Chapter 26 - Servants of the Duke

As the sun climbed toward its zenith, casting a warm golden glow over the estate, Amelie Huber stood by the window of her chamber, cradling the little master in her arms. She gazed at his peaceful, slumbering face and felt a pang in her chest - she had never been away from him for more than a few hours since she arrived at the manor. Initially, he had needed to be fed almost constantly, but now, at three months old, he could go two or three hours between feedings.

"Maggy, would you help me get ready for the luncheon?" Amelie asked, turning to her only friend. With a nod, Maggy took the baby from her arms, allowing Amelie to prepare herself for the meal. As much as she wished to remain with the little master, she knew it was important to maintain appearances and make a good impression on Mr. Scheurer, the duke's steward.

"Of course," Maggy replied, smiling warmly as she laid the baby down in his crib. "I have just the gown for you."

Amelie watched as Maggy fetched a dark blue dress from the wardrobe, its modest neckline adorned with delicate lace. It was a beautiful garment, no doubt handpicked by Anna, the head housekeeper, who seemed to have a keen eye for fashion. The dress was a touch snug around her belly - a testament to the change in her figure since becoming a wet nurse - but Amelie didn't mind; she was proud of her role in caring for the young master.

As Maggy laced up the back of the gown, Amelie glanced at her reflection in the mirror. Her dark curls were tamed by a matching ribbon, and her cheeks were flushed with a touch of rouge, applied expertly by Maggy. She looked every bit the refined young lady her mother always wanted her to be, a far cry from the tomboyish girl had been.

"Amelie, you look lovely," Maggy murmured as she helped her with the finishing touches. "Mr. Scheurer will surely be impressed."

"Thank you, Maggy," Amelie replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "But this is not about impressing anyone. I simply wish to make a good impression and show my gratitude for the kindness that has been extended to me."

"Of course!" Maggy agreed, her eyes warm with understanding.

Amelie turned her attention back to the little master, who was still sound asleep in his crib. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of worry for leaving him with Maggy, even though she trusted her completely. Amelie knew it was irrational, but the thought of being apart from the baby for even a few hours filled her with unease.

"Please call me if the young master needs something," Amelie said softly, her eyes fixed on the small, slumbering form.

"Absolutely," Maggy assured her, a knowing smile dancing on her lips she had long decided that she would only call her if it's absolutely necessary."

With a deep breath, Amelie left her chamber and made her way to the dining room for the first time, her heart pounding in her chest. As she descended the grand staircase, she marveled at the opulent surroundings - the polished marble floors, the gleaming chandeliers, the ornate tapestries adorning the walls. All of this magnificence was both awe-inspiring and intimidating, and she couldn't help but feel out of place.

"Miss Amelie," Mr. Scheurer greeted her as she entered the dining room, rising from his seat and offering her a slight bow. He was a tall, distinguished gentleman with sandy blond hair and attentive blue eyes that seemed to take in everything at once. His expression was unreadable, but there was a warmth in his voice that put Amelie at ease.

"Likewise, Mr. Scheurer," she replied, curtsying gracefully.

"Please, have a seat," he pulled out the chair in front of him, and Amelie obliged, settling into the plush velvet cushion. He sat down right across from her.

"Thank you for inviting me to dine with you today, Mr. Scheurer," she said, her hands folded neatly in her lap, a testament to her impeccable manners.

"Please, call me Friedrich," he said, his voice gentle yet firm. "There's no need for such formality between us."

" I can't possibly do that! " Amelie replied a bit too harshly, "I'm but a mere servant here." Amelie was uncomfortable and didn't know how to handle the situation – it was what she had been concerned about when she first learned she would be dining privately with him. She wished Anna was here; she knew her friend would have put him into place.

Friedrich's eyes widened ever so slightly at her outburst, his composure never faltering. "But do not forget, dear Amelie, I too am a servant to the esteemed duke, just as Anna is," Friedrich retorted with a hint of amusement glinting in his sharp gaze. "We all play our crucial parts in maintaining the prosperity of this grand household. And I must say, I have heard nothing but praises for your kindness and dedication from dear Anna. I am truly indebted." Amelie was now backed into a corner. She had been all too comfortable speaking to Anna as an equal, yet here she stood, reminded once again that she was merely a servant under Anna's watchful eye.

