Duke Albert knocked on the door and slightly opened it as he said, "Brother, Sister-in-law, I have something to tell you."
Emperor Frederick looked at his wife and saw her wiping the tears from her face. He tells him to come inside.
Duke Albert and Duke James walk inside the room.
Emperor Frederick and Duke Albert hug each other tightly. Emperor Frederick knew that his youngest brother was coming today, but with the arrival of Sage, he forgot everything.
Everyone in the room has tears as the three brothers again hug in a group. Empress Mary looks at the three brothers with a sad smile because her kids also hug one another like this. Her kids are also inseparable, like their father and two uncles.
Empress Mary felt guilt and pain as they separated their kids with their hands.
After breaking the hug, Duke Albert turns and bows to his sister-in-law. Empress Mary passes a light smile and wipes her tears. Emperor Frederick remembers his brother wants to talk to them.