
Kwahu Asakraka, Oframasi


After the meeting with the minister, Mr. Joe proceeded to do a couple of things making sure he had his back covered before setting out for his journey.

In less than 4 hours, Mr. Joe had completed a journey that could have taken the average driver eight to nine hours to cover before arriving in the village proving his status as an expert in both assassination and driving.

To the public, Mr. Joe was a renowned driver. He was known by many for his incredible driving skills. When it comes to drivers with good skills in the region, Mr. Joe could be said to be at the very top.

That was the most noticeable trait the public knew him for. Unlike his sniper skills which were known by a few groups of people mostly those within the same organisation as him.

After arriving in the village, Mr. Joe wasted no time as he disguised himself as an old man and headed to the busy part of the village, the market square, the intention behind it was to listen to the latest gossip in the village. Perhaps, he might find what he is looking for.

"Yes, tomatoes! 20 for 3 cedis. Yes, plantain! 6 for 5 cedis! Yes, fresh fish is available in limited quantity, buy before it gets finished!" Loud shouts from various vendors could be heard as they called out for customers to buy their goods.

Mr. Joe walked for about fifteen minutes and after getting familiar with his surroundings, he approached two women who were having a conversation.

"Hello, my daughters. How are you all doing?" Mr Joe asked in a soft tone similar to an old man. His acting skills were so great that he could have won the Oscars should he have decided to become an actor.

"Ah?" The two women were stunned when they heard the words coming from somewhere unknown. But they were sure those words were directed at them.

Therefore, they turned to the source of the voice and when they saw the person standing before them, they adopted a more respectful attitude.

"Oh! It's Grandpa! Grandpa, we are doing great. How about you? One responded while the other nodded in confirmation.

"Well, I'm doing just fine. It's just that there is something I would want your help with." Mr. Joe said with a hint of sorrow.

"Grandpa, please feel free to ask us whatever it is that you want. If it is within our power, we will gladly help you." Noticing the sorrow in his voice, the hearts of the women melted.

Mr. Joe on the other hand put on a warm smile as he said, " I've been in sick bed for about a month. It's only the gods that I'm still able to walk freely today. After I recovered, I heard something big happened in the village recently.

My daughter refuses to tell me what actually happened and my only son too, I've not seen him since my recovery.

My instincts tell me that she is hiding something from me. Perhaps there is something she doesn't want me to find out."

"Could you perhaps tell me the big news that happened?

"Oh, just that?" The women were surprised when they heard Mr. Joe's words. They had thought he would perhaps be asking for something like money.

They had never thought he would ask them such a trivial thing. The incident about a month ago wasn't something privy to the public. It was so popular in the village that even the deaf and dumb knew about it. Is it the fleet of police cars going to and from?