Chapter 8

Amelia paced back and forth nervously, it had been a couple of hours since Freddy asked about Anna and still no update! It was going to be dark soon and she couldn't stop worrying. Lionel watched her pace around in circles while chewing nervously on her left thumb nail "you know.. worrying about it won't change anything.. I'm sure that when they are ready, they will find us.. we are their friends after all" he said, trying to calm her. Amelia sighed as she stopped pacing to slump down and lean on the side of the fountain "you're right.. it's just.. I wish there was something I could do to help" she admitted, Lionel smiled and wrapped his arm around her waist "Well, from my fight with Freddy... I can assure you that your friend is in halfway safe hands" he said, she looked at him in confusion "what does that mean?" she asked.

He chuckled "it's hard to explain, you would have to see it to believe it. Trust me. One day you will know what I mean" he replied with a smile, She rolled her eyes at him not answering her properly. She finally realized they were in an intimate position and blushed "are.. are you going to... remove your arm now you've comforted me?" she asked him, he smiled at her sudden nervousness "nah" he replied.





The clock ticked by slowly. Freddy sat nervously at the entrance of the nurse's office, his left foot bouncing impatiently as he waited. Anna finally came out with a few bandages covering her bruises, a sling for her right arm and a brace for her left leg. She looked tired but overall, better than she was earlier. Freddy stood up, letting out a sigh of relief. He took one step towards her but before he could move any further closer Anna hit Freddy with her left arm on his arm. Clearly, Anna was still upset about what happened earlier. Freddy chuckled at her behavior, thinking it was cute. "Why are you mad at me?" He asked her. "I thought by now, you would know that I hate being in front of everyone." Anna replied. Freddy nodded. "I have. I just think your reactions are cute." He said with a smile, Anna had no reply. She was gawking at him, how could he be so bold?

"are you afraid of anything?" she asked him, a twinge of jealousy was felt. Freddy twitched, he was! He was afraid of something! Anna gasped "what?" she asked him, her wide eyes looking straight into his eyes. Freddy froze, his heart skipped a beat. Freddy blushed, he forgot her question. Her eyes mesmerized him, she leaned towards him unconsciously in anticipation of his answer. “I’m afraid of-” he started to confess his fear, she touched his boot with her shoe. She was so close, when did she get this close? He snapped out of his trance as he backed up, stuffing his hands in his jacket pockets “Anna.. I- I can’t tell you.. Yet” he finished. Anna looked hurt “why?” she asked, looking around to avoid his gaze. Then she noticed the setting sun and gasped. The sun had already fallen beneath the land, the darkness already spreading across the sky.

Anna gasped in horror, She had forgotten about her question. “what?” Freddy asked as he looked around, then he remembered what Amelia said about her fear of the dark. “It's alright, Anna. I'll be right here with you. Let's go back to the cabins.” he said, Anna nodded at Freddy in agreement as she grabbed his arm. She looked pale and shivered in fear. The walk back to the cabins was quiet and dark, the stars had come out. “So.. Anna, you never did introduce me to your friend.” Freddy said to Anna, he thought talking to her would be a great distraction. Anna gasped as she looked up at Freddy “oh! You’re right.. But wait.. Neither have you!” Anna said as she narrowed her eyes.

Freddy chuckled at her reaction “you’re right, I guess I never thought about it since they both have been together and I have been distracted with my own little troublemaker” he said, Anna gasped as she punched him in the arm. He laughed, seeing her more lively made him smile “her name’s Amelia” she informed him, he nodded “alright” he said, they walked a little while with her staring at him in anger “well? Aren’t you going to tell me his name?” she asked impatiently “nope. You’ll find out when we get there” he said, Anna gasped and stuck her foot in front of him to trip him. He tripped over her foot but grabbed her for support, she didn’t expect him to grab her so she fell along with him.

They both rolled for a couple of seconds while holding onto each other. When they stopped rolling, Freddy was on top of Anna. His hood still hiding his hair, he gazed upon Anna as she blushed. Freddy got up blushing, his heart beating fast ‘What is wrong with me?’ he thought as he touched his chest where his heart was beating. “A-Are you okay?” Anna asked, Freddy looked at Anna “I don’t know.. Let’s hurry back” Freddy said to Anna.

Lionel and Amelia were waiting for Anna and Freddy at the cabins, they were relieved to see that Anna was better. Anna let go of Freddy’s arm to hug Amelia while Lionel went over to Freddy. “Hey man!” Lionel said to Freddy before he noticed Freddy was acting strange “are you alright?” he asked Freddy “I- I don’t know.. I feel weird, my heart is beating rapidly. I think I might be sick” Freddy admitted to Lionel. Lionel laughed, and laughed, and laughed. Freddy looked at Lionel confusedly “sorry.. It’s just.. You aren’t sick! You’re in love” Lionel informed Freddy, Freddy looked surprised “what? How do you know? You’re not a nurse” Freddy said.

Lionel shook his head “no but I can tell.. You were fine before you left.. Now you’re red with a rapid heartbeat? That’s love” he said to Freddy. Freddy looked over to Anna, then back to Lionel “Are you sure that’s what this is?” he asked, Lionel looked at him confusedly “wait.. Are you saying.. You’ve never experienced love before? Wow… why?” he asked, Freddy looked away “where I come from.. Everyone is fighting.. Always fighting.. That’s why I had to come to a boarding school.. I need to escape, something in me changed when I was growing up there..” Freddy explained to Lionel.