Becoming a R3 reaper in three months?

Adam had accepted the mission and followed his unit to where they were headed. He realize that these were not AI controlled NPCs, but were real-time players like him.

His eyes almost fell off its sockets when he saw what he was seeing. This was a room where the Army's cutting edge technology was usually kept in. It was a vault that all ship and army base had to keep all these stuff.

Regular power gears were issued to normal soldiers, but the weapons, gadgets and the power gears in here were simply outrageous. Their aesthetic made them domineering, and their energy readings were on another level. It was like having a cloth reading the energy value of six nuclear explosion.

These power gears were comprised of a Power amour, which the Reaper class was the norm for the Reapers unit, a highly compressible heavily modified light hand-attached mini-cannon, a RJ-45x long-barreled plasma rifle, GG-20 photonic grenades, a seven inches long black viper-type plasma coated combat dagger, a Exodus-19|II type long knife and some additional convenience pack of DX2 adrenal stimulants.

Stimulants were not used in VR simulation, so it was designed to look like a more realistic power gear for good ratings. After picking a Power gear, Adam went to the opposite slots and picked another device. It was TR|18 plasma hidden weapon generator. It looked like a wristband, so it was comfortable for combat. Adam wasn't sure if he was really the type to use guns because he specialized in close-combat. The hidden weapon generator was just in case of emergency.

One of his team members didn't equip the usual plasma rifle he had but instead instead, he equipped a Ddt|II stealth-class sniper rifle. His rifle model was custom designed to also fit his taste.

Team Glem made their way to a black stealth class orbital ship which was left parking in a hangar of the mothership. The BK9 stealth class orbital ship which could accommodate a maximum nuber of seven, with the pilot and Co-pilot included was ready for launch and waiting for permit from the mothership's control station.

After the permission for launch was granted, the ship launched from the mothership towards the targeted planet. Every action, feeling, and notion possessed by biological lifeforms were practically replicated into this game that Adam felt he may die anytime soon.

It wasn't half an hour yet when the stealth orbital ship reached its destination. It was to orbit the planet from the outside and not enter the planet.

"So they expect me to perform a planetary dive into a planet with peotective gears. It's good this shit operates automatically, or else." Ada had discovered that he was about to perform a planet dive when his power amour automaticall activated the planet diver function. His body was protected with two extra layers of power body shield and his sensors were sharper than normal. His visor was also equipped with a radar that could detect biological lifeforms around a 60km radius. His fellow colleages read green, other lifeforms read blue if not hostile, red if hostile and purple if non-hostiles are likely to turn hostile. It was something really convenient.

Team Glem allowed the jump cabin to open up before diving ibto the planet, but Adam was reluctant to follow. He had no choice but to jump also while gritting his teeth with displeasure. This was something he really didn't want to try at home.

"Great, they got roasted when they reached that zone. I'm about to lose anyway. Let's die now! Ahhhh!" Adam decided it was better to scream when dying to make it more reasonable. His power amour was engulfed in flames, but suprisingly, heddidn't feel pain, nor did the scenario end. When he opened his eyes,he saw himself being shot at from the ground with plasma guns and laser cannons. There were also anti-air cannons firing ruthlessly at him.

"The steer function of a power amour allows for easy movements when diving. I got luck in the fun! Oops!" Adam forgot he was in the middle of a game and let down his guard when he was torn into bits by a timed one-shot concentrated fire from three heavy anti-air cannon and the other radar equipped high power plasma type lazer cannon. That was acomplete RIP after being caught off guard.

"Heck! How did I smitten by that immense force back inthe game. That's not how I like playing." Adam was very honest to himself and didn't pretend to be cold when alone. He was only cold to others except tohis two late buddies. May their soul rest in peace.

Adam returned to his dorm room after sometime. He was about to takea shower when he received a system notification.

Oh shit!

"To heck with the system. I'm gonna have dinner after a shower. And it should be pure meat, I'm not like those filth who eat leaves in the name of diet." Adam's words were recorded by the AI, which started ordering the food from the planet hub station.

Adam went into a bathroom in his dorm. It was huge, but depicted the army's utilitarian style. The human race wanted to shift to the utilitarian way of life, but the big families on planet earthnever allowed it to happen.

There were two planets with the same characteristics, somdthing people thought was a wonder, but only the real deals in the world knew about what really transpired a long time ago.

"I really want to stay here forever, resting in good conditions. But I feel I'm tamed whenever I think about it. I'll have to find away to leave the constraints of humans."

Adam thought to himself as he soaked himself in the falling water in his bathroom. If he could control his actions without being used as a pawn, he would give it a try.