Recommendation slots

The City of Asakraka, Eastern Region

City Legislative Council (CLC)


A massive fleet of cars could be seen in the parking lot, beside the CLC building. The cars ranged from V8s, Range Rovers, and Benzes, to the latest edition of the Dodge Challenger.

There were Police officers as well as soldiers stationed in every part of the vicinity. Just the line-up alone would tell one that a very influential person was present.

Inside one of the buildings located a very large hall decorated with the national flag of Ghana, a Coat of arms, and the three arms of government as well as a golden stool.

In the room, sat ten authoritative figures. With the lowest rank being Chief Inspector.

From their demeanor, it was evident the positions of these figures were way higher than those who participated in the meeting the other time.

Occupying the first seat sat the Deputy Superintendent of Police, DSP Kwadwo Sarpong followed by the Assistant Superintendent of Police, ASP Kwame Appiah Barimah, and eight other Chief Inspectors.

The ranks of the police officers are divided into two, Subordinate police officers and Superior officers with each having various sub ranks under them.

Subordinate Police Officers:

1. Chief Inspector

2. Sergeant

3. Corporal

4. Lance Corporal

5. Constable

Superior Police Officers

1. Superior Officers

2. Inspector General of police

3. Deputy Inspector General

5. Commissioner

6. Deputy Commissioner

7. Chief Superintendent

8. Superintendent

9. Deputy Superintendent

10. Assistant Superintendent

"First of all, I wish you all a happy Easter!

I think you have already discussed with the Assistant Superintendant of Police, Kwame Appiah Barimah the majority of what I want to say today. DSP Kwadwo Sarpong said.

"I have also received reports about some of you doing an exceptional job, especially Chief Inspector Kweku Agyenim. I'm truly impressed with your performance so far.

"I also commend you all for the massive improvement in the security sector. From the security measures to the various protocols you laid out have proven to maintain law and order in the city within this festive season."

"Let's try our best to maintain this high level of efficiency. I want our city to become one of the best places to live in the whole region in terms of peace and order." DSP Kwadwo Sarpong continued.

"Last but not least, a week ago, I received news about Jigga. It is said he was last spotted around Manfe. Chief Inspector Asamoah, are you aware of this?

Chief Inspector Asamoah panicked at the sudden question posed to him. " No sir, this is my first time hearing of this matter. I'm truly sorry" He said with his head lowered.

"Don't worry, I'm even glad you had no idea. This means that you would have reported if you had gotten wind of it. Moreover, as we all know, Jigga is the type who seems to conceal himself perfectly. You would only get to know his location when he intends to let you know."

Who is Jigga? He is an expert who is said to have served in the Chinese army. He was born to a Ghanaian mother and a Chinese father. But after his national service with the Chinese army, he traveled to Ghana to learn more about his roots.

"Thank you, sir!" Chief Inspector Asamoah said with admiration in his eyes.

Subsequently, they went on to discuss many ways to improve the Police force as well as ways to stabilize law and order in the region.

"DSP Kwame Appiah Barimah and Chief Inspector Kweku Agyenim, wait behind after the vote of thanks." ASP Kwadwo Sarpong said.

"Take a seat" After the meeting ended and everybody had left, ASP Kwadwo Sarpong stated as he offered them a seat.

"I asked you to wait because of the exceptional job you have done in the last few weeks. I want to reward you by offering you ten recommendation slots for each of you.

" Thank you very much, sir!" The duo responded.

"Good, continue to do the diligent work."



After eating their meals, Yebou and Lizzy bid their farewell to Grandma Akosua and returned home.

Yebou had wanted to break the piece of information regarding his traveling to Grandma Akosua but he was afraid to do so for fear of ruining the happy experience they were having.

"I guess I would have to do it tomorrow as I would leave sooner or later. He thought.

" It's about time I try increasing my level. Yebou stands up as he mutters.

Five hours later, "Ha! Yebou exhales as he proceeds to lie on the floor. Since the child trafficking case, he hadn't become this exhausted.

In just a few hours, he had been able to level up as he went around the village helping others do their menial work as well as providing for the elderly people.


{Name: Yebou}

{Current Level: 3}

{Life rating: Mortal}

{Experience points: 300/ 1000}

{Weapon and Armor: Laser gun, an invisible armor suit, and invisible night goggles}

"Invisible armor suit and invisible night goggles, sigh, I'm yet to use any of these two. Yebou lamented as his eyes fell on those two items.

Invisible armor suit: Gives protection to the user. It is effective against guns, cutlasses, knives, and other hard and sharp objects.

Durability: 0/ 500. The durability decreases by 50 points with every single damage received.

Invisible night goggles: This enables the user to see clearly in the dark. Whether day or night as long as it is activated, you can see everything without discomfort.