentle, kind, intelligent, and noble, there is a kind of tranquility that can calm people's minds, Miss Lala is a very incredible woman.



 I know, Chitong, let's go back together·· Hearing this, Lala nodded softly, stepped forward, and took the initiative to hold Chitong's hand, just like a big sister, considerate and gentle: Let's go··



 The brain of the Chi tong who was suddenly held by Lala reacted several beats slowly before he came back to his senses, the back of his ears burst red, and his voice squeezed out a word semi-stiffly: ·hmm·· Then he thought about it, looked back at the tombstone not far behind him, and his dark eyes flickered, and he was silent and silent.



 That tombstone must be Miss Lala's parents, I heard the housekeeper's mother-in-law say that Miss Lala would come here every morning to bring them flowers, why did Miss Lala insist on staying on this island forever, even if it was beautiful, she would be bored of staying for the rest of her life.



 But the housekeeper's mother-in-law said that Miss Lala had been living on this island for 20 years and that she had been trapped on this island since she was born. Why, are you hiding from something?



 What are you thinking about? Lala's quiet and crisp voice interrupted the train of thought in Chitong's mind at the same time, turned to look at him with a beautiful face, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, your master will wake up...



 The owner of the red child is still in a coma in the hospital room in the island villa, and he has been unconscious for the past few months, which is reassuring.



 Thinking of the unconscious Chu Lingfeng, remembering the explosion in the church, the deep black eyes of the Chi tong faintly shone with red blood, and the breath on his body also became fierce and ruthless, he clenched his fists with both hands fiercely, and said firmly: "The master will wake up, he will wake up, I believe he will be able to wake up...



 As long as the master wakes up, they will immediately go back to the Chi family, and with the master's outstanding ability, they will be able to kill Bai Jianyu...



 The hateful black family, the hateful Bai Yuyu ·



 Looking at the increasingly cold Chitong Lala's thin eyebrows wrinkled slightly, holding Chitong's hand tightly, the pleasant voice said quietly: Not everything in the world can be satisfactory When you encounter unsatisfactory things, no matter how angry, unwilling, or hateful, please don't forget your personality, once your personality is distorted, misfortune will come... Smiled happily, Lala's charming eyes bloomed with wisdom... He smiled crookedly and said: This is the life guidance that my parents gave me before their deaths.



 If she even gives up her personality, how can she be happy, so she doesn't want Chitong's personality to be distorted, she doesn't want him to get off the right track in life in the future, and she doesn't want to see his misfortune befall him.



 Lala's voice was soft and quiet, but there was strong willpower in her tone, Chi Tong was stunned for a moment, her faint brows were tightly tangled together, and she wandered: Miss Lala...



 What Miss Lara said is right, it's not wrong, no matter what happens, you can't distort your personality, but is there anyone who can do it?



 The master he·· The master is not even in a coma, he is so unwilling, so resentful, so angry... I want to pull all the people of the black family down to be buried with me·



 Sure enough, people like them who are twisted and dark are not fit to live in the sun, and they don't deserve to stay with Miss Lara, who will be polluted by their darkness sooner or later.



 The Chi tong suddenly withdrew the hand that was held by Lala, and his handsome face deliberately wanted to avoid Lala's inquiring eyes, and his voice suddenly became indifferent. Miss Lala, I'll go back first, walk back slowly by yourself.



 As soon as the words fell, the Chi tong turned around without looking back and resolutely ran away, leaving Lala alone on the silent flower path.



 The clear sea water was beating against the waves, a gust of breeze with the smell of seawater was blowing, and the sky blue gauze skirt was blowing, and the long black hair dotted with pearls was fluttering in the wind, and she reached out to block the golden sunlight on her head. Heart··



 It's so painful, it's so uncomfortable, why do you have to force yourself?



 The people out there are much more complicated than the people here...



 But... It's a lot more pitiful.





 The beautiful island after night seems more mysterious and psychedelic, like a Penglai fairy island hidden in a mirage, looming in the night, leading people to deep reverie -



 There is a villa with high-tech facilities on the beautiful island, the villa is divided into three floors, there is a garden with a hundred flowers, a swimming pool, an ornamental lake, and a playground for playing, all the facilities are the same, and there is an outdoor room with transparent glass walls on all sides in the open-air garden, this room is Chu Lingfeng's ward, and the reason why Lala set Chu Lingfeng in the open-air garden is to hope that he can feel the warm sunshine and wake up as soon as possible.



 Chu Lingfeng's ward, from the inside, you can see the beautiful scenery of flowers blooming in the big garden outside, as if you are in a sea of flowers, and Chu Lingfeng, who is lying in the big one, has his eyes closed, his face is still handsome, his red hair is still dazzling, but he is a little less popular, glucose drops are hanging on his arm, and the life instrument next to the big bed is ringing, proving that Chu Lingfeng is still alive.



 Gently opened the transparent glass door, changed into a pink skirt, and slowly walked into Chu Lingfeng's ward, followed by the nagging housekeeper mother-in-law-



 Miss Lala, is this really good, is it okay to leave these two people of unknown origin on the island? The chubby housekeeper's mother-in-law is a maid who has taken care of Lala for 20 years, except for the most nagging, everything else is very good, except for the parents, the housekeeper's mother-in-law is Lala's third relative.



 When the lady and the lord died, she entrusted Miss Lala, who was only ten years old, to her, even if she fought hard, she would protect Miss Lala, but sometimes she still felt very sorry for Miss Lala, who was only 20 years old and so young, but she could only stay on this island forever, and she couldn't go out, and she couldn't get acquainted with the people of the outside world, and there was always only one person.



 Hey, hey, hey, hey... It's just that the unusual identity of the lord and the lady is blamed.



 A few months ago, Miss Lala brought two seriously injured men back to the island for treatment, although she was a little uneasy, she really couldn't bear to see Miss Lala back alone, and there were two people from the outside world to chat with Miss Lala, which was much better than her old woman.