chapter Twelve


Blood splattered....

Voices echoed...

The whole place was like hell, fire was blazing, like hades from hell, I killed every living, breathing thing that came my way

Coming face to face with Mr Sung yeol wol, I gripped my gun tightly and pointed it at him.

"Where is she" Jin shouted.

"Tsk tsk took you long enough"

"If you don't bring Sae Ryung out right now, I promise you, you'll never be able to leave here alive" I shouted at him my hand shaking.

"Took you not long enough to remember, I'm guessing the file she stole has something to do with it, hahahaha, she has always been the best, not that it's surprising considering you guys are also one of the best, but she surpasses you, she just didn't want to show off, she loves you guys too much, even though she has no idea how and why.

"I'm warning you, bring her here!" Jungkook shouted.

"Fine, sweetheart"

Min Ji came out from behind him, my hands shook and fell to my side as I wanted to rush to her she raised her gin up and shot me in the shoulder.

"Min Ji!!" All of them shouted, I fell on one knee, when I looked into her eye to know what was wrong, I noticed it wasn't moving, it was translucent, unlike how her eyes used to be before.

"You.. y.. you brainwashed her, why why!!!" I screamed.

"Wow, you're still asking" the others wanted to try coming close but she raised her gun and pointed it at them too.

"Min Ji it's us remember, I'm your brother" Jimin said.

"You guys are pests, what better way to kill you than your own blood, though I must admit it's all thanks to you"

"What do you mean" Taehyung said.

"You broke her big boy, I saw her memories during the wipe, before her memories was just too strong, too real, so it constituted a lot of damages before we were finally able to wipe her Brain, but now, it was all to easy, she wanted to hang on, but she didn't even know what was real or not, the heart break was too much as I constantly repeated the images then she succumbed and we wiped everything"

"No" I whispered as a tear fell down my face.

"Yoongi it wasn't your fault!!" Hoseok shouted, but somewhere deep down I knew it was.

"Yes, so say goodbye to your sister, oh and wanna know why she didn't tell you she was pregnant I'm sure you're curious, yeah she was scared that you would kill the child, given your temper she thought you would think she was using it to tie you down and kill it, hahahaha "

I closed my eyes, maybe before I would have, but I wasn't like that anymore. But she didn't know, because I let her down a lot.

"Good luck bringing her back, Min Ji darling, kill them all"

She raised her gun up again.

I struggled to get up as she pointed the gun at my forehead while the others fought with Mr Sung yeol wol and his two other bodyguards.

"Min Ji look at me, I'm... I'm sorry, I know I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I just want to tell you how sorry I am" she cocked her gun ready to pull the trigger.

"Stop her Yoongi, don't let her do it!!" Jin shouted. Stop her? Should I? I didn't deserve to stop her at all, I deserved whatever she wanted to do to me right now, because I killed her.

"Come back to me, I love you Sae Ryung" I whispered. Her hand started shaking the moment I called her real name, she held her head as the other hand went down.

"Min Ji what are you doing!! Kill him, kill Yoongi!!' Sung yeol wol shouted.

"Yo.. Yoongi? Min Yoongi?" She finally remembered.

"No that's not possible, how could you remember!!"

When she looked at me her eyes cleared and she started crying, then she slowly walked towards me. I stood up and opened my arms as she ran into it.

"I'm sorry Yoongi, I'm sorry for not telling you, I'm sorry for doubting you and running away from you" I held her head firmly as she sobbed into my chest.

"No, I'm sorry, I didn't give you enough reason to trust me, I'm sorry I didn't recognize you Sae Ryung, it made me do all those things to you, and I hated myself for hurting and pushing you away even when all the signs where there"

"Noo!!" Mr Sung yeol wol shouted and pointed a gun at me and Min Ji pointed her gun at him.

"It's enough, I won't let you break up our family again, you cruel man, I hate you, you made me believe I was your daughter, you brainwashed me and tried to hurt me countless times!!"

"Sae Ryung, get behind me!!" I tried to push her back.

