Go Out with Me Senpai

Samuel's POV*******

I woke up to the soft smell of rose and honey as well as mint. I opened my eyes groggily and found a Cat girl bundled up in my arms.

I liked the feeling of having her in my arms. It felt like she was made just for me to hold.

I leaned down carefully and butterfly kisses on her neck.

"What time is it?" She groaned.

"Time for you to get up" I chuckled.

Angel rolled away from my grasp and grumbled "5 more minutes"

"Angel..." I sighed. I suddenly had an idea. I stretched my arm and pulled her back into my embrace.

"No" she whimpered.

I got on top of her and lifted her shirt up so her tummy was exposed.

"What are you doing" she huffed, almost angrily.

I smirked in reply and started blowing raspberries in her bellybutton. Something they do for children to make them laugh.

She jolted awake, laughing and started squirming "Saaammm! Stooppp! That's grooooosss!!" She half laughed half squealed.

I finally stopped when I was sure she had fully awoken.

"Good morning, sleepyhead" I purred and leaned down to kiss her neck.

"Morning morning breath. Get off me" she giggled.

"No" I pouted, burying my head in the crook of her neck "5 more minutes"

"You wish" she snickered, then shoved me playfully.

She pressed a kiss unto my cheek then left for the bathroom.

Sparky yawned and stretched next to me. He looked at me with tired eyes, then climbed the bed.

"Woah. What are you—?"

Sparky placed his head on my lap and heaved a large volume of air from his nostrils.

"Tired, I guess" I muttered, carefully stroking his furry head.

"I was as well... taking care of Angel can wear someone out, eh?"

Sparky made a whimper-like sound and I chuckled "Isn't it worth it though? Seeing her happy? It makes you happy as well"

Sparky replied with a soft Yelp and I smiled to myself.

I wouldn't fall in love with any other girl.


Today is a Sunday... day of rest. I decided not to stay over at Angel's place to spend more time with her. I was thinking about going out for a long walk, or maybe go to an arcade... anything simple and fun.

"I want to sleep" she grumbled and wrapped the blanket around her like she was a flipping burrito.

"You can't be serious!" I exclaimed.

She still refused to turn around and face me "Try me"

I tugged at the blankets "Come on~ We have to be productive today"

"You have to be productive. I never said anything about productivity being in my schedule"

Why did she chose today of all days to be stubborn?

"Come on. Please?"


"Let's just take a walk to the park or... something!"

"No. My legs are asleep"

"We can do anything you want!"

There was a prolong silence after my statement and I thought my negotiation worked.

"Sleep" she told me blankly and I groaned.

"Come on, love. It's just a walk outside" I begged.


I wrapped myself around her and her burrito shelter and whined "Please kitty"

"Don't do that"

I smirked "Do what, kitty?"

I felt her stiffen under my touch "T-That..." she croaked.

"Or maybe you want to stay inside and do something else?..." I purred, kissing her neck.


"No. Now gerroff"

"Ouch. Where's this stubbornness coming from?" I sighed frustratingly.

"Lack of sleep"

"How can you not have enough sleep?"

"I had enough for a normal person. I need more"

I finally gave up in trying to persuade her. She seemed adamant.

I couldn't just sit there doing nothing so I asked her if she had any books for me to read.

She finally rolled over and glared at me.

"No!" She exclaimed.

"Why? You don't have any books?"

Her eyes started glancing around nervously "No... it's just that..."

She stared up at me and pouted "You're usually so focused on the books you read... and... sometimes I get... jealous a little"

"Jealous?!" I asked shocked.

"Not exactly jealous... just... you don't really pay attention to me anymore"

'How to know if a cat is jealous:

Blocking access to furniture or doorways.

Making aggressive eye contact with a person.

Rubbing on or spraying everything a certain person has touched.

Soliciting attention but then biting or scratching when pet.

Biting or scratching when a person tries to reposition or move them.'

"Of course I pay attention to you. Also, didn't you say you wanted to sleep?"

"Mm. Not anymore" she whined.

"Then what do you want to do?"


"Why am I not surprised?"

She scooted over and made herself comfortable on my lap.

"You're warm" she muttered.

"I still feel we should go out"

She looked up at me with a deep scowl on her face "I hope it rains then"

"You're evil"

"No, you are! For asking me to disrupt my cozy time with you" she pouted.

I heaved an exaggerated sigh and ran my fingers through her tangled mess of a hair.

