The meticulous mastermind

Oframasi, Police Station


Inside one of the rooms in the police station, a burly man with tough muscles and masculine features could be seen interrogating someone.

"Now listen to me, if you want your sentence to be reduced, you better tell me everything that you know." "Also remember that no one could get you out of this place by infiltration."

This said person was none other than Lance Corporal Barrack.

It's been two weeks since the capture of the criminals responsible for the child trafficking case. The police have been trying their best to get information about the mastermind behind the whole operation as well as the person responsible for the failure of their mission.

They have tried it out with all those who were involved in the case. It was now time to test it out on Hawk Eye.

From the reports they received, it was stated that Hawk-Eye had the highest position. Further, he also seems to be a member of the rebellious and notorious Organisation, Scorpion Organization.

Hence, they decided to place him last in the questioning session since he could threaten his subordinates not to speak should he get hold of the questions they wanted to ask.

"Sir, I promise to tell you everything that I know" Hawk Eye replied earnestly. He knew well that he had been abandoned and no one was probably going to risk his life in rescuing an insignificant failure like him.

"Good, then let's begin!

" I know you are a member of the Scorpion Organisation. Is that right? "Yes, you are right, I am a member of the Scorpion Organisation." Hawk Eye replied straightforwardly straightforwardly.

"Good, so now tell me, who is the mastermind behind the operation that you undertook?"

"That?" Hawk Eye hesitated. But after his short moment of hesitation, he continued,

"Sir, I really don't know what his name is and what he looks like. I have only met him a couple of times. However, he was wearing a mask all those times." Hawk Eye continued.

"Oh, so it seems you are not willing to speak the truth? " Sir, I'm telling you the truth. I have no idea what he looks like not to talk of his name. Alright, then how did you receive the mission? Lance Corporal Barrack questioned.

" It was a written letter" Do you have it? "No, I burnt it after reading. It was an order. We didn't want the information to leak out."

"It seems whoever was the mastermind behind that operation seems to be a very meticulous person. From the statements of all those arrested, none seems to have an idea of his identity." Lance Corporal Barrack thought.

"Okay, let's move on to the next question. Tell me everything that you know about the person who caused your mission to fail." Officer Barack continued his interrogation.

"Humph!, Hawk Eye's face turned cold when he remembered that person. If not for him his mission would've been completed by now and he wouldn't have found himself here.

However, he couldn't deny the fact that the person was very powerful.

" He seems to be in his teens. Perhaps, not more than 17 years of age. He is slim with no noticeable features. However, he is extraordinarily fast and strong.

He seems to move faster than the eye could follow." Hawk Eye goes ahead to narrate everything that happened. From the moment Yebou arrived to when they fell unconscious.

"What!" Officer Barrack exclaimed. The more he listened to the narration, the more shocked he became.


After dealing with Ato and his comrades, Yebou patted Joe's shoulders as he assured him, "I'll tell you everything when we get home."

"Okay," Joe could only shake his head helplessly. "Let's hurry, we've wasted much time here. Grandma Akosua must be worried."

The spectating crowd once again burst into loud discussion after the battle ended.

"Is he the Yebou that we know? How did he become so strong all of a sudden? Wait, could he have been pretending to be weak and reserved all this while? " Yes, I think you may be right."

However, " With everything still said and done, it doesn't deny the fact that he has become a role model to many of us. Someone added. "Yes, I agree with you.

That is exactly how a man should act. Show love to those who love us and war against those who want to harm our loved ones." Another person added.