chapter Three

Saturday, March 16


Namjoon's POV

I sat down on the kitchen counter all bloodied from killing traitors and irrelevant people, I was drinking a glass of wine in the darkness when the lights suddenly turned on, and I saw Min ji, "Not what you'd see in a normal house" she went to the fridge and took a bottle of water, "This is 3 in the morning, why are you still awake, you should be asleep" "I was thirsty, couldn't sleep" she passed me a towel, "You look wreck, stop drinking, it's bad for the health" she took the glass from my hand and the bottle and returned them back, I looked at the nearest glass, half of my face was also covered in blood, "I really don't know what to call you so just listen" I looked at her as she sat down, "I just wanted to say thank you very much, you and your brothers, for taking me in, I could literally betray you right now but that trust is what I'm grateful for, won't let you down, I know how to pay back a debt, ho take a shower, you reek of blood" she got down to leave when I held her hand back, "You're welcome" she smiled and walked away, "So little, yet into the world of blood already, Min ji, what's your story" I thought.

I stood up and went to my room, entering the shower to wash off the stains of blood.


I was sipping tea in the dinning, on my laptop, when Seokjin came down, "Good morning" I greeted, "You didn't sleep?" He grabbed a glass of coffee, "Not much" Yoongi came down all dressed, "Are you busy today Hyung?" "Yeah, business deal that needs closing" "Guys I was thinking of enrolling Min ji in school" "School?" Yoongi looked up, "You sure she'll go willing?" Jin said. "Yeah she got to listen to us right, it's for her own good" Jimin and Hoseok came down, "Namjoon registered min ji for school" "Woah, will she go willingly?" Hoseok asked, "Exactly what I said" "Guys I'm trying to be responsible here so help me out " "Responsible parent" Jimin said, "You know I'm more worried about she running away suddenly" Jin said, "I think it's the school I'm more worried about, the girl is a badass". Min ji came downstairs yawning and saw all of us, "Uh.. good morning" I knew how awkward she was feeling especially since she didn't know how to call us, "Oppa" I said, "What?" "call us Oppa" "No way" Jin said "She's too small for me" "If you don't mind being addressed as ahjusshi no problem" Min Ji ran to Yoongi, when he brought out a gun and pointed it at her, "Don't you dare" "Hey isn't that too dangerous? What do you have against her" Jungkook came downstairs, "She should stay the hell away from me, she's a nuisance and a pest" "woah look" she pointed behind us and we all turned to look when she snatched up Yoongi's gun, then took the glass of wine he was drinking, "Hey!" "woah, cool move" Jimin said, "That was sick" Jungkook rubbed her hair, "Drinking early in the morning is bad for your health, I don't like it" "Well what is it to you" "It's because I care, Oppa angry bird" "Min ji come here, I want to tell you something" she sat down on the chair,

"we enrolled you in a school, you'll start on Monday" "What? No way!" "It's been decided already" "hey, Oppa, I don't need to go to school, I got private tutors, I learned more than the basic standard Korean schooling level, in England, I'm fluent in more than 5 different languages, no way am I gonna sit in class with a bunch of kids for how many hours" "Wow, your dad let you go all this place?" "No, it's part of my undercover mission when I need to assassinate someone so I had to play the part of anything, I should be ready" "what languages?" "I won't say" "Still you're going and that's final" "Arghh, parents are the worse" "I'm going" Yoongi said, "Hey, at least eat breakfast" she told him but he didn't even look back, others also left "Can I go out today?" "where are you going" Jungkook asked, "Well, there's nothing here for me to wear, I really need some change of outfit" "That can be arranged" Jin said as he made a phone call and left, "don't you guys have breakfast here at all?" "maybe only dinner" I told her, standing up and taking my laptop to leave. After grabbing my jacket, I took my car keys, "Sung yeol" "Yes boss" "I'd like you to keep an eye on Min ji today, don't let her step out the premises yet until I tell otherwise" he bowed. Taking the red car, I drove out of the house, to a mafia's only invite party to cool steam. The music was blaring, as I held a glass of scotch just swirling and smelling it, no one dared approach me due to my status, when I closed my eyes to enjoy the scotch I felt a presence , looking up, I saw a woman all dressed up to the core, she wore revealing outfit and was beautiful like a bimbo, looking her up and down I sighed, "Can a man not enjoy his time here too?" I saw the other women who were also eyeing me, "Are you lost?" I asked her, "No, you seem lonely, why not just come over to my place, I'm very good company" she must have been drunk, and new because she doesn't seem to recognize me, "Hey, don't you know him, he's among the fallen angel brothers, they don't joke with women" someone whispered to her, "I don't care" I looked the woman again, "I'm not looking for company " she placed her hand on my shoulder, "Hey!" A man called, followed by a group of other men, I rolled my eyes, "I get you're some fallen angel of some kind but don't you dare hit on my wife" "wife?" I said, "Yes dumbass" "In that case, pay up" I continued swirling the glass non chalantly, "What pay up?? For what?" "she touched me, I need her finger or you volunteer yours" the man laughed out loud, "You date threaten me?" The party had stopped and this time everyone had turned to watch, "Be quiet, you're noisy" they spread out when I grabbed my gun out, and gave the man closest to me a shot in the forehead, standing up, I gave the closest a kick, breaking his hand, I snapped the other one's neck, and used my knife into the neck of the following one before pointing my gun on the forehead of the man, he froze, I stared at the wife, then shot the husband dead, "That's for touching me" no one said a word because they couldn't do anything to me, I sheath my gun back and grabbed my jacket and left.

