chapter one

Year 20**

13 years Later

Friday, March 15

Royal hotel Seoul Myeongdong.

"Hello ma'am, your room is all ready" "Oh thank you" I said in English and followed the maid directly upstairs to the best suit, once we entered in, the maid bowed again, "Would you like any services right now?" "uh.. I'll just call when I need someone, I'll be lodging out tomorrow" "Okay then, enjoy your stay here" I closed the door, dropping my handbag and suitcase on the chair I stood in front of the mirror, removing my blonde wig and huge dark sunglass, I smiled.

Yep, you're probably wondering why but I'm a Spy and assassin on duty, I got to get disguises too, so yeah, an American English woman today and low key one

I have to refresh first thing, so I went into the bathroom to wash out those makeups, after about 30 minutes I sat on the bed, opening the suitcase that contained just disguise and my laptop that held no information and usually self destruct within 24 hours of no contact, I sniggered, "They aren't escaping from me" I fell down on the bed, I wasn't that hungry, so I closed my eyes to enjoy my sleep, I didn't sleep that long when I was awokened by the nightmare I always had for 13 years and I never had any memory of it the moment I woke up, brushing my hair back I cursed, "Aish" I got down from the bed, it was almost dawn, I took out my laptop to check if any schedule had change, no.

I quickly took a shower and got dressed, tying my hair into a tight bun and wearing flats, I did low but simple makeup that make me less recognisable, standing in front of the mirror, I looked exactly like a hotel staff, I opened the door and walked out immediately because I had already checked they were changing shifts so at the moment I was undetected, I checked the surveillance cameras around and then the angles of the conference room, following the group of workers to clean the room, I used the opportunity to plant a mini bomb at the place where I knew the brothers would be seated and it was also the best view from the windows. "Alright everyone we can't sleep here, let's go" all of us filed out, and I smiled, going back to my room, I just sat and opened my laptop, checking out recent updates, they will arrive in four hours, I better clear out, don't want to take any chances, I changed into another disguise wearing the same wig and sunglasses, two hours to the time, I filed out of the front desk, "Thank you" I waved and left, once I was sure far enough I got down and quickly find a random motel to change, I paid the owner some handful and got changed, wearing black leather boots, trousers and a plain blank bogus t-shirt to not make it so obvious, I wore a short wig to look like a boy this time and wore a facemask, burning the clothes I wore before, I left the motel carrying a school bag, then I went down two alleys and saw waiting for me my Honda motorcycle, I got into it and drove all the way to the second opposite building, wearing a face cap I went upstairs to the top of the building spotting my bag I had already dropped there a few days ago, I went towards it, wearing a pair of black leather gloves, I brought out the gun inside, it was a sniper rifle, They were already arriving at the front of the hotel, the ex minister and the brothers, I could only see their backs from here, but they carried that powerful aura you wouldn't want to mess with, I had never seen their faces before because I didn't care to be delusional, I only had their personal information about killing them, they entered into the building and I immediately screwed a silencer on the sniper, after counting up to sixty seconds, I focused the gun inside the conference room, zooming in, their backs were even turned to my direction, "Wow, what good luck" I focused on the bomb and was about to shoot when one of them turned back and I froze, having relapse, I closed my eye and some voices and blurry faces made me lose control and shoot the bullet in the wrong direction alerting everyone In there, "Shit!" I left the gun immediately and took out the escape rope in the bag, jumping down from the very top, when I was about to reach the floor I released the hooker and it held me immediately, using my feet to find balance on the wall, I got down immediately, and was about to enter my bike when I saw the black van, "Aish!!" I started running, at least I was good at that, I was about to escape when my foresight told me to stop, I immediately heared the sound of bullet and I dodged it, when I saw all seven of them, "Yep, there's a reason why they are called seven deadly sins, they looked like sculpture arts" I thought, pushing my cap more closer, I looked at all of them and the one who made me had relapse without nightmares. He stepped forward and then running started fighting, I dodged and landed my very own attack, it became quite physical because no one was winning, I was strong he was too and I wasn't ready to give up, one of his other brother joined the fight too, And it lasted quite a while, I was about to make a jump for it, when I felt an injection on my neck.

Min Yoongi POV

The fight was kinda of Intense than I thought and so when the injection hit his neck, I gave him the last kick and he fell down, the cap, facemask and his hair removed, revealing long silk jet black hair and everyone was surprised, "She's a girl?" My brother Jungkook was surprised, "And a beautiful one" Jimin said, That face looked like I have seen it somewhere before but where, the van came more closer, "Carry her to the base for interrogation" Namjoon said and Sung yeol came down and carried her into the van.

