The Unknown man strikes again

Local Police Office


"Huh, this voice!...where have I heard it from? It does sound familiar" Becky frowns, as she recalls, through her memories.

After some unknown time, "Yes!! How could I have forgotten so soon" She shouts, scaring the shit out of those in her presence.

The stare she received was no different from the stare one would give a lunatic but she seemed to be oblivious to it.

"I need to relay this information to the sergeant as soon as possible," she thought. She quickly grabbed her notepad as she hurriedly made her way to her superior's office.

It was just a moment ago she received news stating that Barrack's Unit had accomplished its mission.

However, in further details, it said that the informant who gave out the information was responsible for the defeat of the criminals.

If that were the case, then, this was also going to be his handiwork since she could confidently confirm that the person who gave out the first information and the person she had just spoken to were the same.

"Knock, knock, knock" "Yes come in!"

"Good day, sir!" "Good day," Seargent Quaye was utterly surprised at the enthusiastic state of his subordinate.

"What's wrong with this girl, where does her confidence stem from" he thought.

"Good news Sir!" "Oh and what's it? Sergeant Quaye replied, smiling, as he placed down his pen.

It hasn't been more than two hours since he received news from Barrack for completing their mission. Hence, he couldn't think of any news that would be as good as that!

" Sir, we just received news from an unknown person regarding the kidnapping incident" Becky started. "How reliable is the information?" Sergeant Quaye replied.

It should be known that, for the past two weeks, they have received numerous calls from the "villagers" which all but one turns out to be true.

The others, if it isn't quarrelling over disputes of lands, then, it's fighting over family matters. Hence, he was a bit skeptical about what his subordinate was about to report.

"Sir, I think the unknown person who gave out the information regarding the first mission and the person I just spoke to were the same." "What!? Are you sure? How confident are you?" Sergeant Quaye exclaimed as he stood up.

He's been informed that, among all those who called, one person never stated anything about himself. He turned out to be the one who also gave the accurate information. It could be said that he neither wanted fame nor money.

"Sir, I'm 100 percent sure!" Becky replied. "Judging from their tone, they seem to be not more than twenty years old. Moreover, their voices sound similar, and in addition, there were some similarities in their choice of words.

" Hu" Sergent Quaye exhaled taking his seat. He was both shocked and confused. "What's going on?" "Who is helping me? And why is he doing so?" He thought. He couldn't think of any person who would be willing to help him in the shadows.

Also, he knew it wasn't the doings of the higher-ups as they had started they wouldn't involve themselves in this matter.

"Who is it"? He began to think hard.

Becky just stood quietly staring at his superior who seemed to be in deep thought. She didn't want to interrupt him as she saw the state of her superior.

About five minutes later, Sergeant Quaye's attention was drawn back to reality as he heard another knock on his door.

" Right, give me the recorded information, You may leave! I will call for you later" Sergeant Quaye ordered. "Yes sir!" Becky saluted as she made her way to the door.

"Kacha" Becky opens the door, nearly clashing over someone. She lifts her head and stares at the burly man in front of her.

"Wow! He always looks to be growing more muscles anytime I get to meet him. "What sought of training does he undertake? She wonders. " Good day Mr. Barrack, Becky greeted.

"Hmm, Mr. Barrack nods, clearly he was a man of few words. " The sergeant is waiting for you inside. Becky adds.


Manfe, Deep forest


After taking care of Hawk Eye and his gang, Yebou decided to hide and observe things as he sensed something was off. Hawk Eye including his gang members were less than ten.

This was way less than what gang members encompassed even if some were on missions. "For them to be operating in such a hideous and dangerous place, then, they should be more than twenty gangsters stationed here," Yebou thought.