chapter Ten

9:15 pm

The doctor came inside my ward, the brothers had all gone back, due to the police investigation, it was gonna take a lot of time, "How was the scan?" "Your brain is okay it's just that-" he paused, "You can tell me" "The left side of your brain seems to have been affected with something, according to the MRI, it seems your brain has been flushed and things that aren't supposed to be there are there" "What do you mean by flushed" "Amnesia, it could be due to circumstances, maybe accidents but in your case it was deliberate wiping, explains why you're having pains, blackouts and flashes, you're missing a large part of your memory and it's trying to come out because something triggered it" "Will I be able to get them back, by say something that triggers it" "You can, but it's highly dangerous, your brain has been wiped to the extent you could enter a vegetative state once you recover them, it's a 80/20 chance" the door opened and Yoongi came in, "That'll be all for today thank you" he bowed and left, Yoongi sat beside my bed, "Why aren't you resting?" He pushed my bedsheets up, "The doctor said it isn't that  fatal and I could even be discharged today if you guys hadn't insisted" I rolled my eyes, "We care" "Yeah yeah, where are the others?" "police station, the case is gonna take quiet a while, a large stack of drugs were found and they are other places too yet to be discovered which we have found already, you uncovered a large drug syndicate the police have been tracking for months now, they said you deserve a medal" "Well I don't care about the medal, I was more focused on killing the people who ruined my day and kidnapped you guys" I closed my eyes, "And that's where I come in, min Ji I wanted to say thank you, you're right, we need you in operations but I'd rather be in danger than you, thank you for not pushing me away" I opened my eyes to look at him, he wasn't even looking at me, "Yeah you're right, I'm selfish and arrogant and cruel, but now, I was those things, I have a cold way of showing love, you of all people discovered that' he turned to look at me, "I didn't mean you should forgive me, I don't even want you to, because what I did was unforgivable" he kissed my forehead with tears running down his face, "Just don't leave me okay, no matter what, you could hate me forever but please don't leave" my heart ached, I didn't know why but it felt I had abandoned him before and want to again, I raised my hand to clean his tears then I kissed him, he looked me in the eye and then kissed me back and I also didn't push him off, my insides were blazing at the moment and I had an indescribable pull towards him no matter how I fought it, going for his suit jacket I took it off and when he wanted to talk I shushed him, throwing them on the floor I took off my hospital gown and right there on that bed we made love for the first time after that night at the hotel.

31th August 20**


Books fell, clothes were strewn all over the floor, our sweats touched as Yoongi gave one final thrust and fell to the side of the bed, we were both breathing hard, "You need to leave now before you're caught" "You still believe they don't know we fick nearly every minute?" He turned to look at me, "I know they know, but as long as they haven't said anything yet, I'll continue believing it" "You want them to?" "I don't know, the fact that they haven't means they respect my privacy and decision so I think I should tell them myself" "That we're a couple?" He grinned, "I still haven't decided if I'm forgiving you yet" "We have been having sex everyday for the past four days now, if not every fucking minute" "And?" "what should I do to make you change your mind?" "hmm I don't know maybe you can start by taking this handcuffs off" I shook the handcuff holding me to the bed which he used last night to torment me, "But I love you in this position" "Until I kick your ass" he got down from the bed and took off the cuffs, looking at his naked body I blushed, "Still as Innocent as ever " he teased, I could feel his smirk from behind, "Who said I'm still innocent" "I can feel your blush from over here" "Tch, when did I ever blush" "When you were checking me out, my body still affects you" "No it doesn't" "Oh" he turned around and I opened my eyes wide, I tried to hold myself but I eventually ended up using the covers to hide my face, he laughed deeply, "Why are you still hard? When did it reach like that?" "because you're right here, naked, two feets away and I can't do anything" "I really can't believe that thing is as huge as that" he wore his shirt over his shorts, "Bye sweetheart" "Get out" he smiled and closed the door, I sighed, trying to stand, it was always hard for me to get up every morning, first I was so tired from Yoongi having one last final round before he left, not that I don't like it that guy was a beast on bed, I got down and went to take a hot shower, I was so happy today, all of them were travelling, of course they were coming home tomorrow morning which would give me a lot of time to prepare for Jungkook's Oppa birthday tomorrow, perfect.

I dried myself, looking in the mirror, the red dye had washed off the moment I took a shower the next day, so my hair was back to being black and red, I opened my wardrobe and grabbed a black cargo pant and crop top, wearing a long white t shirt over it leaving it unbuttoned, I wore sand boots and went downstairs.