I drove back home, when I saw Min ji sparring with the bodyguards, "Hey, don't you know you still have a concussion?!" I shouted, "Well what do you want me to do, staying indoors all day suck" she beat down the bodyguard and all of them shouted, "You allowed her into this?" I asked Jungkook who was seating playing with his knives and apples, "Hey don't look at me, she's quite stubborn, reminds me of you" "Hey hey, stop" "No" she insisted, I didn't have the time to argue, I turned around to go inside, as I passed the dinning, I saw a single course meal, "Butler cho!" The butler appeared a few seconds later, "Who is the meal for?" "Oh sir, Miss min ji prepared it for you, she said you didn't have anything this morning so you must eat this before doing any other thing" when I opened it, it was rice, braised chicken meat, pork cutlet soup with a glass of water, I saw a sticker, "No scotch for you, it's bad for the health" I didn't know why that made me smile, I sat down after taking my jacket off, "Is this even tasty?" I thought, When I ate it, it was tasty, definitely tasty, she could cook, I definitely finished it, I just finished doing the dishes when she came in all sweaty, "You really ate it? How was it?" "average, I could definitely do better" I said, "Hey that's a lie, do you know how long I have been studying food, one time during one of my mission in Sweden, I was a chef for my target, you definitely can't beat me" I threw her the towel, "You're all sweaty, go take a shower or something" "You didn't drink did you?" "what's it to you" "God will it kill all of you to be a little nice sometimes?!" She shouted in English and went upstairs. I smiled, she was like a little kid sometimes.

6:14pm, evening

I was in the sitting room watching TV when min ji came down all dressed up, she was wearing black baggy trouser and a baggy red shirt with sneakers. "What's with the tomboy outfits this is summer, "I'm not exactly into girly outfit, she raised her up in a ponytail and ran to the kitchen, "Butler cho what are we having for dinner?" "it's just you my child no one has said anything yet" "Do dinner for everyone butler cho, trust me" "Min ji come here" she came, "Your bandage, let's get them changed" "I already did that" "On your own?" "it's no big deal, you guys aren't having dinner tonight too" "If no one is busy" I took the remote and changed the station to art show, "Hey you don't have any crime documentaries or latest killing show" "You watch those kind of thing? That has to stop, you should be watching all this kind of thing, animal show, fashion sense and whatever girly things there is" "I didn't say I don't watch those, I watch a lot of those too" we started flicking through channels and talking and asking questions about what was showing, at some point we even started laughing.