Amelie hesitated, her mind racing with thoughts of propriety and decorum. She had been taught to always address those above her station with the utmost respect, but now she found herself in a conundrum. Should she yield to Friedrich's request or stand firm in her beliefs? She glanced at him, noting the earnest expression on his face, and eventually decided to compromise.

"Very well," she said cautiously, her voice barely audible. "Thank you... Friedrich."

The corner of his mouth curved into a smile, and he nodded his approval. "Excellent. Now, let us enjoy our meal."

As they began to eat, Amelie found herself observing Friedrich more closely. He reminded her of her older brother Joseph who she missed dearly. He made her feel at easy even though she should feel intimidated.

She took a bite of the succulent roast chicken, savoring the rich flavors as they danced across her tongue. The meal was exquisite – unlike anything she had ever tasted before – but she couldn't fully enjoy it, plagued by thoughts of her family and her precarious position within the household.

"Amelie," Friedrich said softly, interrupting her savoring. "You seem lost in thought. Is everything all right?"

She looked up, startled by his concern, and forced a smile. "Yes, of course. I apologize for my distraction."

"Please, don't apologize. I understand that this is an unusual situation for you." His voice was gentle, soothing. "I simply wish to ensure that you are comfortable and enjoying yourself."

"Thank you," she replied, offering him a genuine smile this time. "I appreciate your consideration."

They continued to eat in companionable silence, punctuated only by occasional comments on the deliciousness of the food. Amelie's trepidation slowly ebbed away, replaced by a growing sense of camaraderie with Friedrich.

"Tell me, Amelie," Friedrich began, his gaze intent upon her face. "How are you finding life here at the estate? Have you been treated well?" Has the questionary begun, she asked herself. Though there was no need for such a thing. The duke could just ask Anna or Maggy about her. Or was this a test? Surely he wouldn't think she was so ignorant as to be inattentive with her words just because he is a stranger.

Amelie paused before answering, the weight of his question settling upon her shoulders. As she considered her response, her gaze drifted to the window, taking in the beauty of the gardens. "Life at the estate has been... challenging, to say the least," she began slowly, her voice soft and measured. "But I am grateful for the opportunity to serve the duke and to care for the young master."

Friedrich leaned forward, his blue eyes intent upon hers. "May I ask you another question, Amelie?"

"Of course," she replied, curiosity piqued.

"Are you happy here, Amelie? At the estate, I mean." His gaze held a mix of curiosity and concern, and she couldn't help but be moved by his apparent care for her well-being.

"I am... content," she answered honestly, weighing her words carefully. "I miss my family, and there are times when I feel out of place in these grand surroundings, but I am grateful for the opportunity to serve and to support my loved ones."

"Contentment is a valuable thing," Friedrich mused, his expression pensive. "But I hope that one day, you will find true happiness – not just contentment, but a sense of belonging and fulfillment that brings joy to your heart."

"Your words are very kind, Friedrich," Amelie responded, feeling her cheeks grow warm at his sentiment. "I can only hope that such a day will come." She could only pray that such a day would arrive - the birth of her child, a day of true joy and happiness.

"Thank you... Friedrich" she admitted, "I appreciate your kind words."

"Think nothing of it," he replied, a soft smile playing at the corners of his lips. "It's simply the truth."

As the meal continued, their conversation flowed easily, touching upon various topics – from the daily happenings of the estate to their shared dreams and ambitions. Amelie found herself opening up to Friedrich in a way she had never done with anyone outside of her family, revealing her deepest fears and hopes.

In turn, Friedrich listened intently, his eyes never leaving her face as he offered words of encouragement and understanding. As the afternoon sun began to dip below the horizon, casting long shadows across the dining room, Amelie realized just how much she had come to trust this man – this stranger who had entered her life so unexpectedly.

"Thank you for this lovely meal, Friedrich," she said, her voice filled with genuine warmth and appreciation. "And thank you for your kind words and understanding. It means more to me than I can express."

"I hope we can continue our conversation tomorrow during another luncheon," Amelie responded, feeling a blush rise to her cheeks once more. As she stood to leave, she felt a sense of anticipation.