Death At The Club.

Luna's POV

I glanced up, surprised to see Dominick standing there. I hadn't even noticed when he arrived. He looked visibly angry, and Selene appeared surprised by his sudden appearance.

"What the hell do you think?" he demanded, his eyes blazing with fury.

Selene squirmed, edging backward on the floor. "She... she started it first," she stammered.

"What did she start, and why the hell are you still here?" Dominick's jaw clenched angrily. "Didn't I tell you to leave after breakfast?"

His harsh tone startled me, and I couldn't help but wonder why he was shouting at Selene. Did he actually care about me? My heart began to race with uncertainty.

"Get the hell out of here!" Dominick's cold voice snapped me out of my thoughts. Selene quickly got up, straightened her clothes, and dashed out of the mansion.

Dominick turned his attention toward me, his lips twisted in an angry frown. "What the hell happened?" he demanded.

"I... I..." I struggled to find the words, suddenly feeling tongue-tied.

"Are you deaf?" Dominick's cold voice made me take a step back. "Say something, damn it."

"I just wanted to know why she was seeing a married man," I managed to say in a shaky voice, drawing a scowl from him.

"Is that what this is about? You're jealous?"

"I'm not jealous. I asked her a simple question, and instead of answering, she started pulling my hair."

He sighed. "And you couldn't defend yourself? You're so pathetic and weak."

His words cut deep, leaving me feeling worthless. I had thought he was starting to care about me, but now I wasn't so sure.

"You had better remember the reason why you're here. If you let your guard down, I'm not the one for you."

With one more look of disgust, he walked out of the living room. My legs suddenly gave way beneath me, and I had to hold onto the couch to keep from falling. I hated him for treating me like crap, I hated Sol for putting me in this situation, and most of all, I hated myself for allowing Dominick to sway me.

Are you alright?" Nina's voice brought me back to reality. I quickly wiped my cheeks and forced a smile.

"Yes, I'm fine," I lied.

Nina took my hand and led me to the couch. "What happened?" she asked, concern evident in her eyes. ''I kind of heard you and the boss arguing."

"I don't understand him," I confessed, feeling frustrated and confused.

Nina raised an eyebrow. "Who? The boss?"

"Yes, one minute he's defending me, and the next minute he's scolding me for something that wasn't my fault."

"Relax, hun, relax," Nina said, squeezing my hand reassuringly. "Tell me what happened."

"I saw his girlfriend, Selene, sitting on the couch when I came downstairs. I decided to ask her why she was messing with a married man. She got angry and began pulling my hair."

"I'm sorry, so sorry,"Nina burst into laughter, surprising me. "Did you really do that?" she asked between giggles.

I nodded, feeling embarrassed. "Was I being weird?"

"No," Nina said, still laughing. "But Miss Sol would never have done that."

I frowned. "Are you saying my sister knew about Selene and was okay with it?"

Nina nodded, glancing around the living room before leaning closer. "They were kind of in an open relationship."

My eyes widened in surprise. How could Sol have agreed to and even participated in such a silly arrangement?

"So... she actually didn't care?"

"I mean, she was seeing Tom," Nina said with a shrug.

I couldn't help but feel uneasy about the whole situation. Sol and Dominick seemed more alike than I wanted to admit.

"Can I ask you something?" Nina's hushed tone brought me out of my thoughts, and I gave her the go-ahead..

"Do you have feelings for the boss?"

The question caught me off guard, and I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment. "What? I...I No!" I stammered, feeling flustered. "Of course not. I just wanted to protect my sister, that's all."

"Alright then," Nina said, smiling skeptically.

"Did Sol have feelings for the boss?" I asked, curious despite myself.

Nina shrugged. "I can't say for sure, but their relationship was definitely complicated."

The door swung open, and we both looked up to see Alen striding inside lazily. "Hello, ladies, I hope I'm not interrupting anything?" He greeted me politely with a smile, but I didn't answer. I wanted to, but somehow I felt tongue-tied.

"We were just catching up with each other," Nina returned with a little more sass than necessary. But Alen ignored her, preferring to focus on me instead.

I felt my lashes fluttering as our gazes met. Unlike Dominick's intense eyes, his eyes were much friendlier. In fact, his whole demeanor seemed welcoming.

"And how are you doing today, Miss Phoenix?"

I swallowed, feeling a tingle of heat creep up in my forehead. "I'm... alright... we're just talking."

"I'm glad to hear that. I'll just leave y'all to continue then." He bowed slightly and started heading for Dominick's office.

"So you're just going to ignore me?" Nina yelled behind him, but he continued on, refusing to acknowledge her.

"Jerk!" she slouched on the couch in frustration.

