Chapter197 The Funeral, The Return7

 Why did they join forces with Bai Jianyu to establish the "Bai Group" in N City, they can't say why·



 But this is a great opportunity to taunt the wolf.



 Holding Mu Wanwan and Xiao K. Bai Yuyu through the white steel ladder connected in the middle, and the moment they passed by Mu Miaotian, Ci's voice said in a deep voice: I will pay you back this favor, but the conditions do not include Wanwan...



 He won't give Wanwan to Mu Miaotian, even if Wanwan doesn't love himself, he will never let go...



 But... He is still very grateful to Mu Miaotian for his rescue.



 Mu Miaotian heard Bai Jianyu's words, but he was just silent and didn't say anything, his purple eyes looked at the building where the fire was spreading rapidly, and he frowned and said solemnly: Come in, the people of the Hei family... A wicked smile appeared on her beautiful face... Let's restore the alliance for the time being.



 That's right, as early as five years ago, Bai Jianyu and Mu Miaotian cooperated in an alliance Although the two of them are really incompatible, really hot, quarrels, fights, and disagreeable to each other is simply something that happens every day, but unexpectedly, the two quarrel and quarrel, but they never really get serious and have to kill each other, although the noisy and noisy are not very harmonious, but they are also lively.



 Once Bai Jianyu and Mu Miaotian cooperate seriously, the beat and rhythm will become extremely compatible, tacit and tacit.



 After Bai Yuyu entered the plane, then there was Asura, the Lanling Emperor who was holding Hedes, and Qiao Fei, who had a sprained arm, looked at Mu Miaotian with a serious face, and said straight to the point: The master of the Bai family, Hedes and I will not return your favor, this matter was originally a matter of your "Tricolor Lie Family", and the two of us were forced to get involved...



 What are you kidding, it's very expensive to repay the favor of the Bai family, and she doesn't want to pay it back, and she and Hades were also injured and really lost money·



 Looking at the pure white and cute but serious Qiao Fei Mu Miaotian silently, he was just about to speak, but was interrupted by the loud explosion sound in the living room, billowing smoke gushing out, blocking Mu Miaotian's sight, and the next moment, Qiao Fei's delicate body was kicked out of the billowing black smoke, and smashed straight on Mu Miaotian's body...



 'Boom, boom', loud explosions resounded one after another, and it was difficult to see the real situation in the living room in the thick smoke on the side, and the plane flying next to the constantly exploding building was about to be implicated, Mu Miaotian frowned fiercely, and decisively dragged Qiao Fei into the plane, and the next moment, the long ladder connecting the living room was slowly retracted, and the open door was also closed, and the silver-white plane gradually flew away from the rapidly spreading fire-



 Slow down · There's another person inside... Prince... Qiao Fei's clenched fists and hands hammered the soundproof glass of the plane desperately, and the doll voice shouted Zuo Yan's name, and his blue eyes rolled with crystal tears.



 The kick that kicked Qiao Fei out was kicked by Prince Zuo Yan At the last moment of explosion, Zuo Yan actually helped Qiao Fei get out of danger.



 ・Prince・There are times when it is very reliable···



 Through the window of the plane, Mu Miaotian looked at the black smoke and explosions that were gushing out of the living room not far from the plane, and he said calmly and indifferently: "The plane can't stop anymore, otherwise even we will suffer...



 Even if there are still people in there who haven't left, they won't survive... Who knew the fire would spread so fast, that person... Dead ·



 The heroic brows were tightly tangled together, Bai Yuyu's handsome face was heavy, and the deep voice was unwillingly heavy: Zuo Yan...



 Damn... First Klein and now Lian Zuoyan· Are you going to lose it too?



 The 'Black Division' that lost the two of them, is it still a 'Black Division'?



· Prince·· Prince... Knowing how to call Zuo Yan, it is impossible to hear it, the plane has completely left, but Qiao Fei still keeps calling desperately, through the weak smoke, Qiao Fei vaguely saw that there were two figures in the living room of a sea of fire, constantly entangled, and fighting to the death.



 One is Prince Zuoyan's, one is · · Wojin, who had a broken arm, wasn't even dead...



 Dead orangutans·· It's really durable·· Zuo Yan, who was choked by the smoke and was about to faint, swung the knife with difficulty, barely resisting the attack of Wojin's one-handed punch, and Zuo Yan, who was not as strong as Wojin, was in a weak air and surrounded by raging fires. The tall body became crumbling, and I couldn't help but pinch my heart when I saw it.



 'Bang' Zuo Yan had an unsteady hand in his hand The sharp knife that came out of his hand flew in a circle in the air and pierced deeply into the floor Zuo Yan Junxiu's face showed a 'hell' expression when he lost his only weapon, and he bit his lip and said in frustration: Cut·· It's really going to be over...



 Knowing Early·· I didn't save Qiao Fei just now, and running first is the king. I really can't be a good person.



coughcough· After a few more puffs of smoke, Zuo Yan's breath became weaker and weaker·· The tall body dodged the almost crazy attack of Wojin with unsteady steps, and out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the plane that had left far away, and smiled weakly: · BOSS·bye-by-bye···



 He's really unlucky today. It's the endgame·



 Seeing that Wojin's ruthless fist was about to fall down, Zuo Yan, who was out of breath, had no strength to dodge, and just when he thought it was about to be finished, a silver thread quickly rushed in, and restrained Wojin's thick arm in time, like a ghost, and the solid silver thread dragged Wojin into the raging flames alive, trapping him to death in the flames that extinguished everything...



 It's going to explode soon, so if you don't want to die, let's go... Rina, who was trapped in the flames with Wojin, turned her head slightly in the blazing sea of fire, her pure and beautiful face was reddened by the flames, and there was a kind of poignant beauty, he glanced at Zuo Yan, and her red lips chuckled: "One life for another, as if I had returned it to Klein...



 She can't go back, she is no longer qualified to turn back, she fell into the trap of Satan, sacrificed the Red Family, deviated from the "Red Division", discarded her dignity and principles, and what face did she have to turn back... I'm sorry ·



 Slow down, you... I didn't expect Lina to save herself, Zuo Yan, whose consciousness had been blurred, subconsciously stretched out her hand to save her from the fire, but it was too late, a wooden beam rested horizontally, completely isolated Lina from the fire, the fire became fierce, not to mention wanting to save Lina from the fire, even Zuo Yan didn't have the ability to escape...


 Abominable, abominable, abominable...



 Really... Am I so reduced to the point that I want a woman to save me? Seeing that Rina Zuoyan, who was ruthlessly engulfed by the fire, retracted her outstretched arm in a decadent manner, breathed weakly, staggered to the empty exit, looked at the height of the 63rd floor from above, looked back at Rina who was engulfed by the fireworks, and said with a wry smile: "Who wants to die with you? I don't want to be buried with you...



 After speaking·· Prince Zuoyan actually jumped from the height of the 63rd floor-