"Today is my dad's birthday"

My eyes widened and I stiffened. I looked down at the human burrito in my lap. She looked like she was ready to cry.

"He's 55 today" her voice croaked.

"I-I'm sorry" I choked out.

I felt guilty. This must be the reason why she didn't want to come outside.

"It just reminds me of the fact that he's not here..." she whispered.

I felt her hand clutch the front of my shirt and her hot tears streaming down my face into my chest "Every year it's the same. He's not here..."

"It's okay"

"I miss him"

"I know..."

Her body shook and shivered in my arms and I tried rubbing her back to soothe her.

"I-I'm sorry for... being rude like that... I just..."

I cut her off "I know"

She rubbed her nose and snuggled, "I promise that we'll do anything you want tomorrow. Walk on water, crash a wedding and turn water to wine"

I poked her nose and chuckled "Now I know you're teasing"

"And you don't have to promise me anything. I'm fine doing nothing. As long as I'm with you" I added.

I heard her slight sniffle and I kissed her forehead.

"You would like him... my dad" she muttered

"I'm sure I would"

"He would've loved to know you. You're just like him. He always kept mom in check..."

I chuckled lightly and squeezed her tighter "Then I promise to help him keep his daughter in check as well"

"Thank you... Sam"

"No big deal. I'll always be here for you to cry and vent on. Trust me"

She stared up at me with her bright sparkling eyes.

"I do"

I leaned down for a slow passionate kiss and when we broke apart, I whispered softly against her lips "I love you"

"I love you too"


It rained that day. I blamed it hundred percent on Angel and she just laughed. We ended up doing nothing but cuddle in bed, but it was just fine. I am the shoulder she can cry on and rely on. I will always be at her beck and call... because her wounds take more time to heal.

The whole day was not productive at the least... it felt like it was wasted. But then again, comforting my girlfriend was the most productive thing I could do. I should probably do a research on cats to understand her better.


"Good morning Ms. Ilves" I greeted at the front door, ready to pick up my girlfriend for school.

"Lenard. Come on in! We were just about to have—"

"Ms. Ilves!" Gracie yelled from behind me.

Did I mention that Gracie was still with the idea of picking us up.

"Oh, Gracie! Good to see you again. You're both welcome in"

Gracie and I walked in and we waited patiently for Angel to come down as her mom tended to Sparky.

"I'll get her" I muttered and left.

I knocked on the door, then Angel opened it up and smiled when she saw me. My heart still fluttered at that smile.

"Pup!" She squealed and engulfed me in a hug.

"That's not a public name, you know?" I chuckled.

She pulled away and purses her lips "What do you mean it's not public?"

I just let out a small chuckle and brushed it off.


"What did you get, bro?" Oliver asked me after retrieving our test scores.

"A" I replied blankly.

"You mean A+, huh?" Oliver snorted.


"Glad to see you're back on track, man. You had the teachers worried in your exams"

I rolled my eyes and placed the test on my desk.

"You got 98 marks? Wow, Samuel. That's amazing! You're amazing! I wish I could be as amazing as you!" Richie exclaimed.

"It's just 98 marks. It's nothing to fuss about" I huffed.

Richie pouted at my comment "You got the highest mark in class! I barely scored an 80!"

"That's because you don't read as much anymore" I spat.

"Not true! I still work hard!" Richie whined.

I was getting more frustrated by the minute just sitting here and talking to the enemy, so I stood up and walked out of the classroom.

"Sammy? Sam? Samuel!" I heard her call but I ignored her.

I walked into Class C... the dreaded classroom. Only the most daring, the bravest, most courageous ones go in there and come out with their brains still intact. Angel's words. Not mine.

All eyes were on me as I walked over to Gracie who held her test slip.

"How was it?" I asked her.

"It was good. I got 63. That's above average!"

Gracie was so happy that she squealed and hugged me. I awkwardly patted her back and cowered as more eyes were glued on us. There were soft murmurs and Gracie hastily shoved me away.

"Sorry! Wasn't thinking! I'm just so happy!" She exclaimed with a bright smile on her face.

"You should be. You worked hard for it"

Gracie shoved my arm playfully "Couldn't have done it without you. I owe you"

"You owe Angel. If I hadn't met her, I wouldn't have offered to be a tutor in the first place" I smiled.

Gracie smiled back "Speaking of Angel. You won't believe her score!"