"He's actually nice," I blurted out and regretted it immediately when Nina gave me a suspicious glance.

"Do you?"

"No... no, I don't have feelings for him... I just think he's nice."

"Don't be deceived by his innocent and handsome face; he's actually a handsome devil," she scoffed, but I couldn't help but suspect that something might be up between those two. The way she looked at him seemed suspicious.

"By the way, does Alen perhaps know about your real identity? Something feels off; he's never talked and smiled with Miss Sol like this."

"He does. I think Dominick told him."

"Of course he did, they're literally inseparable."

"I'm bored," I slouched on the couch exhausted. "I just hope they find Sol."

"I hope she's fine," Nina sighed before sitting up. "Wanna come to the club tonight with me?"

"What? No, I don't like clubbing," I shook my head.

"Come on, please, you'll love it," Nina pouted, clasping her hand. "Didn't you say you were bored?"

"What about Dominick? I don't think he'll like that."

"He didn't stop Miss Sol whenever she wanted to go clubbing. Come on, we'll be fine as long as we take some of your guards for protection."

I thought for a moment before nodding in defeat. "Fine, I'll go with you."

"Yes," Nina squealed happily. "We'll start getting dressed at nighttime then."

It was finally dark, and after dinner, I took a quick bath and slipped on my dress and stilettos, standing in front of the mirror. A knock sounded, and I invited Nina inside, her head shaking in disapproval instantly at my dress.

"What's wrong with it?" I wondered aloud, glancing at the dress. It was a maroon tailored knee-length designer gown, and I thought it looked pretty.

"You can't dress like this to the club. You look like the sophisticated wife of a billionaire, which you are, but it's not suitable for the club. You get what I'm trying to say." She raised her hands in defeat. "I'll help you find a better one."

She went through my closet and took out a red mini gown. "Perfect," she mused, admiring the dress. "Try this on, come on."

I wanted to say no, but I didn't want to disappoint her, so I took the dress and changed into it.

"Perfect, you look perfect," she squealed, admiring the dress on me.

I forced out a smile, not really comfortable in the dress. The back was open, revealing my tattoo, and it was too short.

"You have the same tattoo as Miss Sol," Nina asked, glancing at my back.

"Yup, Dominick made me get it a week or so ago, and it still hurts."

"It hasn't quite healed yet, but it's so beautiful, just like Sol's," she smiled fondly. "Now come on, let's go."

We took three of the guards assigned to me and headed straight to the club. Immediately upon entering the hall, the smell of sweat mingled with alcohol and cigarettes filled the air.

Nina dragged me towards the bar and ordered some drinks, but I refused. Alcohol wasn't exactly my thing. Minutes later, she invited me to the dance floor, but I refused to go. I didn't even know how to dance.

I had only ever been to the club once in the UK, and I didn't like it one bit. The music was too loud, the hall was too congested, and the smell of weed pungent, kind of like now.

"I'm tired of drinking here, I need to let loose and dance," Nina announced, nodding towards a man who had been giving her suggestive glances.

She stood up, turning her glass over. "Are you sure you'll be okay being alone?" She asked me hopefully that I'll have a change of mind.

But I nodded."I'll be fine by myself." She nodded hesitantly before going to dance with the stranger.

I was content to just sit there and enjoy all the shenanigans going on in the club until a young man approached me, staggering.

"Hello, Missy, care for a dance?" His breath reeked of alcohol and cigarettes, causing my stomach to churn.

"No, thanks," I replied politely, facing away, but his hand came on my exposed thigh possessively.

"Who said you had a say?" He smirked, pulling me up forcefully by the arm.

"Let me go," I jerked my hand away, enraging the man whose hand flew across my cheek in a stinging slap.

I let out a yelp, holding my bruised cheek as I took a step back, but he pulled me back again forcefully, dragging me away from the dance floor. I looked in Nina's direction; she was engrossed with the stranger.

Unsure of what to do, I began to scream when we approached a secluded spot, but it was muffled by the loud music. Suddenly, someone pulled the man away forcefully, throwing him to the floor.

"Dominick?" My hand flew to my mouth in surprise as he bent down and leaned on top of the man, pummeling his face with punches. The man's lips began to bleed instantly as he squirmed in pain, struggling for words as Dominick dealt him blows upon blows.

It was getting too much; the man was losing too much blood. I wanted to scream for Dominick to stop, but nothing came out of my mouth.

He suddenly stopped, his breathing ragged from using so much energy. He dipped his hand in his pocket and brought out a blade, then began stabbing the man in his chest over and over again, as blood gushed out like tap water.

He turned to me, blade in hand, his eyes red with pure rage. My legs instantly moved back in fea. At the moment, he looked like he was possessed by a demon as he hovered over the lifeless body of the man.