Small Tension

I sat in the back, watching the marvelous Donovans charm the crowd. Most of them being women. I often caught glances from Mr. Donovan...Louis Donovan. But also from his Brother...Samuel. 

I rolled my eyes when I caught his gaze. He was annoying, rude, arrogant, and demanding. 

"He is so charming," Micka swooned. I frowned and looked over at her, "Who is?" I asked. 

"Mr. Samuel Donovan," She sighed, leaning against her hand. I frowned deeper. Was she serious? What did she see in him?

"Why?" I pushed, wondering how her brain worked. 

"Underneath all that meanness, I see something. Someone who is trying to prove themself," She mused, meeting my gaze. 

"How do you know he's trying to prove something?"

"I've been there before, trying to be better than my sister; Ms. Perfect. But I learned a long time ago that we all have issues and different talents. Mine is numbers," She said sitting up, and grabbing her glass of water, "I know that feeling of unworthiness, it a terrible thing," She added, before taking a sip. 

I never thought about it like that. I looked back at the Donovan's, were they all working through their issues? 

"Why were you late tonight?" I heard Micka ask, I tensed. 

" Um, I was getting dressed. You know, girl stuff," I responded, with a little smile. I didn't hear a response, as I caught His gaze again.

It was like he was asking me something.


Did she like me? 

This though ran through my mind all night. I hoped...well, I let myself hope that she liked me. Why else would she ask if I ever loved someone else? I let out a sigh. Was I ready? this was the real question. 

I didn't want to lead her along if I wasn't emotionally ready to return the same feelings. 

She's too pure, to be hurt by my lack of investment. 

"How is Amanda?" My father called lowly. I looked at him briefly before looking away, "She's fine. I wouldn't know much." 

It was better for him to believe that I didn't have feelings for her. That I wasn't interested, it would only increase his involvement in pushing us together. He didn't respond immediately, glancing at my brother who seemed just as detached as me.

"Samuel, what about you...How is--," My father started.

"We broke up," Samuel cut in.

as per usual, he never committed. 

"Can't say I'm surprised," I muttered under my breath.

"Well, you two go greet the guest; don't let this small tension ruin the trip," My father called leaving the table. I almost felt bad for making this hard, but I wasn't in the mood for much pleasing. 

I stood, and my brother matched my action. I looked around, trying not to be obvious. But I knew who I was going to talk to. I slowly made my way towards the back. I finally allowed myself to look at her, her face a light shade of pink. 

She looked away, almost as if she didn't see me coming. 

"Ms. White, we meet again," I called, standing in front of her. She looked up at me, her eyes questioning. She still looked stunning in her dress. 

"Mr. Donovan," She greeted, standing. 

"Call me Louis, there's too many Donovan's tonight," I smiled, taking her hand and giving it a gentle shake. I was very tempted to kiss her hand but knew that would be too much. 

She nodded back, and looked at someone who also sat near her, "This is Micka, our financial advisor." 

I smiled at her, and she blushed, "Nice to meet you, sir," Micka said standing; taking my hand as well. 

"Nice to meet you as well," I said returning the handshake.

I returned my focus to Amanda, she shifted nervously, meeting my gaze every once in a while. 

"I just wanted to say I saw our recent report, you've increased everything by ten percent. That is quite impressive." I said, trying to be causal. I wished we were by the shore, in our spot. 

"Thank you, sir, I try," She said, folding her hands into each other. indicating she was uncomfortable. I frowned, I thought we had gotten passed being comfortable with each other. 

I heard a small clearing of the throat, and I realized my brother followed me. I sneered and turned to face him. He smiled and looked at Amanda. His eyes were like a lion seeing its prey.

I tense, blocking his view. He looked at me, frowning.

Back off. He ignored my internal warning and moved around me.

"I'm Samuel, His older brother," He said holding out his hand. Amanda made no moves to take it.

Micka, the finance advisor took his hand first. Easing the tension that was felt between the three of us. 

"Micka," She called, looking between the three of us. 

"Amanda White, But please refer to me as Ms. White," Amanda finally called, her voice firm. Which sent a surge of excitement through me. She didn't talk to me in this tone, I must mean something to her. 

My brother smiled--seeming unfazed by her tone, "Nice to meet you, Micka...Ms. White." She briefly took his hand, which didn't sit right with me. 

"Dinner is going to be served soon, I think we should all take our seats," Micka said, cutting through the thick air. 

"Yes," Amanda said, taking her seat immediately. 

"I'll see you around Ms. White," My brother called, turning to leave. 

"I hope not," Amanda muttered back. I don't think she meant for that to be audible. I was yet again assured she wasn't wooed by my brother.

"Goodbye Ms. White," I called lowly, hoping to not receive the same comment. 

"Goodbye, Mr. Louis Donovan," She called, looking at me fully. 

I turned my gaze down, have bigger problems now.


"Is there some romantic triangle going on here?" Micka asked, she was observant. 

"No!" I said in panic. " I don't like Samuel...and Mr. Donovan...Louis, He's my boss." 

"Mmmhm," Micka hummed, almost in a disbelieving tone. "Samuel, I believe you have no feelings for, but Mr. Donovan is a different story. The chemistry is almost tangible," She added with a little laugh. 

"How can I like someone who doesn't know me?" I frowned, ignoring her teasing. 

"True, but he looked as if he was willing to get to know you," She retorted. She didn't know how true her words rang.

Shortly after, dinner was served, there was a light buzz of talking. Micka had finally let go of this topic and we talked about her family. The good parts.

This wasn't so bad.