Namjoon, Hoseok and Jin were cooking and Jimin was sharing the food, Jungkook and Taehyung were eating, it was just lively, Yoongi was drinking a cup of coffee, when our eyes met he winked me, "Good morning guys" they all looked up and responded, "I prepared your favourite, come on" Hoseok said, I went over to Taehyung's plate, and snatched a chicken, "Hmm, get away food thief" he pouted, stealing a hotdog from Jungkook plate he looked at me with pouty lip, "Hyung she stole my hotdog" "Sorry, Min ji, over here, sit here" Namjoon held my arm and sat me down, then served me food, all of us started eating, I cleared my throat to start a conversation, I decided to just say it pomp and plain, "Yoongi Oppa and I have been having sex"


*Spoon falls***

Even Yoongi was caught off guard, "I told you she was gonna tell us today" Hoseok oppa said to Namjoon Oppa, "I Didn't expect it to be like this" Taehyung Oppa said, "That's real hard" Jin Oppa said, "Okay that's enough" Namjoon said and cleared his throat, after finishing whispering they looked at me, "Well uh.. we know already" Namjoon said, "It's not like we are not happy, we are" Jin said, "Very excited" Jimin smiled, "But we still want you to be careful" Taehyung said, "Hey, I'm your brother" Yoongi shouted, "Yes be careful, he's a heartbreaker" Jungkook said, "You guys should have just said you actually know" "Where's the fun in that? It was exciting" "How did you guys even know?" "Well you guys should learn to keep it down a little sometimes, it's hard to not know" "Okay I'm done eating " I stood up embarrassed, "Hey don't be so embarrassed" Jin said, "Oh yes I am" "Won't you see us off at least? We're going already?" "you're leaving? But you haven't packed your things yet" "We have, it's just a night, don't miss us so badly" Jin said, they stood up, Jungkook and tae came to hug me, "I'll miss you all" "I'll miss you too" Taehyung said, "Don't be so hard on yourself, don't do anything dangerous" Jungkook said, "Don't go on any missions, just stay at home today" Jimin said, "Yes" no way was I staying home, "Be careful and don't sweat it, hands off your bodyguards" Yoongi said, "You're just jealous I get along with Sung yeol and dae young so well" I rolled my eyes, "Dae young will be going with us, so Sung yeol will be here watching you " "Yes" we reached the car, Jin kissed my forehead and entered the car, Namjoon did the same, Hoseok kissed my forehead and cheek, "Take care okay " he smiled and got in, Jimin hugged me and so did Taehyung, Jungkook gave me a high five and kissed my forehead, Yoongi came and wanted to kiss my forehead but on second thought kissed my lip, "pervert" I whispered, "I love you too" When the car finally rolled out, I stood there for a while before smiling, "Sung yeol, let's begin" he came in with some bodyguard and the servants, "Butler cho they are gone now, we can start"

"Don't forget your promise Min Ji" one of the bodyguard said, "Of course, I'll cook plenty food for everyone who only does work" all of them cheered and got to work, dragging Sung yeol hand we went to the kitchen, it was fun, everyone was doing one thing or the other, laughing and enjoying their day, Sung yeol kept me company in the kitchen while I baked a gigantic seven layer cake with intricate designs and Jungkook Oppa name on it, of course the flavour of the cake was a surprise, then I baked cupcakes, biscuits, pastries and brownies, infact I was covered in flour but I made sure to not be the only one, Sung yeol joined in the fun too, after that I cooked a lot of dish and made many juice which I shared around, everyone was so happy, the house was beautifully designed, even to the staircase, some of the servants and bodyguards brought presents to give him, I decided to order mine which was a brand new Suzuki power bike, we brought it into the house and hid it under a large drapery, by the time I was done it was late evening by 4.

"Finally, we are done" I held Sung yeol hand, "Let's go on a date" "I surely can't do that" "Hey, come on, we're just going out nothing special, I'm bored, come on"

1st September 20**



Jin's POV

           "I have never been so eager to come home in my life" "me too" Namjoon said, "Min ji doesn't know we are coming home this early, it's a surprise" Jimin said, "she definitely will be surprised" Taehyung said, the car rolled into the house and stopped, "Thank God this police business is finally over" Yoongi said.

