Chapter200: Amnesia, brother 3

 But it's not a way to keep going like this, after all, Chu Lingfeng and Chitong will have to leave the island sooner or later, and Lala can't stay by Chu Lingfeng's side like this, this problem has made Lala and Chitong entangled for a long time, but they have never been able to figure out a way, they can only do this for the time being, at least they have to wait for Chu Lingfeng's body to fully recover before they can make plans again.



 Chu Lingfeng's physical foundation is very good, and he recovered quickly, three days later, he was able to get out of bed and go out for a walk, but the time couldn't be too long, and at that time, Lala had to be by Chu Lingfeng's side, watching him take care of him, otherwise it was estimated that he would not be willing to go back to rest on time, because Chu Lingfeng after amnesia was only willing to listen to Lala's words for the time being, which made Lala and Chitong entangled again.



 After the amnesia, Chu Lingfeng is completely different from his previous personality and behavior, it is simply like two people, there is no heavy restraint in the past, malicious rendering, and the current Chu Lingfeng may be his original, purest, and most genuine Ben...



 A clear blue sky, clear and pleasant, a large garden full of flowers under the bright sun, butterflies dancing, petals dancing in the wind, lingering with a faint fragrance, the scenery covered with golden sunshine is incredible, a beauty from nature·



 The green grass is soft and soft, like a blanket, Lala, who is dressed in a lilac dress, sits on the soft lawn, surrounded by a few Bichon puppies, she plays with the puppies while beating the beat, and sings loudly in a quiet and crisp voice, but the singing voice is gradually spread throughout the whole garden, quiet and soft, very beautiful, like the sound of nature.



 Chu Lingfeng, who had been following Lala, was also sitting on the soft lawn like her, enjoying the cool breeze and bright sunshine on the island, listening attentively and fascinated to her moving singing, her flame-like dazzling eyes flashing brightly, handsome, resolute, handsome, his red eyes kept looking at Lala beside him, listening to her singing quietly.



 It wasn't until Lala's crisp and pure singing stopped that Chu Lingfeng laughed from the bottom of his heart: ·



 Obviously there is no accompaniment of any instrument, obviously it is just a casual cappella, but it makes him feel very good, better than any singing, pure, unpolluted·



 Hearing this, Lala's beautiful little face raised a bright smile, and her slender little hand teased the puppy next to her, and laughed hehehe: "Hehehehe, this is what my mother used to teach me to sing··



 The songs she can sing are all written down by her mother before, and they are completely different from the songs sung by people in the outside world, no rhythm, no beat, no tone, only a few simple lyrics, very free and lively, song score·



 Mom · I don't know why, Chu Lingfeng subconsciously felt very unfamiliar with the word 'mother', and he didn't even feel any of it, he glanced at Lala beside him, and asked casually: In this way, what about your parents?



 He doesn't seem to have seen Lala's parents yet, aren't they on the island?



 My parents are no longer there, they died 10 years ago. Lala replied calmly ·



 Lala's words didn't make Chu Lingfeng feel any embarrassing apologies, because he didn't have any feelings for the word 'parents', he continued to look at Lala and asked, "Then you have been living on this island, don't you go outside?"



 Listen to the boy named Chitong say, he is not a resident of the island of Lala, he is just a person rescued by Lala, so what is the outside world like, and where does he belong?



 Chu Lingfeng's words made Lala shake her head, and smiled peacefully: I promised my parents' last words, I can only live on this island for the rest of my life, and I can only go out of the island once in three years, and the condition is that I can't have too much contact with people outside.



 If she goes out too often, she'll be found by 'those people', and then she might be like her lost brothers, and she won't be able to come back...



Why·· Although Chu Lingfeng has amnesia, his IQ is still smart, he frowned, and he quickly understood Lala's words. Who are you hiding from living on this island?



 Otherwise, no one would want to be trapped in one place forever, and this place is still so uninhabited.



