Easter is approaching

The City of Kwahu Asakraka, Eastern Region.


A week later,

Today is Tuesday, the market day for the people of Asakraka. Moreover, next week is Easter.

A massive crowd could be seen as people from different parts of the region especially those from the various villages had traveled here to trade.

The city was so packed that it made it difficult for cars to move to and from. Moreover, the traffic was so long that it stretched from Asakraka to the next town.

"Piiii" The sound of blowing horns from cars, The shouting from trotro mates in search of passengers "Yeahs Koforidua, Abetifi, Nkawkaw, " Hey, move! from the way! Hey! I'm coming, move!!

The loud shouts from "kayayos" transporting their clients' goods, all made the city as lively as ever.

However, contrary to the bustling states of the streets and marketplace, the residential part of the city was so quiet that one could mistake it to be a developing estate under construction if not for the moving of cars.

Just a few meters away from the residential place stood a massive building decorated with State of the Nations Arts, and a police flag. In front of the building stood a massive billboard with the words"City Legislative Council."

Inside the massive building was a large hall occupied by several dignified individuals sitting in order of rank. Gathered were the Chief Inspectors and Inspectors from the various cities.

"As we all know, next week is Easter. We need to increase the patrolling unit and those safeguarding the various outlets.

Chief Inspector Agyei, see to it that everything is taken care of."

"Yes, Assistant Superintendent" Inspector Kweku replied.

The one who spoke, delegating tasks to the various inspectors was a middle-aged man occupying the topmost seat, the current Assistant Superintendent of Police for Kwahu Asakraka.

"Right, Inspector Kweku Agyenim, just recently, I received news concerning a rampant kidnapping of children under your jurisdiction.

How is the situation? Chief Inspector Agyei is the current Chief Inspector of Kwahu Orobon which has several villages and towns such as Manfe and Oframasi under its rule.

"No need to worry Assistant Superintendent, it has been taken care of. " Well done, I write a report to the

superintendent. Keep up the good work!"

"Thank you, Assistant Superintendent" Inspector Kweku Agyenim replied smiling from ear to ear. The other Chief Inspectors could only stare in envy.

Oframasi, Police headquarters


A man who seems to be not more than thirty years of age could be seen going through video footage. Amazement was written all over his face as he played the video back and forth.

Before escorting the criminals to the station, Lance Corporal Barracks took video footage of the whole scene and later handed it to Sergeant Quaye.

Sergeant Quaye had played the video footage several times as he found it hard to believe it to be real. "How could a single person do this kind of damage? He questions himself doubtfully.

However, from Barrack's and Becky's report, it seems to be real. " whoever did this, I owe him one" he thought.


Yebou slept for three straight days after coming back from his mission as he felt tired and sore all over his body. He was so exhausted that, he found it difficult to even lift his finger.

Currently, he could be seen busily washing his clothes. "Lizzy, are you done with the arrangements? Yebou asks as he continues washing his clothes.

" No brother, I'm still on it!" Lizzy replies. "Alright, take your time. Remember to take the necessary things. I'll get you a set of new clothes and shoes as well as other daily necessities when we get there okay?" "Okay, brother!"

Yebou had decided to travel to the city as the city had more opportunities that he could explore. In addition, he wants to enroll his sister in school.

About two hours later, Ha, finally done" Yebou exclaims as he stretches his muscles. "Right, let me go through my attributes," he thought. He hadn't had the time to check out his stats after returning from his mission.


{Name: Yebou}

{Level: 2}

{Experience points: 0/500}

{Life rating: Mortal}

{Skill: Dash L2}

{Weapon & Armor: Laser gun, invisible armor suit, invisible night goggles.}