Apprehending Hawk Eye II

"Okay, go on" "We just received a call from an anonymous person claiming he had personally witnessed a battle between an unknown man and a bunch of gangsters" Becky paused and continued as she observed her superior.

"What does that have to do with the current situation?" Sergeant Quaye said. "Well, he said he overheard one of them claiming to want to save the children"

"Oh? That's great! " Sergeant Quaye said overjoyed. He was indeed overjoyed as every elite team he had sent out to investigate the case came back with nothing so why shouldn't he be overjoyed when he had finally received important information that could save his position?

"Right, call me Barrack," Sergeant Quaye said as he suppressed his emotions. He didn't want to sully his reputation in front of his subordinate, having realized this could be misinformation.

"Yes sir" Becky replied as she quietly headed out.

About five minutes later, there was a knock on Sergeant Quaye's door. "Yes, come in" Sergent Quaye replied.

A burly man with thick muscles, broad shoulders, and a muscular build opened the door as he entered the office.

"Good day sir" Barrack saluted in an attentive position upon entering the office.

"Good day," Sergent Quaye replied.

"I have a mission for you, get your unit ready. Go to Becky for the necessary information regarding the mission. You will be moving out in an hour. " Do you understand?" "Yes sir! " Now! go!"

Manfe, Deep forest

It's been about thirty minutes since Yebou took cover behind a tree observing his opponents. " why is there no movement?" Yebou thought as he observed his surroundings closely. "It's been a while, I need to move out!"

"Hum" Yebou dashed into the building as he retrieved his laser gun from his waist. "Who is there?" Hawkeye asked warily as he heard another noise from outside the building. Previously, he was in another room resting when he heard one of his subordinates shouting so he decided to come out for a look.

Boom! Yebou kicked open the door to the building as he cautiously made his way inside but before he could scan around him, pupupupupu! The continuous firing of a gun sounded out.

He immediately activated Dash as he maneuvered his way toward the target firing the gun. Tchii, he shot out the target before taking a position.

" What speed!" Hawk Eye was shocked having witnessed Yebou's incredible speed. "Who are you? He asked. " Is that the only language you bunch understand?" Yebou became speechless as he heard the same question from Hawk Eye.

Subsequently, Yebou activated dash as he dodged yet another bullet. "Who is he, is he even human?" Hawk Eye thought. He was shocked having witnessed the entire process in close proximity.

"Tchii Yebou took out his opponent as he fired out his gun again. " Surrender, and I might consider sparing you the torture," Yebou said, tapping his gun's muzzle as he approached Hawk Eye.

Hawk Eye wasted no time as he retreated backward. He was shaking all over as Yebou approached him. Clearly, he was terrified.

"What do you want?" He asked.

Tchiii, boom! Yebou didn't want to waste his breath on such a scam who takes pride in kidnapping children. Perhaps, he could be stalling for time. He shot him without a second thought leaving him unconscious on the floor.