Chapter 212 Bai Jianyu & Mu Wanwan

 ⊙_⊙b Khan, a woman's heart is really a needle under the sea, plus Mu Wanwan has been used to being more and more tempered by Bai Yu, more and more qualified, that is more unfathomable than the average woman's heart.





 The weather is very good, the clouds are very white, the sky is very blue, Bai Yuyu's handsome face is very dark, and even the mood of the seven people with the "Black Division" is gradually becoming melancholy-



 I said boss, you called us over, it didn't mean that we could see your handsome face, did you? Changed the sitting position three times·· Prince Zuoyan finally couldn't help but say·



 BOSS, your old man is idle and has nothing to do, so I'll roll around with my eldest sister, roll a few more laps, it's only nine o'clock early in the morning, and I'll dig him out of the bed.



 He's a bastard.・I can't lie down and sleep every night without four or five o'clock.Now it's good.,Just fell asleep and was summoned by the boss.·



I want to get married·· Bai Yuyu, who had always been dark and handsome, finally spoke·



 As soon as Bai Jianyu's words were spoken, the faces of the seven members of the "Black Division" present showed subtle expressions - as if they had swallowed a big fly.



 Prince Zuoyan almost choked to death by his own saliva He looked at Bai Jianyu in disbelief and asked: You want to get married.



 Obedient, it's really unseemly, I didn't expect the boss to be silent at times, and there is really a set of chasing girls, and even the eldest sister has got it.



 Bai Yuyu's two-color eyes, one gold and one blue, swept lightly, and after taking the subtle expressions on the faces of the seven members of the "Black Division" into his eyes, he said: But Wanwan disagreed··



 Let's just say, how could the eldest sister agree so easily-the above seven members of the "Black Division Group" are unusually unanimous.



 That, how little confidence you have in Bai Yuyu?



 Wanwan wants me to propose to her before agreeing to marry me, I don't know what a marriage proposal is, but you guys have to think of a 'proposal' thing... What is called power oppression, it is said that it is Bai Yuyu·



 You see how convenient this is, throw all the questions to the "Black Division", they think, and it's convenient to be a boss.



 It's just that Bai Jianyu miscalculated, the "Black Division" and him belong to the same kind of people, and they are not normal people, how do they know what is called a normal way to propose, so they began to discuss the topic of "marriage proposal" in depth, and after many votes and discussions, the final votes were unanimously passed - that is, a dead horse is cured as a live horse.



 Anyway, the eldest sister is the boss in this life.,If she can readily agree.,Then everyone will be happy.If not?,Then·· It's just the boss who suffers, and it has nothing to do with their group of behind-the-scenes people.



 They are only responsible for planning and watching the show, but they are not responsible for the aftermath.




 So, starting the next day, Mu Wanwan's moisturizing little days have changed dramatically.



 Before dawn, Mu Wanwan, who had always been sleepy, was picked up by Bai Yuyu alive and washed up in a daze, and was carried to the highest part of the house, blowing the cold wind for half an hour, only to see the sun jump out of the sea, she admitted that the scene was very spectacular, the golden light was dazzling, the blue sea and blue sky, and the seabirds were still in the same place.



 Bai Wanyu's arms are warm and comfortable enough, Mu Wanwan is almost about to fall asleep in his arms, his saliva is so much that he has no interest in the beautiful sunrise scenery at all, the reason is very simple, Mu Wanwan is really lazy, usually she doesn't want to get up before ten o'clock, but today she was dug up by Bai Jianyu before dawn, it really made her want to shout: I can't afford to hurt...



 Frequently nodding his little head, without waiting for Mu Wanwan to fall asleep, he was picked up by Bai Yuyu again, this time the location was transferred to the balcony on the second floor, breakfast had been set up on it, the aroma of food drove away the sleepiness, Mu Wanwan let out a little sigh, picked up the tableware, and was ready to get a big piece of flowers, the seven people of the "Black Division" came over with serious faces.



 The first to appear is the NO.7 Beast Tamer's Jian Bai and the beast lion who is taller than her.



 'Click' sound, the tableware in Mu Wanwan's hand slipped down, the starry eyes of the water spirit glanced at the huge lion beside Jian Bai in horror, and the petite body quickly shrank back, if it weren't for getting up early in the morning, lack of physical strength and weak legs, it is estimated that Mu Wanwan would have run away a long time ago·



 Hey, hey, hey, wouldn't it be too fashionable to take such a terrifying lion for a walk early in the morning?



 The huge lion blood basin with a bouquet of 1,000 red roses in his big mouth, and then the simple white whip beside him waved·· Go for it··



 Hearing the order, the lion of the king of the forest gradually approached Mu Wanwan with elegant steps, although the lion looked fully trained and full of gentlemen, but Mu Wanwan, who faced such a huge 'pet' for the first time, was still trembling with fright, and his face was blue.



 Damn, this lion can swallow her head with one opening, what's going on today, acrobatics, or April Fool's Day is early...



 A person and a lion confronted each other stiffly like this, fortunately, Mu Wanwan was not stupid, and after seeing that the lion really had no 'appetite' for her, he slowly stretched out his trembling little hand, lifted the bouquet of roses in the lion's bloody mouth, and barely pulled out a smile that was more ugly than crying at the corner of his mouth·



 I can't blame Mu Wanwan for being afraid, after all, this is not something that normal people can face·



 So·Jianbai's task was completed·The second round was played by the NO.4 sharpshooter's thunder as soon as he came up, and a pistol was pointed at Mu Wanwan.Mu Wanwan was so scared that Mu Wanwan was almost discolored.Even his neck was tight.·I wanted to turn around and question Bai Yuyu.Your subordinates are crazy····



 But, Mu Wanwan didn't dare to turn back, and she didn't dare to move, after all, the pistol had no eyes, Lei Li was a sharpshooter, she didn't want to hang up.



 Slow down, slow down, have something to say, don't use knives and guns... Without waiting for Mu Wanwan to finish speaking, he hurried back to sleep and resolutely pressed the buckle plate. Bang' - a gunshot startled the birds around and fled for their lives.



 If Mu Wanwan had wings behind her, it is estimated that she would be the first to run for her life, because this group of people has gone crazy.