Chapter 31 - Interrupted Writing

The rhythmic tapping of Friedrich's knuckles against the sturdy oak door drew Amelie away from her writing desk and the unfinished letter that lay upon it. She set aside her quill, a slight frown creasing her brow, not accustomed to such interruptions in her morning routine.

"Enter," she called, smoothing down the front of her simple yet elegant gown.

Friedrich stepped into the room, his tall frame immediately commanding the space as he acknowledged Maggy with a nod, the infant cradled safely in her arms. His gaze, however, lingered on Amelie, a glint of something unreadable flickering in his eyes.

"Good morrow, Amelie. Might I request the pleasure of your company? I recall you mentioning some leisure time after attending to the young master," he said, his voice carrying the subtle timbre of anticipation.

Amelie hesitated, her heart fluttering like the wings of a caged bird at the prospect of another unknown adventure. Such an occurrence was rare, and propriety tugged at her conscience. Yet, the intrigue of his hinted surprise coaxed her curiosity forward.

"Very well," she replied, a hint of cautious excitement threading her words. "Lead the way, Friedrich."

He offered a small, reassuring smile and gestured for her to follow. They traversed the grand hallways of the manor, footsteps muffled by lush carpets woven with intricate patterns. Amelie marveled at the splendor surrounding her, though she kept a respectful distance behind Friedrich, mindful of the decorum that governed their stations.

As they entered an unfamiliar wing, Amelie couldn't help but admire the walls adorned with gilded portraits of the Duke's lineage—noble faces staring back through time. One portrait, however, was conspicuously absent, its vacancy echoing unspoken tales of family secrets or perhaps loss.

They arrived at a large wooden door, its carvings so fine they seemed to dance in the dim light. With a flourish, Friedrich pushed it open, stepping aside to allow Amelie precedence. A gasp escaped her lips as her eyes swept over the sanctuary revealed before her.

An expanse of literary treasure unfolded—towering shelves lined with leather-bound volumes, titles embossed in gold leaf, whispering promises of knowledge and escape. The scent of parchment and ink filled the air, mingling with the faint aroma of polished wood. Above, a second-floor gallery beckoned, wrought iron balustrades curling elegantly around its perimeter.

At the room's heart, bathed in sunlight filtering through large windows, stood an impressive table crafted from dark wood. It seemed to invite quiet contemplation, its surface gleaming with the promise of stories yet unwritten.

Amelie's breath caught in her throat as she stepped tentatively into the library, her senses alive with wonderment. This hallowed place, a temple to the written word, held more beauty than any ballroom adorned with silks and chandeliers. Row upon row of books, their spines a mosaic of rich colors and gilded lettering, stretched up to the high ceiling where a crystal chandelier hung, casting a soft glow over the room. The air was thick with the scent of leather and parchment, an aroma that spoke of ages past and whispered secrets to those willing to listen.

Friedrich watched her with an expression of quiet satisfaction, finding joy in her awe-struck silence. "I thought you might appreciate something more to read," he said gently, breaking the hush that had befallen them. "You are welcome here whenever you wish."

"Can I?" Amelie queried, her voice barely above a murmur, tinged with disbelief. She clutched at the hem of her gown, a modest fabric that seemed all too plain amidst such splendor.

"Indeed," Friedrich reassured her, his tone earnest. "It is important for the young master to receive a proper education, and as his nurse, you shall provide the foundation. You should have access to the best resources we can offer." Inwardly, he hoped she understood this privilege was hers without reservation or cause for guilt. Friedrich watched her, a sense of satisfaction warming him as he witnessed her awe. He knew the value of literature to a keen mind like hers, and he was determined that she should have access to this source of wisdom. After all, the education of the young master would be paramount in the years to come, and who better to guide him than someone with an insatiable thirst for learning?

With tentative steps, Amelie approached the nearest shelf, her fingers tracing the leather-bound volumes as if to assure herself they were real. She slid out a tome on childrearing, its pages edged with gold, and skimmed the elegant script within. Beside it, another book caught her attention, its cover embossed with images of Solara, the mythical land said to be the cradle of knowledge.

While Amelie lost herself among the stacks, Friedrich withdrew to a corner where he selected several volumes on estate management and philosophy. "Take your time, Amelie," he murmured, granting her the freedom to explore. "This collection is vast; perhaps you will find something that speaks to you." He watched her from afar, admiring the way her curiosity illuminated her features, transforming her into a creature of both beauty and intellect.

She soon gathered a small collection of books and joined Friedrich at the large oak table by the window. She selected a few volumes, their subjects ranging from the art of childrearing to the history of Solara, a realm she'd only ever dreamed of visiting. Sunlight streamed through the panes, warming the polished wood and creating an island of light in the vast sea of literature. Without a word, they each were reading in a book, delving into silent study.

As minutes turned to hours, Friedrich found his concentration waning, his gaze drifting towards Amelie. There was something about the way she furrowed her brow in concentration, the gentle bite of her lip when she encountered a puzzling passage, that he found utterly captivating.

The clock's chime reverberated through the library, a solemn toll that signaled the end of their shared rest. With a reluctant sigh, Amelie marked her place with a ribbon and closed the book, her eyes lingering on the text as if committing it to memory.

They rose from their seats, and together, they retraced their steps through the corridors. Each turn and archway imprinted itself in Amelie's mind, a mental map that would lead her back to this sanctuary of wisdom.

Upon reaching her chamber, Amelie paused, turning to face Friedrich with a look of profound gratitude. "Thank you, truly," she said, her voice carrying the warmth of her heart. "This library... it is more than a mere surprise. It is a treasure I shall cherish as long as I'm here."

Friedrich's smile was one of unspoken understanding, a shared sentiment that needed no grand declarations. "Enjoy it well, Amelie. I'll join you for lunch later" he replied softly.

With those final words, he departed, leaving Amelie at the threshold of her room, her arms cradling the books as if they were precious gems. Her thoughts were ablaze with possibilities, her spirit alight with the promise of discovery.