I raised a brow and laughed "It's Angel. She's unpredictable"

"Ah, you know her better than I do. She got 98!"

"In the test?!"

"Is that surprising?" A voice spoke from behind, making me jump in shock.

"What are we talking about?" She asked with a smirk.

"Finally woke up?" Gracie giggled and added "Just telling Lenard about your test scores"

Angel whined and made a pouty face "But I was gonna tell him myself!"

"Too late. Maybe you shouldn't be sleeping in class" Gracie snapped and stuck her tongue out. Angel did the same and they both glared at each other like children.

"I'm really proud of you, Angel" I told her.

A blush crept on her cheeks and ears and she flashed a wild grin.

I couldn't help but chuckle and ruffle her tightly packed bun.

"Just make sure you don't beat me, huh?" I snickered.

"Oy! I spent 10 minutes doing that!" She yelped and tried to smoothen her hair once more.

"Too bad" I snorted and walked out before she could run after me and hit me.

"I'll get you, Lenard!" She cried.

I left with a satisfied grin on my face as I heard the bell ring for the end of break and the beginning of the next class. Perfect.


"Please go out with me, Senpai!" A girl with deep pink dyed hair literally screamed in my ear.


I was talking with Oliver and Fiona... more like Fiona and Oliver were bickering over why Oliver was such a wimp and I listened.

"To hell with Romcoms! They're not even real things! You're believing in fake none sense! Love isn't about luck and 5 months of being in denial about your feelings! It's work and commitment. You've got to open your eyes and see that it's not a little fairy tale nor is it a romantic adventure!" Fiona ran on and on.

"You've never tasted the feeling! How would you know?!" Oliver huffed.


"Please go out with me Senpai!"

That's how it happened. I was standing there minding my own business, when another random girl walks up to me with a very familiar looking card and more red on her cheeks than a clown's nose.

I was about to reject her with the old simple straightforward 'No'... but then...

"He's taken" a cold voice spoke from behind me, giving me chills.

I watched Angel stride confidently until she got to my front, and stood face-to-face with the the junior.

"Huh? Senpai cannot be taken!" The girl snapped and shook her head.

"Well, you heard me now. He's. Taken" Angel repeated slowly and firmly. Her demeanor giving me an unsteady feeling.

"By who?!" The girl shouted.

"Not you" Angel replied and Oliver snorted, trying to hold back his laughter.

"No! I'll only have a reply from Senpai! I know you! The school's wei-"

"Finish that sentence and I'll knock your teeth out" Fiona hissed and the girl gulped. I was surprised Fiona and Oliver had noticed.

"You look young. 8th grade?" Oliver asked curiously.

"9th" the girl squeaked meekly, yet furiously.

"He's not interested in you" Angel spoke up with her head held high. "You're not my target, so I'm not willing to humiliate you. Yet, if you push me to the wall, You could be the one to serve as a lesson to others that constantly disturb Mr. Lenard here, do not give him a peace of mind, and can never take no for an answer"

Angel leaned closer to the girl and whispered devilishly "And trust me when I say it'll be the most horrible day of your life. You'll never look at me the same again"

The girl's face twisted to that of anger and she screamed "I'll get you! You'll pay for this! I swear! Senpai is mine! Mine!"

With that she turned on her heels and ran away.

I placed a hand on Angel's shoulders, but she stiffly walked away from me.

"Angel—" I called but was shortly cut off by Fiona.

"Calm yourself down, Samuel. She's not used to things like this... confronting people. She's been a pushover almost all her life, now she's fighting back. It's new to her and she needs some time to think"

Oliver had a wide goofy grin on his face "I never knew I'd see that side of her! Both of you seem to be changing! That was cool though! Very cool!"

I still wanted to comfort her but I knew she needed time to adjust to this.


Fiona told me Angel was going to get a ride from one of her friends. I was suspicious about these friends but I let it slide.

After reaching Gracie's room and commencing the lesson, I asked her.

"If you were thinking about something and you told your boyfriend you don't want to see him for the time being... what do you think he should do?"

"Of course he should come anyway." She scoffed.

My eyes widened in surprise "But you made it clear you don't want to see him. That he'll disturb you"

"Lenard, I know this is about Angel. She tends to place an invisible bubble around herself when she's thinking about something, but trust me, you are all she needs to get through whatever it is she's facing. Even if you think you're going to be a nuisance, she prefers you being a nuisance than not being there at all"

The words sank in like Titanic... and I mean it sank deep.

