
Luna's POV

"Take a deep breath, Luna, and just calm down. You havs to go out there unless you want every member of our family to be wiped," my mom cried, placing her hands on my shoulders.

I sighed, feeling the tears pricking my eyes. "But Mom, I hadn't been around for four years, and I only just returned yesterday. I don't know anything about Dominick Phoenix and the mafia. Mom, I may look like my twin sister Sol, but I'm not her. He's bound to find out."

She turned away from me, shaking her head, and I could tell this was also hard for her. "Luna, we don't have any other option. If the Phoenix dynasty found out that your sister eloped with a man, they'll kill us for disrespecting the marriage treaty. You have to get married to Dominick, you just have to pretend to be Sol."

"I don't even know him or what he's like. How can I marry him? Deceive him?" I cried bitterly, shaking my head.

"You have to do this, Luna. I'm so sorry." She took a napkin from the dresser and used it to wipe my tears gently. "Now come on, they are waiting for you."

I glanced at the mirror, my eyes devoid of happiness. This was supposed to be my big day, but it turned out to be the worst day of my life. I was forced to get married to a mafia don because my twin sister, his fiancée, had eloped with a man. I stood up from the chair, holding my wedding gown with both hands, and looked in the mirror. I saw a beautiful young lady with silky golden hair, slanted gray eyes, and an oblong face... but did it matter if I looked beautiful today?

"Luna, what are you still doing there?" my dad's harsh voice cut through the air as he walked in. "Come on out, we can't keep the groom waiting. Wait a minute, had you been crying?"

I shook my head, trying to avoid his gaze. I didn't want to break down in front of him. My dad and I have never seen eye to eye because I detested that he was the don of the Grande mafia, and this made him favor my twin sister Sol over me.

He stepped forward, pointing his finger at me. "Listen to me, girl. You'll get married to Dominick whether you like it or not. I let you stall for four years because you were crying about how much you detested the mafia lifestyle and all the violence, but it is your reality, and you have to get used to it. This is your chance to do something for our family."

I nodded my head, pushing back the tears inside. He was right; I have to do something for my family at least. Sol had been the one vast in knowledge about the mafia business while I lived my life how I wanted. It was time to make a sacrifice for my family. I have to marry Dominick or risk angering the biggest mafia in the country.

I turned to my mom, who was beside me, her sad brown eyes mirroring her emotions. She nodded with a small smile, urging me on. I nodded back before taking my dad's hand. Time to face the music.

"Remember to smile and act happy. There are tons of reporters present there. We don't want them running with some story," my dad whispered to me, and I could only nod my head in reply.

My heart raced as my father took my arm, and we walked down the aisle. The hall buzzed with excitement, and I could feel all eyes on me. I glanced around, recognizing faces from the Grande mafia on one side of the hall, and I guessed the Phoenix dynasty mafia on the other side.

Approaching the altar, my eyes found Dominick, and I caught my breath. He was tall and commanding in his black tuxedo, oozing both intensity and aura. Our gazes locked, and it felt like I would pass out. His smile reached his green eyes, making his countenance soften.

We reached the altar, and my dad gently placed my hand in Dominick's. The moment our hands touched, an unexpected surge of electricity coursed through me. On closer look, his jawline was chiseled to perfection, his red luscious lips, green eyes, and shiny brown hair all so captivating. I could even see his strong biceps bulging out from his tuxedo. He was like a model straight from a magazine cover. Again, he was so handsome, and it got me thinking why Sol didn't want to get married to him.

Standing beside Dominick, I felt so small as the priest began the ceremony. My 5ft 4 inches seemed almost diminutive compared to his towering 6ft 4 inches. I couldn't quell the nervous fluttering in my chest as I began to recite my vows in a shaky tone.

When it was Dominick's turn to speak, my legs trembled, my whole body on edge. His gaze was intense, but a gentle smile played on his lips. I didn't expect him to be this nice.

And when the priest asked if I took Dominick to be my lovely wedded husband, I hesitated, feeling my stomach churn with anxiety. I glanced around frantically; the words just felt too heavy to slip out of my tongue. I caught my mom's gaze, and she nodded slowly, with a smile. I had to do this, for my mom, for my family.