Seokjin came home, "Oppa" "I'm not your Oppa, we're not related and I can't date you" "Why? I think you're nice" "Well, first you're little, second, you're small, and third that'd be really awkward, besides you're like a little sister" "Then that means you're still my Oppa" Jin sighed, "Arguing with women, you can never win" "That's why you use them and dump? I got a whole profile on all of you" "Did the clothes get here?" "yeah, thank you, but I'm more into street wear, that looks like dresses for silly girls" she sat down, "And what are you? Man?" Jin asked as he sat down, "No I'm a lady" "Ladies wear those too" I told her, "I'm not a lady" "Oh really? Then what are you?" Jimin asked entering the picture and sitting down too, "I'm a woman" "Fool, women wear that too" Jin hit her head, "Ah, I'm not a woman then!" She argued, "Hahahaha, what are you again?" "I am a female" she announced proudly" I closed my laptop, "I give up really" Jin closed his eyes on surrender. "is there food? I'm famished" "Dinner will soon be ready" "Dinner?" Jimin said, "It's been a while" Yoongi came downstairs, and sat down not saying anything, "It turned out fine?" Jimin asked, and he nodded, Jungkook came in eating a bunch of carrot and cheese biscuit, "You want some?" He offered us, "No" I refused, "Min ji, come and have some" "Thank you, but I'm allergic" "You're allergic? To carrot?" Yoongi asked, "Hm, and cheese, had it for as long as I remember, each time I eat it, I start having rash and then I lose my ability to breath" "Dinner is ready" butler cho told us, "Finally, food!" She ran to the dinning leaving us behind, "They share the same allergies" Yoongi said, "Why does the universe keep tormenting us this way?" Jungkook said, "Why can't we find her?" I said, "Guys the food won't eat itself!" Min ji shouted and that's what made us stand up.

Min ji's POV

I kinda went to bed early tonight because I needed to do a few things tomorrow. I had the same nightmare again and I woke up the exact same place, where I was about to fall into an dark Abbsys, I was sweating and breathing hard when I woke up, and my throat was dry as always, so I got down from my bed, the time read 3:18am, wearing a pair of white fluffy bunny pyjamas I went downstairs quietly to take a bottle of water, I switched on the light, and saw Min Yoongi, drinking and smoking, "Great you must surely see one" I walked up to him and immediately snatched the cigarette from his hand and the juice, crushing and emptying it out on the sink when he grabbed me by the shoulder and hit me down on the counter, "How dare you, who do you think you are to do that?" He held my neck, "Smoking is bad for- the health, it's because I care about you" he then released my neck as if realizing, he was even drunk, he touched my cheek next, startling me, "Oppa, you're drunk, you need to sit down" I tried to make him sit but he was too high built and really tall, "Sae Ryung, where have you been all this while, we miss you so badly, your brothers all want you home, I want you home" "They have a sister?" I thought, Yoongi attempted a kiss but he dozed off before doing anything too much, he was lying down on my shoulder pressing me down, so I had to hold him, supporting his shoulder as I took him upstairs, it was kinda hard because he was drunk and I didn't have that strength, I opened his room and threw him on the bed, covering him up, I didn't bother staying long, I ran out of his room, then went back downstairs, took a bottle of water and went into my room, I brought out my laptop and began to work, hacking into the security camera in the dinning room, and burning the videos and the clip, the last thing I needed was them knowing and Yoongi remembering, that touch came back to my mind and I shuddered, "thank God, it would have been more awkward if the deed was done" I thought. "Sae Ryung " I said, why did that name sound awfully familiar, I opened my laptop again and input the name but nothing showed up, no information nothing, "Well I'm pretty sure that information is under lock and key and it'll need patience and time to unlock which I don't have because I'm tired" I checked the time as I climbed onto bed, it was 5:45am, I closed my eyes to sleep.

The alarm rang and I had to struggle out of bed to off it, I did some cardio workout and stretches, after that I arranged all the clothes I recieved yesterday, including shoes, emptying my backpack, I opened my wallet, taking my keys and card, then I stuffed them into my wardrobe and dropped my wallet and card inside my wardrobe, then I went to shower, enjoying and wasting my time with foam, when I was done, I opened my dresser, not knowing what to wear, I decided to wear black jeans and a green t shirt that I tucked into the trouser and white sneakers. I brushed my hair and let it to fall this time, a knock was heared on my door, "Come in" I said, "Wow, you're looking so beautiful this morning" I turned around, it was Jimin, "Oppa? Good morning why are you here" "I'm glad I came, I'd get to see this first, oh and your uniform" he dropped the uniform on my bed, "Yeah, right, I'm not really looking forward to tomorrow, Oppa help me convince everyone" "No, you must go to school, take it as some undercover mission" I thought about it, "I came to get you, we're waiting for you breakfast is ready" I was surprised, "You guys are waiting for me? For breakfast?" He pushed my shoulder, "Yes" we were going downstairs when I remembered, "Is Yoongi Oppa also there?" He nodded, when we came into view, all of them looked up, "Wow, are you going somewhere?" Jungkook asked, I shook my head, "Morning everyone, let's eat" "You're looking nice Min Ji" Hoseok said, "Thank you" my eyes met with Yoongi briefly, who was just staring at me.