"You... you think so?"

"I know so. Angel is stupid but you're supposed to complement her. Be the brain to her stupidity"

"My girlfriend's not stupid"

"She just makes stupid decisions, then" Gracie shrugged and we eventually finished the lesson.

"Now go. Go to your girlfriend!" Gracie cheered. I told her I'd take the bus, and after much pestering and bickering, she gave in and let me get home on my own.

I made a quick call to my parents telling them I'd be at Angel's.

"Alright, baby. Say hi to Angel for me!" My mom replied.



Knock. Knock.

I knocked on the door of Angel's room. She wouldn't open up so I let myself in after telling her it was me.

She was crouched on the floor, her head buried in her knees. She looked up with those deep empty brown eyes I loved to get lost in, and when she saw me, there was a sparkle, a flicker of light that showed me the depth of those poles.

"Sam" she sniffed dryly.

I carefully came forward and sat beside her.

"Angel, what's wrong? Were you crying?" I asked her.

She immediately started a startled laugh and rubbed her eyes "I dunno. Maybe?"

The frown on my face deepened and she smiled weakly "I'm just not used to not giving people what they want. I just realized that people will be happy as long as I give them what they want, but when I can't give them something they want... they leave... and they forget everything I've done for them..."

She buried her head in her laps and cried "It's so unfair! I can't please them all the time! I have needs to!"

"I've sacrificed so much for them and they can't let me have the one thing I want most in this whole world"

"What's that?"

Her head peeked out from her arms, and I noticed how red her face was getting.


She turned to look away and muttered "You're what I want most..."

She buried her red face in her laps again and yelled "Why can't I have you? Do they not think I'm worth your time and love?! Am I just a machine to them? A tool? A toy?"

"No, you're not" I said firmly.

"I now see the consequences of my actions. I was good to everyone... but I was so hung up on pleasing them that they assumed that was the only purpose I had. Pleasing them through any means. I should have known that it would just lead to a terrible end. I can't be respected any longer because I'm a mere machine to serve them. I've lost my rights to live freely... because I only have one duty... to serve... I can't even be looked upon as normal... I'm a human only as long as I keep on serving. The moment I act like a true human and become selfish for a minute, I'm a monster. A traitor. A freak..."

"Maybe if... if I weren't so naive and desperate... I wouldn't be like this... we wouldn't have to hide like this... I wouldn't be such a coward..."

She stopped speaking and I finally caught on my chance to speak.

"Angel. Come here" I whispered and patted my laps.

She reluctantly got up and straddled me, keeping me between her legs, as they knelt on either side of the floor.

"Angel... Look at me" I pleaded.

Her head was still hung low and she played with the collar of my shirt.

"Kitty, please look at me" I begged.

She slowly raised her head up and locked eyes with mine. I wanted her to see... that every word I was about to say... was sincere, and honest.

"Cat girl, look. We all make mistakes and we all want the best for people. You wanted that, and I love you for that. You are an Angel that no one acknowledges nor appreciates. And that is not your fault but that of the people. Humans can never be so caring, so kind, so selfless as you, my love. You inspire me... to be a better person. You have so much hope, and it's a wonderful gift. And, Angel... you can be as selfish as you want when it comes to me or anything you know you can't give. I am yours"

I held her chin up so she would stare at me just as I stared at her.

"Yours to own, to mark, label. Anything you please. If I am the one property you want to have, then I'm all yours. All of me is yours, and you don't have to give me up for anyone else"

My hand slid down to caress her cheek "People abuse the privilege given to them a times... and that privilege was you, Angel. They think that you're entitled to them, to serve them forever, but you are not. You must know that you're not an entitlement. You're like the rest of us, just as living and needy as the rest of us. You can decide who is worth making happy and who isn't. You can decide when you want to be kind and when you want to be selfish. Everyone is like that. If they don't want you like that, then you can choose to leave them. They don't see you as human"

"Yes, you were naive and a little too desperate to please people that don't deserve you, but don't forget the rewards. You met me thanks to your silly goofy attitude, and I will forever cherish that day. You found people that appreciate you, that acknowledge you... You found someone that is ready to please you... anytime... any day..."

I kissed the tip of her nose and smiled "Me. I want to make you happy forever, my cat girl. I want to be your property"

I felt her stiffen under me, so I thought I had overdone it.