51: Fickle

Monique opened her eyes and stared at Miles coldly. Once upon a time, she had also been treated with the same respect he now showed Lydia. The thought made her jaw clench involuntarily.

Miles cleared his throat and offered a smile, but it faltered under her sharp gaze.

''Mrs. Monique, Lydia put her own life on the line to save you and Sahara. She pulled you both out against all odds. A little gratitude wouldn't hurt would it?" Miles said reproachfully though he tried to mask it as a plea.

"Gratitude?" Monique spat out the word like it left a foul taste in her mouth. "It's what she owes me! That gold-digging harlot has been angling to get her hooks into my husband and daughters inheritance from the moment she stepped into our lives."

Miles shook his head adamantly. "That's simply not true. Mrs. Lydia genuinely loves Clinton. And her actions speak louder than your baseless accusations."

''How quickly you forget who picked you up off the streets when no one else would."