He's Serious

"So, what did he say?" Micka frowned. I looked up from my papers and shrugged.

"He wanted me to look over his finances," I mumbled, looking back down at the stack of papers.

"Mmh, well it didn't seem that way, he looked at you as if you were his girlfriend Or something," she said in a suspicious tone. I could tell her eyes were squinted.

I coughed, "I have no interest"

Micka was silent for a moment before speaking, "your next meeting is in ten. I'll see you into the boardroom."

I nodded and rubbed my eyebrows. What was I gonna do about Mr. Donovan? It was clear that he was serious, and it didn't help that he was very attractive.

Maybe I should just contact him and say I wasn't interested.

I felt a buzz in my pocket, I frowned and took my phone out.


Me and my family are having pizza tonight, your more than welcome to come.

- Louis

I gulped and placed my phone face down. His family? Why would I want to meet his family again? What ever happened to that women?

My phone buzzed again, this time I wasn't as quick to look at it. But curiosity got the best of me. I slowly picked it up.


Meeting starts in five

I stood up quickly and gathered the right files. I took a deep sigh, pushing the anxious thoughts back.

" Its just like talking to myself," I mumbled.

I walked around my desk and head for the door.

Go time.


I looked at my phone for the thousaneth time, hoping a message would pop up. She said she would think about it.

Was this to fast?

I bit my lip and sat my phone faced down, Lou could read very well, I've paid for the best tutors.

I heard a small chuckle, and I looked up, glaring. It was my dad who had a smirk on his face, I growled lowly and crossed my arms.

He wasn't going to watch me gravel over a hopful text. I forced my eyes to watch the movie, which was boring but Lou loved it.

I felt my body buzz from the shaking of the phone. I quickly picked it up, but realized I was being quite obvious. Lou looked over at me, his deep eyes catching me.

I smiled sheepishly, and but the phone down. I crossed my arms again, more anxious than before. I clenched my fingers, itching to see if it was her.

It buzzed again, and I couldn't resist. I cleared my throat, "it might be business" I called. Grabbing the phone and going into the kitchen that was a few feet away.

I took a deep breath and looked at it.


I could use a drink right now.


I need you.

My heart raced against my chest, she needed me? What was wrong?

I quickly text back,

I'm on my way.

I walked back into the living room, to grabbed my jacket and keys, "I'll be right back, I have to deal with something very important," I called ignoring Lou's eyes. I knew I wouldn't go if I looked at him.

I walked briskly to the car, and I called Amanda's phone.

"Hello?" She called, her voice low and a little raspy.

"Where are you?" I frowned jumping in the car, starting the ignition.

"I shouldn't have texted you, I'm fine now," she muttered. Her voice thick.

I clenched my teeth in frustration, "I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

I hung up the phone and quickly sent a text to one of my investigators. He quickly responded with an address.

Man, it's good to be rich.

As I started to pull off Lou rushed out the house, my poor father trying to keep up. I breaked hard as Lou ran in front of the car. Holding his arms out, crying.

I felt my heart clench, and I stepped out of the car.

"Lou, I'll be right back. I need to help a friend," I called pulling him in. He clutched his little hands to my shirt with a fierce hold.

"It's movie night, you never miss movie night," he cried. I sighed.

"If you come with me, you have to be nice to my friend," I called, giving in. He nodded, he eyes filled with tears.

Oh Lou. What am I going to do with you?