A step forward, another backward

_I guess I can only get the answer myself._ He thought. After carefully surveying his surroundings for some time and seeing that there was no threat present, Yebou stepped out of the shadows and headed towards the police officers.

He was curious to find out what was happening with Sergeant Quaye and his men.

"Who is there? Show yourself!" However, before he could take a second step, he heard a loud shout with killing intent behind it directed straight at him which made him halt his steps altogether.

With flashlights pointed straight into his eyes, he became temporarily blind.

"It's me! It's me!" Adjusting his state of mind from his initial shock, Yebou replied as he raised both hands into the air.

Seeing the target surrender by raising his hands in the air, the killing intent he was previously radiating subsided.

_Wait! That voice! It sounds so familiar._ Could he be Bullet? Sergeant Quaye thought after hearing the other party's voice.

With such thought in mind, he asked while waiting patiently for an answer. "State your name and your purpose for being here at this hour."

He had long time sensed that someone was watching over them. Though he could see the person's outline, he couldn't see the person's face due to the darkness.

However, because that said person wasn't willing to take action against them, he decided to wait and see what he/she was up to. That is how he was able to respond quickly to the moment the person acted.

"Sergeant Quaye, you can't even recognize my voice? I'm disappointed!" Yebou replied with a hint of disappointment as he approached the officers.

His disappointment wasn't directed entirely to the Sergeant. His disappointment was with the whole police system.

After his reincarnation, he was excited to find out that the police had evolved in the technological aspect which had made the life of its officers more safe as compared to their time.

Currently, the survival rate of officers on mission could be said to be above 70% which is an absolute upgrade compared to the 30% before his reincarnation.

However, one thing he finds lamentable is the easy procedures recruits are made to go through before their recruitment. This has resulted in a high level of recruiting unqualified personnel into the force.

This is not a matter of justifying the Sergeant's qualifications. One noticeable trait a Sergeant should possess is retention of memory. They should be able to recognize and remember events and characters for a minimium of a month.

It hasn't been over a day since he met the sergeant yet the sergeant still failed to recognize his voice.

_Was I mistaken about him?_ Yebou thought. When he first met Sergeant Quaye, the first thing that made him admire the man was his smartness.

However, from the way things were developing, he was starting to have second thoughts about his sense of judgment.

Hearing the reply from Yebou, Sergeant Quaye smiled wryly as he stepped forward to clarify things.

"Hahahaha. Mr. Bullet is as straightforward as ever. However, It isn't that I don't recognize your voice, I was just observing protocols. What if it was someone imitating the way you speak? I wanted to make sure everything was alright."

"Is that possible?" Yebou asked doubtfully. _Has the world advanced this much?_ He thought.

In his past life, though it was possible to adjust your appearance to that of others with the help of clay and other materials, it wasn't possible to change your voice to that of others.

Because one wouldn't be able to bisect the other's throat and alterate his/her larynx.

"Of course it's possible!" Sergeant Quaye replied honestly.