Chapter 13-Why Have a Dream

" Why bother having a dream or goal. Were both dogs of our respective nations."

" That doesn't mean anything."

Luke was engaged in combat with Buldon after he just saved my life. Luke was obviously in pain and severely injured but he was determined and fighting hard. Buldon was also injured, he was wobbly, any pressure put on by Luke caused him to stumble backwards.

" It does mean something. It means are dreams and goals are decided buy to ones who order us around. Their is no point in having your own."

" Having your own goal makes it easier for me to keep fighting. . . Even when I'm in this much pain."

" Ha. Your just weak minded. I don't need a dream or goal to fight. I fight to live that's all. I don't need an exterior motive."

Luke swung at Buldon but was dodged. Buldon tried to advance on Luke but his legs were buckling under him any time he tried to take a strong step. . . He can't get any power in his swings. Luke rushed him and landed a kick on his chest knocking him to the ground. Luke raised his sword above his head and brought it down towards Buldon. . . He missed! Buldon rolled out the way and got to his feet as quick as he could.

I was on one knee now after forcing my self up. The pain was still their but I can push threw it, I have to. I looked at my left arm and saw the cut. . . It was deep and blood had surrounded it like a splash of red paint. I could barely bend my fingers and couldn't raise it at all. Oh well. I only need one hand to fight.

" Dreams never come true in this world. . . All they are good for is making you a failure after you finally get berried in the sand."

" If you believe you're going to fail. . . Then yea. It won't come true." Luke and Buldon were still yelling at each other while they fought. " And, If you keep thinking that way. You will for sure lose to me right here."

". . . I mite be wounded, but even now, your way out of your league."

I have to get in the fight. . . Luke is already reaching his limit, and the shadow warrior, even with the injury I gave him, Will end up winning if I don't help despite what Luke says.

I picked up my kakugan and began to sprint towards the fight as quick as my legs could. . . I've lost lots of blood, my vision is blurry and my legs are weak. But I can still fight. . . Come on! Find the strength. . . All at once, I felt my shrine energy build up within my body and give me energy. . . They say when your pushed to the brink your body will do anything possible to survive. I guess that's true because I have never done that before.

" Ah!" Buldon landed a blow across Luke's chest. The armor within our uniforms seemed to of stopped it from cutting flesh but the force nocked him down into the powdery snow.

" Luke!" I jumped at Buldon an swung my kakugan down at him. I want to split him down the middle. It landed with a thud kicking up snow and dirt. . . Shit, so heavy! It's meant to be a two hander. I can barely lift it with one hand.

The impact of my kakugan kicked up snow blocking my view of Buldon. Ripping threw the white wall Buldon swung his singular kakugan. . . I can't lift my own quick enough. I ducked Buldons slash and spun, using the momentum to swing my kakugan threw the show ripping it horizontally.

" The hell." He's gone. No way he can move that fast with his injury.

" Sho!" Luke called my name. " Above!" I looked up to find the shadow warrior preparing to take my head from my neck. I leaned back, the blade cutting of the ends of my bangs. . . How is he moving like that.

Buldon cursed him self as he descended for the ground. Waiting for him was Luke, axe ready. Buldon hit the ground and slid into Luke's range where he met the axe with his katana. They locked weapons' and stared at each other with murderous and determined looks as I lifted my blade onto my shoulder.

Holy shit. That's how. . . I looked where I had wounded him, I was right, the tendon in his knees he needed to stand properly was cut but holding it in place was one of his shadows. . . That's what he meant by not underestimating shrine energy.

This was something I have never thought off. I know shrine energy is used in healing sometimes but replacing a muscle with pure shrine energy is incredible and terrifying. I guess that's why he lost control of his shadow blade earlier. He couldn't maintain both and that's why he was so wobbly earlier as well.

" I'll kill both of you right now." Buldon pushed Luke away and kicked him into the bushes once again. He turned to me and even threw the slits in his helmet I could tell he was smiling.