"As long as the blood of the kims run through your veins you'll forever be my enemy, I hate you, It was good while it lasted but then it's time for you to go"

He cocked the gun when Namjoon and Hoseok shot him countless times, I immediately hugged Min Ji as a form of protection, when I saw he was down, I released her. "Are you okay?! The baby" I touched her stomach. "The baby is okay" she looked behind me and I thought I saw a shock on her face as she pushed me away and pointed a gun at her father and shot him again just as he shot her on the chest. He died as Min Ji fell to the floor.

"Sae Ryung!!!" My heart stopped as I saw her gasping for air, all of us rushed to her.

"You silly girl!!! How many times have we warned you about blocking bullets with your body!!" I screamed. My hand Shaked.

"The police and ambulance is here!" Namjoon said as his voice shook as he talked. Holding Sae Ryung he said. "I'm sorry little sister, we still couldn't protect you in the end"

"but it felt great t.. to pro...

Blood spluttered from her lip.

...protect you"

"Stop talking, we'll save you" Jungkook carried her and ran towards the ambulance.

"E.. Even if we didn't know, my heart recognized you.. I lo.. Love you guys, please don't be sad okay. I'll be sa.. sad of you are" her voice died down as the ambulance ran with full speed to the hospital.


Bring the sheets...


Pump it to 2000...


She's losing blood...


Stabilize the baby, we're losing her...


She may not wake up....


We're losing her...


The bullets out...


It's a flat line!! Quick perform CPR...


The surgery took hours, but we dared not rest... The trays and trays of blood scared me so much that I had to even start praying.


"Dear God... I don't care if she loses the baby... Just make her safe... If you're hearing me... Please protect her"


The doctor finally came out after they had put her in observation. "She lost a lot of blood"

"And the child?" Jimin asked.

"We were able to save the child, they are okay"

"They? Is she awake?" Jin asked

The doctor didn't say anything until I urged him.

"We could say that she's out of danger and she's also not out of danger"

"Doctor please emphasis on what you're saying, is my sister okay? What's wrong with her" Taehyung asked.

"The memory wiping took a lot on her brain and memories, it's possible that she may forget what happened, she may not remember anything at all, not even her name"

That felt like a huge blow but I quickly regained myself. "It's okay as long as she's alive" I whispered.

"She's in a vegetative state"

"What?!" Jungkook was shocked.

"Will she recover? How long will it take?" Hoseok asked.

"It's hard to say, it's highly possible that she may never-"

"Don't" I said coldly. I didn't want anyone saying she may never wake up. No, she's my Sae Ryung, she's stronger than anyone I know. She will wake up I'm sure of it, she must...

I left them alone as I walked towards her ward, she was in life support and had so many tubes connected to her body and looked really pale. Like a gentle breeze and she'll disappear...

I held her hand and kissed her forehead. "You'll definitely make it. I believe in you darling. I'll be waiting for you, I don't care if I have to join you on the other side".

Everyday I came to see Min Ji, I didn't want to leave her side for one second afraid that once she opens her eyes she wouldn't see me. I wanted to be the first person she would see.

The others couldn't bear to even stay away. Sae Ryung was the most important thing to us now and we could leave her again, not now that she needed us.

Days, weeks, months...

But we persisted...

Kim Seokjin's POV

                Watching my little sister lie there, I didn't know which emotion was swirling inside me at the moment.

Happiness? That we finally found her?

Joy? That she was still alive and well?

Or sadness? At the fact that she was in a coma right now and was hanging between life and death.

We managed to stabilize her but I wished more than ever for her to just stand up. I don't care if she was noisy, or I'll tempered as long as she was alive.

It's been 3 months now, of course everything had stabilized and the clean sweep of the country had happened, allowing us to win merits but none of us could be happy.

Because Sae Ryung contributed to everything that happened.

As I sat down on the chair looking, Min Yoongi was on the other side too.

As we were talking, the EKG made a loud beeping noise and Sae Ryung's eye fluttered before opening.

I was shocked, including Yoongi, we both stood up, wanting so much to hug her but afraid of doing anything that will harm her and the baby.