 Ahh Lala's crisp voice chuckled like a silver bell, and she didn't deliberately hide the reason, but generously admitted: "Yes, my parents and I are indeed hiding from some people, in fact, I don't know what things are like, but my parents told me before that my two brothers were snatched away by those people, so for fear that something will happen to me, they almost don't let me go out of the island...



 As for how her two older brothers are now, she doesn't know, she's never seen them, except for the photos.



 You also have two older brothers. Chu Lingfeng was slightly taken aback, his flaming eyes became more and more dazzling under the bright sunlight.



 Brother, Brother, Strange·· How did he say a little bit about these two words? Painful sensation · ·



 Yes, do you want to see their pictures, I have baby photos of both of them, oh, it's so cute, · Saying that, Lala happily took Chu Lingfeng's big hand and led him in the direction of his room—



 A dreamy and gorgeous room like a princess, which matches Lala's identity very well, is full of the sweet atmosphere of a pink princess, and there is a white carved photo frame on the mahogany desk, and inside is an old photo of a bit of a year·



 Picking up the photo frame on the desk, Lala handed the photo frame to Ling Feng, pointing to the two meaty and tender little babies in the photo, laughing and saying: "Look, these are my two brothers, it's very cute...



 Mom said that her two brothers were twin brothers, and they were born on the same day, but because they were fraternal twins, they looked different from identical twins, and the two of them looked like a father and a mother.



 You can tell by looking at the hair color, a black hair, a white hair, strange incongruity·



 After taking the photo frame handed over by Lala, Chu Lingfeng's red eyes were suddenly attracted by the photo in the photo frame, and he couldn't take his eyes off the two little BBs whose hair colors were completely opposite to each other in the photo, and his eyebrows tightened unconsciously, and he said in confusion: Your two elder brothers are really strange, what are their names?



 One black and one white can still be brothers... Here it is again, his head is starting to hurt again, and he always feels like something important has passed him by these days, but he can't think of anything.



 was asked by Chu Lingfeng about the names of the two little BBs in the photo, Lala simply tilted her little head, thought hard, and smiled with her crescent eyes: Ah·· I don't know what their names are.



 Mom and Dad didn't tell her the names of her brothers, as if they wanted to hide something deliberately, and now she didn't have time to ask them.



 Or, she won't be able to recognize her brothers for the rest of her life, because she can't leave the island.



 Hmmm, don't you even know the names of your two older brothers? Chu Lingfeng felt strange, but seeing Lala's pure and undisguised appearance, it didn't look like he was lying, so it might be Lala's parents who were secretive... That·· What are the names of your parents?



 Chu Lingfeng didn't know why he was asking so much about Lala's past... It's just that he wants to know about Lala, the more the better, and he wants to know more about Lala.



 Because Lara is the only one in his world.



 Chu Lingfeng's most fundamental question, ordinary people may choose not to answer, or even ignore it, but obviously Lala is not an ordinary person, she still smiled and replied happily: Father's name is Hei Fan, Mother's name is Bai Ji...



 She's happy, it's the day she talks to other people the most on the island, she likes to talk, she loves to sing, she likes to talk to people·



 The moment Lala's voice fell, Chu Lingfeng's head suddenly felt a dull pain, as if something blunt in his head was hit, he knelt heavily on the ground, covered his faintly aching head with one hand, and his red lips muttered involuntarily: · Fan Bai · Ji · ·



 Strange, Strange· It's weird... Why did he think these two names were like... It seems to have a sense of déjà vu... He seems to have heard it somewhere... It's like I've seen it··



 He used to... It's hard to see Lala's parents before, how could it be, haven't they been dead for ten years, and he was only 18 years old ten years ago...



 Chu Lingfeng's red eyes became more and more crimson and dazzling, and the corner of his eyes inadvertently glanced at the photo in the photo frame in his hand, and the two little BBs in it, one black and one white, suddenly overlapped with the two blurred faces in his mind, and finally were scattered again, he tightly covered his increasingly painful head, and breathed in the air·· Ahh



 He didn't know if he could trust his instincts, but he had a feeling in his heart... He may have met Lala's parents before... Even·· There's even her two older brothers...