'Why is he staring at me? Did he remember? What will he do?' I thought as I started eating, "Did you see the school uniform?" Namjoon asked me, "Yes I saw it, can I go out today please, I want to pick something out" "It's no problem, if you tell me who fried the dish, the surveillance cameras of last night " Jin asked, I knew he'll find out, "I'm the one, because something bad happened so I had to do it, don't ask me what happened anyway I can't explain" Jin gave me an eye for a few seconds, "So... Can I go please?" He nodded, I continued eating, already planning what to buy, after breakfast I ran out of the house, going to their base, I grabbed about two 9 millimeter Beretta gun and a Glock g48 and Glock g19 pistol, then I went back to the house, thank God all of them had gone out or they won't even approve of the guns, when I came back out with my wallet, card and bag I ran into Yoongi, who held my neck and pinned me against the wall, 'Not this again' I thought, I removed his hand and twisted it against his back, he flipped and tried to attack, but I dodged it, flipping and giving him a kick on the shoulder, "Tell me what happened last night" we engaged in wrestling this time around, "Nothing happened" I said, I tried elbowing him but he caught it and bent me down, "You're strong but you can't beat me" "You sure?" I raised my leg and gave him a back kick, making him release me, "I know something happened" "You really don't want to know" I slid under his legs and kicked him off, "Stop okay" I was panting, we were both panting, "I'll tell you" I told him sitting on the floor, "You tried to kill me by strangling me because I squashed your cigarettes that's all,you were drunk and you fainted and I took you to your room, that's all" I told him, "That's all, nothing else?" "Yes handsome, that's all" "Stop calling me that!" "it's not my fault " I said standing up, "No one asked you to be handsome, it was nice fighting with you, we should do it again sometime, I'd like to know the winner" I grabbed my bag, going downstairs, "Looking forward to knowing you Min ji " he said, "Likewise Oppa" I went to their garage where they kept plenty of vehicles of different types and colours including bikes, strapping my backpack I got into their honda, wearing the helmet I drove off, reaching the gate it opened and I drove out, I wasn't that familiar with the place but the moment I reached the main roads I got it , driving with just enough speed, I stopped at a perfume and manicure shop, picking out my favourite perfume bottles in pack, curling iron and a bottle of nail polish, I paid for it and left the shop, I went to a book store next to pick out release of my favourite books again, no way am I missing the next series, I didn't have much to buy anyway but no way was I going back to that house so I went to buy a cell phone, after that I went to the market, just walking around and licking ice cream, and anything that interested me I bought, I felt someone trying to grab at my bag, when I turned around I saw a dirty kid, "Hey kid, you hungry?" She nodded, then I bought her a fish roll and she bowed and ran away, it was kinda boring hanging around outside without anything fun, so I decided to buy a few things I'll cook, I can while away time like that, I ended up buying a lot of things and so I drove back home, no one was home, not even Yoongi, "Butler cho!? Butler cho?!" He appeared, "You called miss" "Where's everyone, did they say where they went?" "I believe they are in the club where they run" "Wow, they run a club?" He nodded, "I bought things for dinner, would you like to join me let's make them". Making dinner didn't seem to waste that much time, we were talking and laughing about different varieties of topics and we even started comparing notes on food, when the entire table was set, I was exhausted, "Butler cho can I ask you something" "Yes anything miss" "can you tell me anything you know about Sae Ryung" he hesitated, "please please" "It's not a topic that should be talked about" "Please I won't tell anyone and I won't mention it either" "I don't know much but I do know that she is their sister, that's all I can say" I nodded, that was the only piece of information I knew so far, I got down from the stool, "I'm exhausted Butler cho, I'm going to my room now, good night" "Good night miss" I went upstairs to my room falling on my bed, I didn't feel like changing so I just slept off, I didn't know how long I slept off but I felt someone touching my face when I opened my eyes, I saw Namjoon, Hoseok, Jungkook and Seokjin, "Hey, what are you guys doing in here?" "we were worried about you" Hoseok said, "The food was awesome butler cho told me you were the one who did it" Jungkook said, I yawned, "Yeah I did, did you just return from that place" they nodded, "Can I come sometime?" "no, you can't" Namjoon said, "Geez" I stood up from the bed, "Thank you for checking on me, but I'm really alright, I was just exhausted" they stood up too, "Will you like to eat something?" Namjoon asked, "No" my stomach growled and I bit my lip, making them laugh, "I think that's the opposite of no" Hoseok said smiling, "Maybe, just a little" I said, "I'll send someone up with a food soon, hold on okay" I nodded and they left, Jungkook rubbed my hair as always, I began to change, wearing a white gown, the moment I sat on my bed, the door opened, and Yoongi came in with a plate of pancake with jelly, "You? You're the one they sent?" He smirked and sat down beside me, I could faintly smell alcohol, I took the plate of food, "Oppa, can I tell you something" he just continued looking at me, "alright" "Can you please minimize your drinking? " He raised an eyebrow, "No I - I didn't mean to stop it completely but at least, can you uh.. minimize it, like once in a while, even smoking, it's really bad for the health, you could die you know, I'm just worried about you that's all, I care" I told him, he was staring at me and this time I was even getting uncomfortable, "Why are you staring? You- you're not going to strangle me or fight me something are you because the last one didn't work out too well, we both know I'm stronger?" I continued eating my food when he laughed, "Why are you laughing?" I asked him, "Why do you care?" "obviously because you're handsome and I like you a lot" he laughed again, "You? like me?" I nodded, "Yep, you have been entering my eyes so be careful" "I don't think I like you though, I can never like you" I shook my head, "You're too quick to conclude, I'm the one who likes you so I'll make you like me and I'll continue to butt into your life as long as it's something bad to your health" I continued eating, "Who made this, it's tasty" he collected the plate back standing up, "Hey! I'm not done!" "yes you are little girl, go to bed!" He left my room and shut the door. I sighed and got into my bed, then remembering, I got down, running downstairs to get a bottle of water so I don't have to come down later and run into any unforseen circumstances. I saw Hoseok this time, he was on his laptop struggling with something, I grabbed a bottle of water, "Are you struggling with something?" I asked him, "Min ji? Yeah, this coding is kinda hard, this isn't my specialty but everyone is asleep so I can't disturb them, I took the laptop and looked at it, understanding it in one glance, "You're trying to recopy this files and send it to this websites?" He nodded, "The numbers is confusing" he rubbed his hair, I made him stand up from the chair and sat down, then I began to do it, he went to take a bottle of water pacing around, in less than a minute I was done, "Really? You're done? Thank you" he kissed my hair, "Now go to bed you got school tomorrow" "Yes" I got down and ran upstairs.

