Chapter 205: Beasts

 The night is deep, the faint moonlight is shrouded in this long area of the Japanese-style house, there is a hazy and tranquil beauty, in the large bedroom of the main house, Mu Miaotian, who sat on the ground and sat at the small wooden long table, looked thoughtfully at the old and yellowed photo in his hand, the shoulder-length silver hair was made long and short by Qiao Fei in the morning, very funny, in desperation, Mu Miaotian could only find a hairstylist to cut off the long hair as bright as the Milky Way, and the fine and handsome silver short hair set off Mu Miaotian's beautiful and handsome face more and more outstandingly· The handsome short hair has gathered up a slender feminine beauty, but it shows the heroism of Mu Miao Tiannan more and more·



 The beauty is sandwiched with the heroic spirit of Xuan'an·



 At night, Mu Miaotian only wore a loose yukata, and the folded open place revealed his white chest. At this moment, he was looking at the old photo in his hand, his beautiful eyebrows were tightly entangled, and his beautiful face was full of displeasure.



 Throwing away, the old photos floated in the air a few times, withered and fell on the refreshing tatami mats, Mu Miutian spread out his limbs and lay flat on the tatami mats in the laziest posture, like flowers·· One by one·· Tsk, what bad luck...



 Although the photo thrown on the ground by Mu Miaotian is already very old and yellow, it does not affect the clarity of the picture quality, and I can still see clearly the two on the photo, the tender little BB, the facial features of the two little BBs have been extremely delicate and beautiful since childhood, and the black and white hair, not to mention how cute and eye-catching it is, must be a line of super handsome guys when they grow up, I saw the small meat fist of the black-haired little BB in the photo smashing the little fleshy face of the white-haired little BB· And the white-haired little BB is not to be outdone, stretching out his little short legs and kicking the soft belly of the black-haired little BB, you punch me and kick me, that disdainful look, that half-sarcastic smile, the relationship between the two little BBs, not to mention how loving and affectionate it is.



 ⊙_⊙b Khan, dare to love the struggle between the two of you began when you were a little BB··



 Just as Mu Mutian was looking up at the Japanese chandelier on the ceiling and contemplating. Huh'--The camphor paper wooden door of the bedroom was suddenly opened violently, Mu Miaotian still calmly maintained a lazy posture, and the ruffian's voice said lazily: "Bai Tong, I haven't taught you many times, I'm going to knock on the door when I come in, and next time I'll throw you into the small black room, find a few men to abuse you··



 What a troublesome little kid Why did you come into his room in the middle of the night? It's not a big beauty with a hot body, such a shriveled and bad figure, and it's not even to the point of pedophilia...



 There was a silent silence, unexpectedly without Bai Tong's noisy rebuttal, Mu Miaotian soon realized that something was wrong, two beautiful and one tight, just when he wanted to get up from the tatami mat, a black shadow covered his head, and then--the lean waist tightened·· The straight legs are clamped by a strange heavy force, and the posture of being hugged by a koala...



 Dare to use Mu Miaotian, the dark young master, as a pillow, who is this bold koala, who is so self-harming, can't think about it, doesn't want to die...



 The gurgling baby voice is delicate and soft, with a thick sleepiness, not to mention how cute and heartwarming it is, Qiao Fei, who is only wearing thin pajamas, is hugging Mu Miaotian tightly in a koala posture, hugging his warm chest with both hands, and his white and tender legs clamping his waist tightly·· The pure white and cute face that clings to him unconsciously rubs coquettishly in his arms, like a little cat without resistance, men, women and children are killed in an instant.



 Although Qiao Fei is usually very rude, very obscene in speaking, and very aunty in action, but as long as Qiao Fei doesn't speak and doesn't move, her cute Lori appearance aura is still very dazzling and cute, but it's only under the motionless static, as soon as she speaks, the image of Lori is shattered, the aunt's soul is fierce and prominent, and it's all broken.



 Mu Miaotian, who was shaking for a while, stretched out his big white hand, pinched Qiao Fei's cute and pure white face, and was satisfied to hear her 'mmmmmmmmmm



 It's a pity, obviously Mu Miaotian didn't have the romantic feelings of pity for Xiang Xiang and Jade, and the next moment he pushed Qiao Fei, who was sticking to him tightly, with his hands and feet, desperately pushing away, his beautiful handsome face was distorted by anger, and his voice was almost squeezed out between his teeth... Country girl, are you crazy, aren't you, even Ben Shao, dare to sneak attack, I want to die, I can fulfill you...



 Ben Shao's fun is only on the big beauties with mature and hot bodies·· This dead country girl doesn't look at her flat figure, she wants to have no breasts, she wants to have no waist, and she dares to play sneak attack for Ben Shao.



 That's why he said that he hates underage kids the most, and that's really TM's bad luck.



 Get out of here, get out of here, I'll fuck, die country girl, don't put saliva on me, it's dirty... Damn, you're dead... The big bedroom was filled with Mu Miaotian's gritted teeth and curses, at this time, his beautiful handsome face was like the distorted color of 'being forced, violated, and defiled', if Mu Miaotian had a pistol in his hand at this time, he would definitely collapse Qiao Fei who was drooling in his arms for the first time.



 Damn, dirty, dirty, dirty... This country girl is doing it on purpose, isn't it pretending to be asleep? Who trained such a sinister and filthy child?



 Mu Miaotian's thin Japanese bathrobe was soon wet and transparent by Qiao Fei's saliva, and his white chest was sticky and wet, not to mention how disgusting, for a person with a serious cleanliness habit, it was simply cruel torture, Mu Miaotian desperately wanted to shake off the little Lori in his arms, but Qiao Fei's natural strange power was too strong, unless she was really shot and destroyed, or Mu Miaotian's strength would not be able to break free from her...



 Damn, is this still a woman, it's unbelievable that a woman has so much strength, and she's still an underage woman, rubbing, she really should be caught and dissected.