I pushed open the house and the lights switched on, "Surprise!!!!" All of us was confused until we heared the happy birthday song being played classically on the piano, "Oh, it's Jungkook's birthday!!" Namjoon said, "I can't believe we all forgot" "I even forgot my birthday" Jungkook said, "We planned a surprise but got surprised instead" Yoongi said, Min Ji and Sung yeol came forward, she was wearing a black dress with black furs jacket, and heels, "How did you know" Taehyung said, "I'm a mafia queen and an assassin, it's my job to know" Jungkook hugged her, "Thank you" "You're welcome birthday boy, come on, there's a lot to eat" "you came home quite early" Sung yeol said, "we wanted to surprise you guys, woah is that a banana cake?!" I and Jimin exclaimed at once, "You love banana so why not, come on make a wish".

The party was great, even the decorations was exquisite and lovely, we had fun with all the maids and bodyguards, and they brought their gifts for Jungkook, today was not what I expected it to be, it was even great, we ate a lot and even danced,

"My turn" Min ji stood up, "My birthday gift for you" she snapped her fingers and a large drapery fell off revealing...

"Is that a Suzuki power bike?" Jungkook raced to it, "Woah, that's real expensive" "Did you buy a power bike for him?" Namjoon stood up, "Woah, I wish it was my birthday" Jimin said. After checking the bike out, he carried Min ji up and twirled her around, "You're so sweet, thank you so much!!" "Now you're making us feel like we should have gotten gifts" Yoongi said, "we could still get gifts, this is just 11am" Namjoon said.

"Yeah, we'll use that opportunity to even take min ji shopping like we wanted" Jungkook said, when we heared gagging noises, we turned and saw Min ji.

"I'm sorry, I think I'm just full or ate something I shouldn't have"

"You feel like throwing up?" Hoseok asked, "not anymore" she shook her head as Taehyung passed her a glass of juice.

"Guys do you think we should really go out?" She asked again, "yep, no thinking"

"We can take some bodyguards right?"

"Did something happen while we were not around?" Jimin folded his hand and looked at her curiously, she shook her head and stealithy took a look at Sung yeol, thinking no one saw but I grabbed it,

"Okay, we'll take a few bodyguards" Taehyung said.

"Great, I'll go change" she stood up.

"What's up with the little black Dress you're wearing, I seem to really like it" Yoongi smirked, I hit his head as Min ji smiled, "Exercise some self restraint hormonal teenager" she said and left.

"What? Hormo- hormonal teenager?!" Yoongi looked shocked at being called a small boy, I hit his head, "Exercise some patience, hormonal teenager" the others laughed, "Hyung!" "What? Aren't you so hormonal"

"We could barely sleep the last time" Taehyung whispered,

"Pretty sure their first time just three weeks was more than wild" Namjoon the ever serious boss was actually joking, I smiled and dragged Sung yeol to another distance.


He told me how the organization was running, and Min Ji staying indoor all day planning the party, I smiled when I heard that and how she involved the entire workers and bodyguards for it.

"There's something you aren't really telling me" the others came closer.

"What's up" Jungkook asked.

"I-I-" he hesitated, "Go on, don't delay any second yeol-ah" Hoseok said.

"I want to leave, to quit"

"Woah, where did that one come from" Jimin was shocked, we all were, Sung yeol and dae young were the closest to us because they practically grew up with us too, after the devastating accident that happened to all of us.

"Hyung what are you saying, you can't leave" dae young asked him.

"I have- I committed a great offense, I betrayed all of you"

"Did you side with the enemies?" I asked, he shook his head, "You sold our secrets?" Hoseok asked and he still shook his head

"I tried to kiss Min ji when she was drunk"

"what?" All of us shouted at once, "You did what?" Yoongi came forward, I think he was getting mad so I held him back.

"Tell us what happened yeol-ah, you always had a cold personality like Yoongi, what suddenly happened" Namjoon asked gently.