The next day, after getting up, I did cardio workout, I did my nails earlier with transparent nail polish then I went to shower, after bathing I dried my hair and took out the curling iron, my hair was quite long, it was reaching my waist, I curled my hair into loose curls, then wearing the uniform I stood in front of the mirror, the uniform was a white shirt sleeve with a stripped tie and a black mini skirt, I didn't know what to wear do I decided to go for ankle white boots, wearing a wrist watch, and applying little makeup, I was ready, so I went downstairs for breakfast, I could even hear the noise from them, "Good morning everyone" they turned to look and was speechless "Wow, you're rocking that school uniform look" Jimin said, "I think you're looking great" "Min ji, thanks for last night okay, come and eat" Hoseok said, all of them complimented me, When I sat down Namjoon passed me a brand new black school bag with books, "Thank you Oppa" Yoongi looked at me, "You're looking nice, your hair, your face, your nails, even your perfume got changed" "How did he noticed every single thing" I thought, "Thank you" I told him. I ate breakfast and when I was done, I stood up to go, "The driver will take you to school, enjoy your first day" Taehyung teased, "Tch, I'm only taking it as a mission of some sort, that's all" I carried my bag to leave, "Wait , stop there" I froze, then turned around, "Any problem?" "yes, bring them out now" Namjoon said, "Bring what?" I insisted, "Bring them out" I stomped my feet and raised my skirt a Little bringing out the 9 millimeter Beretta and a Glock g48, "Woah, do you want to murder the entire students?" Taehyung laughed, "How did you know?" Jimin asked, "Can I go now?" "that's not all, bring the remaining ones" I pouted and brought out the knives I hid, "This is all, but you can't expect me to go out without some sort of protection?" "You got bodyguards, that's enough, now go before you are late" I scowled and left the house, entering the car, the driver drove to school.