Shells Suite.

Dominick's POV

I stepped closer, pushing her roughly against the wall. "What the heck are you talking about? How did that witch Elle find out?"

She shook her head vigorously. "I don't know. She called me Luna and smiled before she left."

"And you expect me to believe that?" I sneered, raking my fingers through my hair. "Where is your sister?"

"I don't know, please believe me. I really don't know," she pleaded, clasping her hands together. "My parents had been searching for her before I came back home."

I turned away, unsure of what to do. I was losing it; this shouldn't be happening. "I don't want you, I need your sister, Sol. Don't you understand?"

"I'm sure she'll come back. Give her..."

"Shut up," I motioned angrily, clenching my jaw. "Do you know what will happen if my family or the opposition finds out that you're not Sol?"

"But they don't know," she muttered, looking down.

She's so pathetic, too weak to be my wife.

"Once again, you may look like your sister, but you're not her," I retorted, sending her a disgusted look. "And you don't have what I want. Sol has something of mine."

She raised her brow. "What... what is that?"

"None of your business. You'd better pray that I find Sol; otherwise, I'll cast you out of here." I paused, leaning closer and whispering, "Do you know what will happen if I do that?"

She shook her head slowly, afraid of what I was about to say. "You and your whole family will be wiped out by my father." Her eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. "So you'd better pray I find your sister, or I'll fucking kick you out to the wolves."

She recoiled in fear, visibly trembling. "Please don't. Just give me some time."

"For now, keep acting like Sol. I'll take care of Elle."

I was about to leave when her small voice brought me back. "What if Sol comes back? What will happen to me?"

I chuckled darkly, an amused grin dancing on my lips as I leaned mere inches from her face, placing my hands on the wall above her. "Nothing, absolutely nothing. Besides, there's nothing exceptional about your boring self."

She looked as though she was about to melt like butter as her eyes scrambled for an escape route. So amusing.

"Dom," Alen called from behind me, interrupting my entertainment. "I'm back. I hope I'm not interrupting anything," he said in a not-so-subtle sarcastic tone.

"Alright," I smirked at her reddened cheeks, dropping my hands to my sides. "Let's go to the office."

"Hi, you must be Dom's wife, Luna, I mean Sol," he waved at Luna, showing her a bright smile. But I could tell he was being sarcastic and teasing her.

"Alen!" I warned him.

"Okay, okay, let's go. See you around, Sol," he nodded at a distraught Luna before following after me.

We settled into our seats in my office, Alen leaning on the table. "So, I don't know where the hell Sol is, but I've got an idea where her last appearance was last recorded."

"Where? Just tell me," I demanded, feeling my pulse quicken.

He leaned back in his chair, bracing himself. "You're not going to like this, From."

"Just spit it out," I said, closing my eyes, trying to steady my racing heart. "I can handle it."

"She was last seen at Shells Suite."

"What?" I exclaimed, rubbing furiously at my face. "This can't be happening."

"Well, here are the pictures," he said, taking them out of his pocket and throwing them on the table. "These were captured when she entered the hotel."

I picked them up, quickly examining them. It was indeed Sol, in her signature mini gown and high heels, walking into the hotel. Her large red dragon tattoo was visible in her open-back dress. "Did they capture when she left?"

"Unfortunately, no," he sighed. "There are no records of that. I'd have dug out more information, but you know I can't. That's not our territory."

"What was she doing in a hotel run by the Black Mamba?" I sneered, dropping the pictures on the table.

The Black Mamba was our biggest opposition in New York. They had been trying to take over from us as the biggest Mafia in New York. If they were to get their hands on Sol, it would be over for us.

"Relax, Dom, I'm sure they haven't found her yet. If they did, they would have made a move and attacked us," Alen reassured.

But it did little to ease my mind. It was only a matter of time before news got out and my family heard about this. My father and brother would try to take over my position.

I raised my head to the ceiling. "I can't believe I trusted that woman with my most prized possession."

"Yeah, I warned you about her," Alen said matter-of-factly.

And he was right; he had warned me not to trust Sol, but I believed our goals aligned.

"Let's just hope we get to her before anyone else does. I find it hard to believe that she left willingly to be with that bastard Tom."

"Yes, maybe her life was in danger."

"You're right. But first, there's a problem: Elle knows that's not Sol, but Luna."

Alen's brows furrowed. "How the hell?"

"I don't know, but..." A knock sounded on the door, interrupting me.

"Come in."

One of my men rushed inside, bowing his head slightly. "Boss, your brother is here to see you."

"Damien?" Alen muttered, irritated. "What does he want now?"

I sighed, getting up from my seat. "I don't know, but I'm about to find out."

I took quick strides and headed towards the living room to see Damian. I was actually dying of curiosity to know why he was here. I hadn't seen him for four months, he even skipped my wedding ceremony all because he was angry I was made Don instead of him.

Damian was my little brother, two years younger than me, and he's 26 years old. Since our teenage years, we've never gotten along; we were always competing for the position of the next Don. And now that I held that position, Damian had actually grown to hate me.

I froze in steps, eyes narrowing at the sight in front of me. Damian's face was mere inches away from Luna's.

"What the fuck is going on here?" I demanded, my voice laced with fury and confusion.