Skill book?

Time didn't seem to be of the essence in this facility for practically everybody. Adam had imagined how the world would treat him if he lives this place, but one thing was fkor sure. He must escape this place.

Adam was busy checking out his current status while preparing his mind for what he anticipated for a long time now. He was ready to learn the skill he got as a reward from his last mission.

[yes] [no]

Adam knew that he was excited about learning something for the first time, but he actually behaved more like a child than an adult at this moment.




Adam felt a stinging pain as images flashed in his mind. This was far more bearable than the previous one, so he got the hang of it immediately.

"It looks like a convenient skill to use from a relatively fair distance. I really hate meelee combat. It's one hell of a brutal brawl."

Adam could only sigh to relieve from his distress with a stoic facial expression he was on lately to increase his vibe and presence.

John made his way to Adam in their quarters with a big smile which depicted his excitenent. Adam was not accustomed to his smiles sohe inquired.

"What is it that got you so excited today. It looks awkwards seeing you smile from A to B."

Adam didn't ask in his formal way but instead went for the informal. There was one thing that kept John at the excited zone for long and that was whe he had time away from work.

"Boss just granted us pass into the wild around the facility. You, Rhian and I are going hunting for advanced tier beast crystal and resourses."

Adam now got what this was all about. A cold glint shone fom his sapphire blue eye as he passed his pale fingers through his silky golden hair. He had his hair bio-colored to rid himself of his nerd looks and present his newly constructed characters.

"Not bad. I would test out my full capabilities and check out my limits. That's gonna be the best method of training."

Adam expressed his thoughts without showing how he really felt. He just wanted freedom and he was so close to achieving it.

"Why don't we head out now. I feel like I need to test out my strength first hand on savages."

John didn't really care about what Adam was thinking about right now and went to pack some stuff for himself.

"We're heading out now. Our needs for this trip is already in the chopper."

John said as he left the room with his big smile. He was not going to stay here any longer. Adam had no clue of what to bring and instead brought some scrap metals and old light machinery he took from the last floor.

A minute passed by and Adam reached the top floor of the facility where he was directed to an air base. What he saw was a Rn-Cobra|III Unit class chopper. Its twin rotor points at the two side of the chopper covered in encasing metals spun with high speed.

"Stop staring Zero! Hop on we're about to take off!"

John shouted out to Adam, waking him up from his reverie almost immediately, which he responded to by jumping into the chopper.

"Don't be nervous, Adam. You'll get used to combat choppers in due time. Doors are only fir the weak you know."

Rhian mocked a little before adjusting her headphone and putting her daintyhands on the controls. Adam did the same before alerting Rhian to take off.

"Now here we go, free your nerves right now!"

Rhian's word's didn't change anything that was going on at the back as she pulled on the control and lifted the damn thing off the ground.

Adam had gotten over his fright and activated God eye to observe the surroundings from the sky. They were apparentely 70ft high from the ground and moving southwards.

"We're heading for South Colomus. Eta, 2 hours."

Rhian informed her team before switching on autopilot while setting the destination on the radar.

"John, how would advanced tier beasts look if we are to ecounter one? I heard they are fierce and you need a team of elite grade supers to take on one. And there is no guarantee of survival."

Adam's inquiry only made John to laugh again. He didn't believe Adam would believe those bastard low rank recruits at the first floor.

"C'mon bro, we three are enough. Besides Rhian and I are the only ones in our team and we've been doing this for some time now. Killing a. Advanced tier beast is easy with a tank like me so don't fret."

Adam felt relieved that it was not something of a big deal. But Rhian's reaction was complicated as of now. The self distancing she did anytime she met Adam's gaze was weird and that would only be left to resolve another day.