Black Eye

Rustling noises could be heard as Blackie and his gang members struggled to their feet. "Oh! Are you guys done taking your nap?"

Yebou asked as he lifted his head, stood up, and started walking toward Blackie and his gang. Blackie flinched at laying sight of Yebou. Memories from the previous battle flashed through his mind like a hurricane, he retreated immediately. "Hey!, relax, our debts have been settled.

I just want to ask you a few questions and nothing much." Yebou said, smiling like a kid handed candy. "Y..o..u.. are you sure?" Blackie asked stammering.

"Of course, I am, what do I gain from deceiving you? Besides, I can get anything I want from you just by using brute force but since I am a gentleman, I want to do it the rightful way" Yebou said smiling. "What do you think? He continued.

"Gentleman my ass, of course Blackie dares not say it loud." He could only swallow it hard into his stomach. "Yes, right, the gentleman way. I've always known you to be the gentleman type" Blackie flattered.

Well, let's get to business... "Why were you after my sister, going as far as having the audacity to wreak havoc here?" Yebou asked coldly. "Fuck! How did he become this frightening" Blackie thought.

He became pale when he sensed the killing intent radiating from Yebou. "Brother, please calm down. We did mean no harm to her" Blackie immediately changed his way of addressing Yebou.

"I just wanted to ask her some questions regarding Black Eye and his gang" "Black Eye?" Yebou asked with a hint of confusion plastered on his face.

Well, you might not know this, but I'm sure you've heard some details about the "scorpion gang."

"Scorpion gang? What about them? Yebou asked surprised. He had too little information on them as the previous owner of this body seemed to be the introverted type, rarely interacting with others.

However, they were too famous to escape his ears. They were a group of notorious and rebellious scums who always bully the poor and weak.

Blackie regained his confidence as he sensed the killing intent radiating from Yebou subsiding. " I heard Black Eye and his gang offended Scorpion gang and were almost wiped out.

In the end, Black Eye offered them an enticing offer. "What offer?" Yebou asked. "Becoming their subordinates alongside trafficking children to them" Blackie whispered as if he was afraid someone was eavesdropping.

"Child trafficking? but what has that got to do with you chasing after my sister? Yebou asked feeling flabbergasted.

While Black Eye trafficking children to the scorpion gang becomes a bloodbath should the local police get hold of this information, that shouldn't be the reason for them going after his sister right?

" Hahaha, of course, that is not the reason why we were after your sister but the problem is, we saw your sister interacting with one of Black Eye's subordinates.

We thought she might have given out some valuable information regarding us to them. Blackie said dejectedly.

Everything became clear to Yebou after listening to Blackie. However, he didn't feel the slightest bit of sympathy towards them. For causing fear for his sister, they deserved it.

Well, about the pilgrimage, each of you should leave behind 50 cedis and we could consider this grudge settled.