Annapolis rush

Tuesday march 7 1990

Annapolis Maryland

"Space ,the final frontier ,the setting of man's greatest feats and the setting of the start of the greatest rivalry the world,no, the universe,no, the galaxy,has ever seen. Tonight on Annapolis rush it's the final battle of strike victory vs force impulse, and as always find us same rush station same rush channel"announced the presenter over the radio, my name is Catherine Marywhether and me and my family have just moved from the sunny beaches of California to a now overcast Annapolis Maryland to stay with our aunt, something that I definitely did not sign up, for as i longingly looked out the window of our station wagon despierte to see at least some sort of water "everyone looks like we're coming up to a bridge here'' announced my mom from the front seat as i quickly stumbled to the other window and sure enough we were now on a small Bridge that overlooked Annapolis, the state house Peking out form the skyline, "that's it my home for the next year"i thought to myself.

When we arrived our residence was a small all yellow house tightly packed in with a bunch of similar looking houses "alright catherine i know you wanted to see your cousin so go on ahead the doors open" my mom said as i excitedly ran inside and found my room which was a bit small but did its job well as i would have a nice view of downtown. Upon finishing unpacking i noticed a small photo frame with what looked like a big blue and red mecha framed within this was accompanied with a trophy that I didn't recognise,suddenly i heard a voice for outside my room, "are looking to get into mobile fighters or something" said my cousin cait from the door before i embraced her in a hug and explained my regret for moving here "hey well maybe a break from the constant sun will be good for you plus you'll be able to walk places more" she assured, i nodded so she wouldn't feel like i was ignoring her, before i headed downstairs to greet my aunt. Once there my family were gathered around a table which was situated in front of the large day window that served two purposes one, displaying the bustling downtown scene and two letting as much natural light in as possible, along with this birds were gathering on the feeder that hung for the gutters in such way were it was visible form the living room, and to the far end the news was playing from a radio calmly sitting on a bar next to to the door, I could see myself getting used to this. As i was taking it in my aunt noticed me faster than I thought " ah Catherine i hope your doing well" i took a seat " i am I just trying to get used to living here and the rain" i chuckled nervously, trying not to let out my huge insecurities around moving, "hey well you might find out that Annapolis has much more to offer than you think so take your time" she said before she returned to her newspaper. Now feeling a bit more confident i was about to go explore downtown before cait called out to me "hey if you're leaving now at least let me show you something cool" she said grabbing her clear jacket and telling me to follow her somewhere "cait does it have to do with the thing i saw in my room" i said as we started downtown she just gave me a wink and picked up her pace " i don't know it it's still open but there's something really cool there" she continued as we ran past people and cars before arriving at a store that defiantly had to do with mechs

"Yes it's still here!" She exclaimed before rushing into the store I followed not long after. Inside there was every imaginable component you can think of as well as a fully assembled mobile figheter prominently displayed in the store window, cait was seemingly having a very in depth conversation with the storetender about something i didn't know, so I decided to wait till she was done "hey cait the storetender said the mobile fighter in the windows for sale i just need to grab my wallet from home so wait here" she said quickly running out of the store before returning not long after even more out of breath "alright i have to money I've been saving for weeks and finally am going to get my own mobile fighter" she said to me in between breaths before she gave the storetender her earnings and approved the robot "i'll get the engine running but please stand back" he said as he climbed into the cockpit and before long had it running before walking it outside on its own power

"Right I'll step out and let you operate it but agen be careful these things can be dangerous'' he said as cate climbed into its cockpit "right it's big enough for the both of us so come on Catherine'' she yelled over its loud engine. i was able to climb into its cramped cockpit as cate closed the hatch and turned on the main camera "if i can remember the button for the verners" she said and suddenly we shot up into the sky fast enough to kick me in the back as our robotic missile broke through the cloud layer revealing a beautiful gold and pink sunset. suddenly she got a blip on her radar it was a small craft that didn't represent anything like a plane or jet it was smaller lighter possibly a drone "looks like its gaining and fast cate do something" I yelled as she flicked a few buttons on the forward command panel making the mobile fighter grab one of the beam saber attached to its backpack. Now armd the two noticed that the object was a small raisin looking craft "cate i have no idea what that is but try and cut it in half" I yelled as cate rocketed the mobile fighter forward while also positing the beam saber to its right, cutting the craft In two, before it exploded soon after "so this is the power of a beam saber in action" i thought to myself as cate landed us in her backyard. Climbing out of the pilot capsule i looked back at the tall orange and white fighter in awe of its capability for being such a compact suit "hey cate how much that thing cost" i questioned but cait just scoffed at my apperint naivatai "ha way more than you think it does i had to save for weeks just to to afford the lease if you don't want that i might have a lead on an abandoned one but that's just a rumor" suddenly i was excited at the thought of finding an abandoned mobile fighter and, after a lot of convincing, was able to get cait to show me were she thinks it is.

End of part one