"I'm sorry, I didn't intend on doing it, it's just- spending time with her and her personality changed me, when I carried her home and she snuggled close to me I- I wanted to kiss her so badly but I couldn't, you guys, it was betrayal, especially to Yoongi because I knew he loved her so much,

Yoongi Walked up to him, we all thought he was gonna do something, after all it was up to him, "I will forgive you, If you promise not to have anything for her again, do not and I say do not, develop any thing more for her" we heared shoes coming down as Sung yeol nodded hard, "Thanks"

"Okay I'm ready, let's go" we all turned, she was wearing a white long sleeved boxy shirt with Yellow circle skirt, her long legs from her ankles were exposed down to the white knee boots she wore, and white bag she carried, her hair was left to fall freely a d the clash of red in her hair was beautiful, she had even recently made it more red than usual, I put my hand around her shoulder, as she looked up at me, "Let's go" I told her and she smiled and nodded looking so beautiful, up close she looked almost like me and Taehyung, I brushed it aside and looked at Yoongi who glared at us, "isn't that supposed to be my place?" Everyone started laughing, and I stuck my toungue at him, "Jealousy, she's everyone's little kitten" "No she's not" Min ji removed my hand and held my arm and Yoongi's arm, "I think this is better, let's go " she dragged us out, we got back Into the car we came with and Left, the bodyguards following us secretly behind, we went to the biggest shopping mall, as we entered Min ji dragged Jungkook straight to the games stores.

I never knew shopping was so fun till I met min Ji, she was literally making us try on new clothes after we each bought a gift for Jungkook , "No Young lady, come on, we're getting you clothes" we managed to even grab everyone's attention unconsciously but we didn't mind the stares and gush, we were still unapproachable.

I was picking out clothes when I saw Min ji looking around strangely as if something was going to happen any moment, more like she was weary, she looked straight into me and immediately pointed two submachine guns,

"Everyone get down!!" The while hall was turned into a frenzy as she shot two men behind me, I brought out my guns as we began to shoot, they were all dressed in black, and were all with guns, min ji did a double flip and shot the ones upstairs, the secret bodyguards burst in, that was when I remembered her telling me that it wasn't safe to go out, I finished shooting and hid adding more bullets when Taehyung and Jimin came beside me, "Are you guys okay?" They nodded, "It's hard fighting with everyone running around but we can manage it"

The shooting lasted for a while a d a lot more bodies and blood was scattered around the mall, I gunned down the one at the door and behind me before standing up, I saw Min ji, "I just called the police" Hoseok said, all of us met, "What's happening? Why-" "Its me, those people are my father's men, they came for me"

"Why?" Jimin asked, "Does he not regard you as a daughter anymore? Is the facade up?"

"I stole something from him that's why"

"We'll talk about this later, let's call the police first and clear this place up" I left them, and started checking on the bodies in the floor, when I turned around I saw one of the men on the floor who stood up and pointed a gun at me, I was rooted still and he fired, I was expecting the bullet to hit me through but I didn't feel anything, Min ji had stood right in front of me, "No!" Hoseok shouted, "Min ji!!" Yoongi shouted, the moment the guy turned around to escape, Jungkook caught him and gave him a kick, Jimin rushed to him immediately, min ji fell back and I caught her as we both stayed in the floor, "It- it will be fine" I told her and put my hand on the gunshot wound to her stomach, she was bleeding excessively and her white shirt had turned blood red, "Oppa" she gasped, "Why? Why!! Did you block it, I told you countless times, no!!" "The ambulance is on its way" Hoseok came to us and said, "Min Ji, why? Why would you, don't your life mean anything, how many times has it been! You stubborn girl!!" Yoongi shouted, I tried to contain my tears but it just flowed endlessly, Taehyung and Namjoon came up to, "You promised" Namjoon said, "press on it, how is she?"  Taehyung said, "bad, she- she's losing a lot of blood "

"I'm sorry guys, but he would have - it's painful "

"When is the fucking ambulances coming!" I shouted

"Don't shout please, Oppa I'm sorry, I know I promised, I might not be here for too long but-"

"Don't say that Min ji you're not going anywhere under my watch " Yoongi said.

"Can you just listen? I'm begging you, stop my father before it's too late, at all cost, I already have gathered. Evidence, it's in my room" her every words was choked and  her blood gushed out even more.

"Stop talking, don't close your eyes!"

"I'm sorry Seokjin Oppa, I just want it to stop, Jungkook " we looked up, Jungkook and Jimin had beaten him bloody, it wasn't until he heared his name that they both came over.

"Don't worry little sister, nothing is going to happen to you"

"You'll be safe okay I promise"

"Thank you Jimin, you were always the warmest, Jungkook I know I wanted today to be good but I'm sorry, it wasn't"

She jerked her back and raised her shaking bloody hand to my face, "Min Yoongi, I for- forgive you and I love you"

Her hand fell down to the floor and her eyes closed, "Min ji!!" I screamed.

I Heared the ambulance and carried her into my arms as I ran outside to give her emergency care.