How about him

It was another week which passed by. Adam had already gotten a job as an assistant at the bar. He also got free feeding abd accomodation. It was also another way to complete his daily tasks.

<+50 potential points>

<+1 to all starts>

Adam received a notification after completing the six kilometres. It would have been a suicide mission if an ordinary person his age dud alk this, exceot for the two litres of water challenge. For christ sake this was the least he had done.

"Oh yeah! This is how I become stronger without even a little extra job like killing something to earn experience points. Crazy!" Adam kept cursing at his misfortune in lif as he hadn't gotten any better for a long time. First off, he couldn't travel since his ID and liscence were being delayed. It was really terrible most especially when stranded due to his lack of an ID.

"Hey Adam! Come over here quickly, we're opened already and it's time you begin work!" The old bartender, who also owned the bar shouted at Adam, which was something not new in the slightest.

"Annoying old man, won't even let me run down my stats before yelling!" Adam silently murmured to himself while sulking. He hated it when he was being bossed around, but he couldn't go out and using his ability to bully weak citizens, which wasa risk. And he was reasy to risk it.

But the old man Simon really knew how to get on his nerve everytime, but he knew better that Old man Simon really cared about him, though he hid it very well.

"Sure Old man! I mean Boss Simon!" Adam finally gave a reply with his usual slip of the tongue, which Old man Simon didn't like at all.

After taking a shower, Adam went to the bar and started his job as per usual. Today looked much peaceful. Or maybe not. Or kind of chaotic.


A man, escorted by well-built bodyguards entered the bar with a menacing look on his face. This was enough to throw the customers into a trans, filled with nothing but fear.

"I'm Lawson stewart, third son of the stewart family and Director of the Kyoto city trade bureau. I have come here today to close this bar due to special reasons." Lawson stated as he broke a table. It seems Old man Simon really had past grudges.

"Old Simon, who are these guys? Are they here to cause trouble?" Adam asked Old man Simon with a calm expression, which was in contrast to the Old man's expression.

"I'll explain later. First we have to solve this, then we talk. The cops won't interfere in matters concerning superhumans. Only the G bureau can solve this."

Old man Simon didn't really feel heartbroken or regretful. He felt sad but normal because he couldn't prevent what was about to occur.

"Old Simon, it's been a while since we saw each other. Why don't you show respect to your former master? Uh?"

The arrogant Lawson looked at Old Simon like trash and even gave him a hard slap, thus sending him flying. I wasn't new news that super-humans had exceedingly superior strength. Not only that, their body and activities were far more superior that even Old Simon fell unconcious.

This action only incited hatred in Adam. His blood was boiling so hot that he could tear someone apart if he willed it. Then he got a system notification.

Now this was the real deal Adam had been waiting for. He was worried that he might get nothing after finishing something remarkable and waited for the right time.

Old Simon regained conciousness not long after and ran towards Adam with half his face swollen like a pig's head. "Adam, don't get involved with that guy. He and his lackeys are talented youths of the third generation super-humans." Old Simon pleaded, trying to save his little life. Oh shoot, he really doesn't know Adam is the real deal.

There are three generations of superhumans. This was caused after a disaster which occured thousands of years ago, when humans discovered alien life.

The scientist crew found reliable technology and spent years performing experiments until thry could reverse engineer this machine. It was the birth of gene evolution.

It started with the first generation, which were formed from the excess radiation from the planet, which improved the body immune system and otherbody functions as well as physical and mental capabilities.

After centuries, the second generation was formed from the research of this scientist crew, which modified humans with more functions. They introduced abilities to human development. But only the half beast transformation existed.

Then the third generation came. This was a genetic augumentation project done by the world government to produce new generations with extra superhuman abilities.

Then they started the fourth generation which was called project vermin. It continued to fail that it had to shut down. There was only one living fourth generation, and that was him!

This was Adam's knowledge from a book he purchased, except the fourth generation stuff. It was still confidential.

"Don't worry Old Simon. They are the ones wgo you should pity for crossing your path this month."

words only made Lawson and his lackeys burst into a fit of laughter. Who was Adam to think he could match Lawson by strength.

"This kix is tough! Beat him until he sees how death really looks like. But don't kill him yet.I want him to tell me how it is to feel the reaper close by."

Lawson's lackeys felt satisfied when they were given the chance to play with the little beat called Adam. It really was going to be nice after they were done, being played with.

Two men attacked Adam first, which was crazy to do since he was a qualified and a powerful Awakened superhuman. And not just anyone at that.


Adam's reaction and speed were incredulous that the people in the bar opened their mouths in shock. This was something not heard of before. A sixteen year old green bellied kid taking on experienced fighters of the Stewart family.





The one sided fight ended after fifteen minutes of little play. Adam stood straight as he picked up the last one and threw him out the window.


"So who's coming next? Don't tell me it has ended this early?" Adam spoke with a pretentiously unhappy tone. He was like an alien disguised as a human on earth. No, he was a DEMON!

"How about him? I want to see how you deal with my big brother."