Luke got hit again, I doubt he can still fight. I'm all on my ow-. . . In an instant Buldon closed the distance on me. He raised his sword and aimed it for my neck again. . . The sound of them deflecting hurt my ears. . . The force of the blow pushed me back.

He closed the distance again but this time he didn't swing his sword. . . I couldn't lift mine and my right hand was being held down buy it's weight. With a powerful kick he jammed my sword into the dirt stopping me from lifting it. 

" Uh Oh." He leaned in, grabbing my useless left arm and squeezing causing me to let out a short scream.. . . Shit. That can't be good. A shadow emerged from his armor like a worm and began to climb up my arm slowly wrapping it's self around me.

I kicked off Buldon ripping my arm out of the shadow. . . What's he doing. He grabbed the shadow like a whip and prepared to throw it.

" Your not going anywhere." He whipped the whole thing forward. . . So fast. Shit! I can't dodge it. It hit me at waist level and wrapped around me locking my arms into my body. . . . How is this possible. no way he can project his shrine energy outside his body like this. . . 

Another one hit my legs locking them together. I dropped to my knees. . . Dam it! I can't move, my legs are tied tight and Only one of my arms even work. I'm completely stuck, and even if I did get out my kakugan is stuck in the grou-" 

" Don't want you getting any ideas." Shit. Shit. . . He took his katana like kakugan and tapped it to mine, right where it's weak point is. With the slightest tap, not even making a noise. My kakugan shattered into a million pieces. . . That's it. I've lost.

I watched the shadow warrior as he approached me with strong steps and a laugh leaking from his armor. He stood in front of me and lined his sword up with my neck. . . There's got to be some way right. That shrine energy that I built up earlier is gone, but maybe I can do it again.

"For a freshmen, you were skilled. . . I see why they sent you out so young." He's complementing me now. " But don't think you did something great here by landing a hit. I was toying with you until then."

" So. you underestimated us then."

" No! I underestimated you. That other guy was just as weak as I thought." Calling Luke weak. . . He's just petty that Luke got up from that first hit.

He raised his blade and prepared to swing. The emptiness in his eye slits filled my soul with fear. . . No, not fear. Anger. I was angry that I have failed to keep up with these guys, that I failed to prove my self. I was mad that I said I've lost, I can never let my confidence be broken but now it was to late.

" Didn't he say that having a dream helped him keep fighting." He tilted his head to the side a little. " Looks like the same doesn't apply to you."

" Your wrong!"

The sound of a kakugan shattering. The voice of Luke interrupting Buldon. . . How was he still up.

" How are you still moving." I just asked the same thing man.

" Sho. Remember. I already told you, I'll fight just as hard as you." He turned and looked at me. His face was all bloody and he had one eye shut " But in turn. You have to fight just as hard as I do."

". . ." 

" So get up."

"Be quiet." Buldon swung at Luke bare handed. His punch swatted away by Luke's axe his armor the only reason he could still fight.

Luke swung at Buldon excessively in an attempt to land a hit. Buldon wasn't backing down, his armor could protect him so he didn't have to back off at all. . . I have to brake free from this but. . . Their so tough.

The shadow ropes were tough. No matter how hard I pooled they wouldn't brake. With only one arm I don't no If I can get free. . .NO! Stop thinking that way. I have no choice to brake free so do it.

Budlon dodged a close swing from Luke. He took a step back and reached in to his . . . Armor? On his leg armor. A hidden pocket. Luke continued on the offense. He raised his axe above his head carelessly. Buldon took something out of the hidden pocket and spun it in his finger.


The sound of cloth ripping followed by blood flying. I caught some on my own face as I watched Luke fall to the snow. The shadow stood next to him. A 4 inch blade in his hand. He struck across Luke's chest where he had already been hit and his armor broken.

" How'd that dream of yours turn out. Hm?"