The heat of competition.

Chapter 78: The Heat of Competition.

The sweltering evening heat wrapped around the football field, turning the sandy terrain into a golden expanse that shimmered under the setting sun. The once vibrant green grass had long given way to the sands, creating a landscape that was both harsh and unforgiving. The air was thick with humidity, the occasional breeze barely stirring the grains of sand, leaving them to form fleeting patterns that danced momentarily before settling back into place.

At either end of the field stood the goalposts, their once-pristine white paint now chipped and weathered. They loomed like ancient sentinels, relics of better days, still standing, still serving their purpose despite the wear and tear of time. The benches, partially filled with nothing but dust, added to the atmosphere of decay—a reminder of the countless matches played and the players who had come and gone.

In the center of this desolate arena, two teams faced each other. The players from two different schools, Chidori and Roward, were distinguishable by the colors of their uniforms. The Chidori players donned blue t-shirts and shorts, while the Roward team wore white. It was a 5-on-5 matchup, a test of skill, strategy, and endurance in the face of the oppressive heat and challenging conditions.

The tension between the two teams was palpable as they prepared to select their positions. The rivalry had been simmering beneath the surface, and now, under the fiery gaze of the setting sun which had some clouds roaming around it, the intensity was about to reach its boiling point.

"So we are going with football?" Akeshi's voice cut through the silence, the first to break the uneasy quiet that had settled over the players.

"Yes. I thought since this was one of the most well-known sports, you guys would have known about it at the very least." Keitaro's words were laced with a subtle jab, aimed more at challenging their pride than at their knowledge. Except for Akeshi, the others bristled at the remark.

"So, have you guys decided what position you'll be taking?" Mikage's gaze shifted to Akeshi, who nodded, his confidence unshaken.

"Yes. I've already thought of it. We're going with this: I'll be the central midfielder, Chen will be the striker, Namak will be the goalkeeper, Yuuki will be the attacking midfielder, and Ren will be the central defender."

Mikage nodded, satisfied with the clarity in Akeshi's voice. He turned to his own team. "As for us, I'll be the goalkeeper, Keitaro will be the striker, Rentaro the central back, Myushi the central midfielder, and Okabe the left winger."

"Well then, anyone got coins or something?" Mikage asked, looking around.

After a brief search of pockets and exchanged glances, Keitaro pulled out a 5¥ coin and handed it to Mikage, who tossed it in the air.

"Back," Akeshi called out as the coin spun through the air, catching the light before falling to the ground. The coin landed with the backside up, confirming Roward's advantage. They would start with the ball.

The players moved to their positions with purpose, a silent understanding of what was at stake. The whistle, sharp and sudden, cut through the air, signaling the start of the match.

Akeshi wasted no time, immediately passing the ball to Chen as he charged forward. The Roward team was going for the jugular right from the start, their intentions clear.

Rentaro and Keitaro circled the pair, trying to contain the immediate threat. Chen, however, was unfazed. With a swift movement, he lobbed the ball just above their heads, aiming for Akeshi's chest.

"Now!" Mikage's voice rang out, and as if on cue, Keitaro and Myushi closed in on Akeshi, while Rentaro strategically backed down to cover the space behind them.

Their defensive philosophy was clear—Tarazune Akeshi should never be left unchecked. It was a strategy born of respect and wariness, understanding the danger he posed if left to his own devices.

Yuuki and Namakemono moved to assist Akeshi, but he didn't need them. With a flick of his foot, Akeshi lifted the ball off the ground and performed a mid-air elastico, a move that left both defenders scrambling. His speed and agility were breathtaking, his control of the ball unmatched as he maneuvered through the crease between the two bodies with ease.


Chen received a no-look diagonal pass from Akeshi, controlled it smoothly, and grinned. "Nice," he muttered under his breath.

Rentaro and Keitaro immediately moved to block Chen's dribbling lane, with Ren joining in from the right. Akeshi was advancing, creating more options.

Chen's eyes gleamed with excitement. "I love a challenge," he said, as he moved forward, hitting the ball to the right.

Ren, ever the strategist, received the pass and smiled. "Good," he murmured. He let the ball roll past his feet, setting himself up for a perfect one-tap pass.