"Come on let's leave, I'm starving" Taehyung said, and hopped into the car, "Me too, this has been quite a day"Jimin jumped to the car, I got in with the rest as we made our way back home, "Oh and tell the ex minister that the deal's off" Namjoon said the moment we got down at the house, "You sure got that right" Jin said and held Taehyung and Jimin, "last person to the kitchen cooks" they started running, "Hey, don't fall!" I smiled at them, when I turned around I saw Namjoon looking at me smiling, "What happened is there something on my face?" "This is the first time this week you're smiling, you've just been into bloodlust mode so I'm really happy, we all are" "We both walked inside, "Well I won't apologize for my mood swings but I'm really starving" I rubbed my stomach, "Last person to reach the kitchen is a loser?" Namjoon said, we looked at each other and began to run, it was a draw though, and we ended up laughing, "Okay so the butler had already cooked" Jimin said, "Thank you.

Food was great as always, I finished refreshing up and took a glass of whiskey and sat down looking in the mirror when the door opened and Jimin and Taehyung burst in, "Hyung, there's something you need to see" Taehyung said and I dropped my drink and followed them out. "has she began to speak?" "no, that's the thing nothing we do to her works and she even killed seven of our men alone" Hoseok said, "What? Seven?" Jin came in saying, "Yep" Namjoon said, "The girl is dangerous, is she human?" Jungkook said, "Jin what did you find?" Namjoon asked, "Well that's where we have the problem, my source can't find anything about her at all, like she doesn't exist" "Really? So does that make her like some international spy or oversees?" Jimin asked, "I would still definitely find something about her besides she looks Korean" he said, "What are all the things you tortured her with" "Okay, because she was a girl I didn't want to leave scars, so I gave her the cold water torture, food and water starvation, we used tasers on her and later switched it to electric chair, sleep deprivation and the water dungeon was where we last put her before here where she murdered our men, all you would hear are just screams" he showed us the recording, "And that's everything, you couldn't used weapons?" I grabbed a revolver taking off all three bullets except one and entering into the room, I had a feeling even the guys were eager to know if this would work too, when I entered she raised her face to look at me and smiled, "Keep smiling and this bullet might go through your face, let's play a game" I sat down on the chair opposite her, "If you don't tell me what I want to know the bullet goes in through your head, but here's the surprising thing, there's only one bullet so everything now depends on you and your luck" I stood up and shot the first one but it was blank, "Oops sorry, shall we begin now? Your name, who and why did you want to kill us" she still didn't say anything, so I fired the second one on her forehead but it was blank, she jolted slightly, "Lucky, I'll count one to five, if you don't talk I'll fire another one,

One, two, three, four, five.

I fired the third one but it was blank, "oh we found the bullet, there's no escaping, this time it's only gonna be one to three"

One, two, three

I was about to fire when she suddenly started crying, and I stopped, the guys all came inside, "Did it work? Did you break her?" Jungkook asked, "Who knows, she's here crying like a child" "Hey, why are you crying?" Namjoon hit the chair and she looked up at us with red eye, "Is it not all your fault?! I can practically smell it all over you!" We were confused, "What are you talking about?" Jin asked, She glared at us, "lobster, corn dog, dakgalbi, holteok etc.. you can't even bring some for me! You're bad people!!" She pouted her mouth.

I think it was a couple of seconds before any of us even moved, "F-Food??" Jimin was flustered, "That's why you are crying??!" Taehyung shouted, "Hey!! A girl's gotta eat too, if you let me shower, and change, and eat, then I'll talk" "What? Who do you think you are?? You think we'll just listen to you?" "Hyung calm down " Namjoon held my shoulder, I tossed the gun away, "Hey it's no big deal, don't stress yourself " she said again, "Alright, but it's everything we want to tell you" Jin said and nodded, some bodyguard came in, "Release her" "No need" she had already loosened the rope and stood up, and immediately we brought out guns and pointed it at her, she stretched her body and twisted then smiled, "Hey, you guys have got some trust issues" I looked around for any sign of weapon on her hands, "How did you get out of the chair?" Jimin said, Jungkook pulled the trigger, She brought out a silver knife, "You should have undressed me first, anyway let's go, I'm hungry" we still didn't bring the gun down and she started crying again, "Just who was this woman" I thought, we brought the guns down, "Stop crying let's go" Jin said and she started clapping then followed after him and Namjoon, she stopped and looked at me, and I looked down at her, "What?" she shook her head, "You're very handsome but you're so mean and savage, but well nothing your handsome face can't take of" she hit my chest and left. Jimin and Jungkook laughed then maintained a straight face, I clenched the gun and shot the man beside me, "Hey hyung, this are precious men" Hoseok said smiling, "See what I said, mean and even anger issues" I looked up and saw where she poked her head talking and smiling, "Hey!!" I shot the wall countless times, as she ran off.