We both just stared at her as she slowly regained consciousness, then she looked at me first, I couldn't read the emotions in her eyes yet as she turned her head to look at Yoongi too.

Had she really lost her memories?? Does she not remember us at all???

I was scared and frightened, but still happy that she could wake up, that she could at least open her eyes.

Tears fell down her eyes which shocked the both of us as I pressed the button for calling the doctor.

"Are you okay? Do you remember me?" Yoongi asked her, he couldn't take it anymore.

"Big brother" she called us and started crying.

I crashed to the chair and Yoongi started crying as the door burst open and the doctors and nurses rushed in.

The others also followed, scared at first but was shocked when they saw she was awake.

Jungkook and Jimin were crying. Namjoon had no words.

After the doctor confirmed that she was okay and so was the baby, we finally were able to see her.

Jungkook immediately started.

"Sae Ryung do you remember me?? What about them?"

She nodded slowly before struggling to open her mouth and said quietly.

"You're all my eldest brothers, I remember now... Everything... All my memories, including mom" I cried.

"Biggest brother don't cry, I'm okay now right, I know you were worried but I'm fine now, I woke up right?" She raised her weak hand to hold mine and I nodded so quickly.

"I won't cry, I won't cry again so you wouldn't be worried, just get better okay, I promise you, I'll never let you suffer again"

The others nodding agreement as she talked to all of them except Yoongi.

Finally she turned to look at Yoongi.

"Oppa, I remember you, I remembered everything you said to me when I was asleep, I could feel you, hear you, but I couldn't move that's all, I know you didn't do all those things intentionally to hurt me "

Yoongi nodded.

"I'm sorry Sae Ryung, I shouldn't have... I'm sorry" he didn't know what to say.

"Well I'm okay now right, and so is the baby"

"Sae Ryung, you're having twins, a boy and a girl"

"A boy and a girl?"

Namjoon nodded, "it's true"


Eventually we got reunited with her, she definitely remembered us, although her speech was slow and so was her actions, the doctors told us not to be worried, eventually after a month or so, she'll be able to come back to normal.

All the servants were equally joyful too, they loved her because she was easy to get along with and everyone was happy.

Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook couldn't leave the hospital at all, including Yoongi.

They didn't want to step aside even for one bit, entertaining Sae Ryung until she said she was tired and needed to rest.

I stood with Namjoon, just outside the ward as we looked in from the door as she was sleeping.

"I'm happy we found her again"

"Wherever mom is now, she'll be happy we found her" I said.

"We took over Scorpion facilities, and their networking and accounts, after destroying Mr Sung, we killed the entire rest of the bodyguards and assassins that didn't surrender. The others are in police custody awaiting trial, hopefully they will reveal the others in hiding, but at the moment, there's no scorpion facility in Korea again, the accounts, all the earnings, all amounted to 900 billion" Namjoon said to me.

"Give 100 billion to Charity, another 100 billion for the country and the rest to Sae Ryung, she'll decide to what to do with it, that's what they owe her the very least" I told him.

He nodded, "thank you" I said again.

"For what?"

"If you hadn't insisted on working with Sae Ryung prehaps we would have met and missed her again and I wouldn't have known what I would have done"

"It's all thanks to all of us, besides she's a real strong one and very fiesty, I guess she takes after you in that part"

"Oh it's definitely Jungkook and the rest" we both laughed.

"Yoongi is already planning a wedding, once she's discharged they'll seal the knot"

"He's one very eager man" I tsked.

"But then he's been waiting for a very long time so I wouldn't blame him for that, they did promise each other they would get married when they grow up and had a kiddies engagement so it's natural, who would have believed it would happen" I laughed.

"But then who would also believe Min ji was actually the girl he was waiting for all along"

We turned to leave.

"We were waiting for" I corrected.

"I'm sleepy, been awake for 48 hours now"  Namjoon said

"Same, prehaps we should go home, sleep, I'm starving too" I told him .

"The cook would have prepared something so let's go enjoy"

Our voices faded into the distance as we walked out...

Those voices sounded so happy and relaxed. Maybe now, the vendetta could be stopped, and they could live satisfied....