I swallowed before looking at Dominick. "I, Sol Grande, take Dominick Phoenix as my darling wedded husband." The hall erupted in cheers.

Finally, the priest pronounced us husband and wife. Dominick's hands immediately cupped my face, drawing me in for a kiss that left me utterly frozen on the spot. His alluring cologne enveloped my senses, and for a moment, I felt my soul transcend my body.

As he pulled away, he whispered in my ear, "You did fucking amazing. You're such a good actress. Now keep up the good work, and you and your filthy family will be fine."

Confusion knit my brow. His sudden change in demeanor and his threats left me perplexed. He had been pretending all this while. What have I gotten myself into?

As Dominick and I left the wedding hall, a swarm of reporters and paparazzi surrounded us, hungry for a glimpse of us. Thankfully, Dominick's men skillfully warded them away, creating a shield that allowed us to slip into our car undisturbed.

After our long drive, we arrived at Dominick's luxurious mansion, which I didn't have the zeal to admire. He introduced me to the staff and instructed a maid to show me to my room. I was surprised to find that I have a separate room, and though I was grateful for the privacy, it still left me puzzled.

With the help of a maid, I unpacked my bags and tried to settle into my new room, which was beautiful, but I couldn't care less right now. After a few hours, having just finished taking a bath and getting out of the bathroom, the same maid who assisted me earlier knocked on my door.

She bowed her head slightly. "Mrs. Phoenix, the boss request that you prepare and come to his room. You'll be spending the night with him."

I dismissed her and collapsed on the bed, tired. My heart thudded hard in my chest at the thought of spending the night with Dominick. But this is my life right now, and I have to do my wifely duties. I changed into red rose lingerie and a silk robe, hesitating for a moment before applying sweet-scented perfume.

Drawing a deep sigh, I headed to the door. I opened it and saw the maid outside waiting to direct me to Dominick's room.

I drew a deep breath before knocking on Dominick's door. His deep voice welcomed me in. I entered and found myself mesmerized by the beauty of the large room with its glass interior. I didn't have enough time to appreciate its beauty as my eyes widened when I caught sight of a naked Dominick emerging from the bathroom, and I immediately looked away, feeling my cheeks turn pink in embarrassment.

What the hell? I have never seen a naked man before!

"Why are you acting as though you haven't seen me fucking naked before? Quit playing around and get your ass over here." He smirked, pointing at the ground in front of him.

I swallowed hard, still unable to meet his gaze, but slowly brought my eyes up. I caught sight of his toned abs, tattooed arms, and rock-hard chest, but I couldn't bring myself to look beyond his waist.

Dominick sighed, slowly making his way towards me before jerking my hand, crushing my body to his hard chest.

"What has gotten into you? Why are you acting so strange?" he purred, nibbling at my neck. I heard a moan escape my lips; I couldn't explain the sensation. Before I knew it, he picked me up and carried me to his king-size bed.

"Let's get this over with, kitten." He wasted no time, pulling the robe off my body and burying his head between the valley of my breasts. Shivers ran down my spine as he worked his way with his fingers through my panties, shifting them and inserting two fingers inside. I arched my body, feeling my eyes roll inside. He worked me, bringing me close to the edge, causing me to jerk hysterically, feeling my juices slip out. Before I knew it, I felt something hard slipping inside my core, and it sent tremors of pain coursing through me. I screamed, causing Dominick to pull out.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" he barked at me, surprised to see my gray eyes filled with tears. As if sensing something, he looked down and saw blood on his dick.

"How the fuck? That's impossible, how could you be a virgin? It's not the first time I've fucked you, so how?" he shouted, causing me to recoil in fear.

"What the hell is going on? Are you really Sol?" he barked, using his hands to grab my neck in a vice grip. I struggled for breath, feeling my life slipping away.

"Please... I...can explain."

He released his grip but kept his hands on my neck. "Then do it."

Tears spilled from my eyes like rain. "I... I'm not Sol... I'm her twin sister Luna Grande."

His eyes darkened in anger, causing my body to tremble. "What? Didn't your family tell me you were dead? How dare you all make a fool of the Phoenix dynasty mafia!"