"My legs are still sore from that late-night leg exercise. I'm blaming you if this isn't perfect," Ren quipped, his voice laced with mock seriousness.


The ball left Ren's feet with a satisfying thud, curving through the air as it whistled past Rentaro, who desperately tried to use his height to intercept it. But the ball had already curved to his right, heading for its intended target.

Both Akeshi and Chen charged forward, their eyes locked on the descending ball. Rentaro and Okabe scrambled to close the gap, but the chemistry between Akeshi and Chen was undeniable.

"Go get your own route," they snapped at each other, their competitive spirits flaring as they pushed forward.

Mikage, watching the play unfold, couldn't help but marvel at their synergy. *'This is getting heated up,'* he thought as he positioned himself to react.

In a display of pure instinct and athleticism, Akeshi darted to the left while Chen took the right. Their sudden change of pace and acceleration left their opponents reeling.

*'Don't they hate each other? Why is their chemistry so good?'* Myushi wondered as he observed the seamless coordination between Akeshi and Chen. Their rivalry was well-known, yet on the field, they moved as if they were extensions of each other's will.

The ball descended perfectly in front of Akeshi, an inch before his feet. But before he could make contact, a blur of movement interrupted the play.

A figure, moving with the speed and agility of a seasoned athlete, intercepted the pass with a deft tap to the right, controlling the ball with an effortless grace that belied the tension of the match.

"Yo," the newcomer said, his voice calm and unhurried.


The ball, under his control, skidded to a stop. The Roward team's coordinated attack had been thwarted in an instant.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" Keitaro's voice was a mix of anger and confusion as he glared at the newcomer.

"Come on now, I don't want my school to embarrass itself," the stranger replied, his tone casual, almost indifferent.

"That doesn't give you the right to enter this match!" Keitaro snapped, his frustration boiling over.

"Calm down, Keitaro. Chill out. If he wants to help, we should let him," Mikage intervened, stepping between the two boys to diffuse the situation.

"Tch! Like I'd let you guys lose to these fuckers while I'm alive," the newcomer sneered.

"'re Hirokima, aren't you? Part of the Japanese U-20 national team?" Akeshi's eyes narrowed as he recognized the figure standing before him. Hirokima nodded, pulling up his sleeve to reveal a delicate tattoo on his hand—a small lotus, its petals inked in deep pink and soft white, with shades of yellow and orange bursting from the center. The tattoo seemed to bloom right on his skin, a symbol of resilience and beauty.

"But you know it's unfair because there are only five on their team while we have six, including you," Mikage pointed out, his voice laced with reason.

Chen, his curiosity piqued, couldn't resist asking, "Are you actually allowed to have a tattoo? You're the same age as us, aren't you?"

Hirokima shrugged nonchalantly. "I just come to take exams and leave. That's it. So I don't think the school can do shit about it."

"Well, I'll call someone I find. I hope he answers the call," Akeshi mumbled, heading towards the bench to retrieve his phone.

As the teams regrouped, Ren stood silently, a sigh escaping his lips. "My perfect pass…" he murmured, his voice soft and somber.

The dynamics of the match had shifted with Hirokima's arrival. The Roward team, once confident in their strategy, now faced a new level of uncertainty. Hirokima's presence on the field was a wild card—his skill and experience were undeniable, but his unpredictable nature added a risk factor that could tip the scales in either direction.

Akeshi swiftly typed a message on his phone, his fingers moving with precision. The person he needed owed him a favor, one that couldn't be ignored. The message was brief, direct, and to the point. Without hesitation, he slipped the phone back into his pocket, confident that his request would be answered.

Hirokima scanned the field, his expression unreadable, as if a mask had settled over his features. His opponents—Chen, Namakemono, Yuuki, and Ren—each caught the fleeting look on Hirokima's face and couldn't help but share the same thought.

'With that fake face of his, it would be hard to know what he is thinking.'

Akeshi's gaze then fell on Hirokima, the new player who had just shifted the balance of the game. A sharp calculation flickered in his eyes.

'20… No, 10 seconds… That's all I need to strip away the layers and expose exactly what this guy is made of,' he thought, his eyes locking onto Hirokima with an intensity that promised he would unravel every secret behind that confident facade.

The game will resume and Akeshi knew he was ready.