Challenge accepted! A new Teacher!

Adam couldn't tolerate the carefree attitude of the members of the reaper squad anymore. So he left the place immediately and went to another building which was also recognized by the planet map as a training hall.

Adam didn't feel good or enthusiastic like how he always felt during combat or when he hears combat. The thought of lecher lascivious ladies born and modified to possess volumptous figures and extremely attractive auras clinging to his body where ever he went and even messing up his beautiful face with their saliva. It was horrible when you see such women.

"Good thing I have great willpower. Ladies of the federation love flirting with men. Well I'm getting too attractive every day."

Adam said to himself as he entered the building. He was teleported to another floor with a signboard 'Floor 0176', which was convenient enough for him. He entered a room with determination only to meet his one and only hostile friend fighting the general in close combat.

Hailey was a personal student of General Feng Jiu of the white snow faction. She wore her combat uniform to this event like a professional would, but still not professional enough in her chatacter.

Hailey had went more than a hundred rounds without touching General Feng Jiu's casual attire for the day. It was suprising for Adam to see how strong this man who sits in his office all day was, but he knew this was nothing compared to the tip of the iceberg. He may not be able to see the General use hisfull strength to fight until his death.


Nobody knew when General Feng Jiu attacked Hailey. A little ripple from his finger, and she sent flying backwards with no resistance, it was quick, powerful and undetectable to superhumans who may have seen this scene.

"Cadet Lebron is here. I didn't know you'll come here today." General Feng Jiu spoke with a smile on his face. He wasn't different from last time, he was still full of smiles like he does.

"I didn't know you would be here. If I knew beforehand, I wouldn't have intrude on your fight with your student. I apologize."

Adam spoke with sincerity in his tone. He was going to behave like this everytime he saw the General. But can a person get rid of his arrogant behaviour?

"I don't mind at all. Hailey looks tired, and I have more energy to spare for another duel. Are you interested?" Feng Jiu always wanted to test out Adam's physical combat abilities. Before Adam could say anything, a system notification popped up.

Name:Feng Jiu









Caution level:Extremely dangerous

"Sure, Sir! I hope you will broaden my horizon!" With Adam's word of agreement, Feng Jiu laughed lightly. He had wanted to test Adam's overall strength to know what tricks he used to pass the elimination drill on site G.

Adam couldn't get much info about his opponent from the system, but he also had a card up his sleeve. As long as he doesn't reveal his abilities and skills in public, he will be able to move freely in the future.

Adam took a fighting pose. His fists were firm as his legs were. His breathing was stable and body was perfectly balanced. Hailey, Feng Jiu and Adam didn't know when other Cadets crowded the training room to watch the friendly duel, but someone must have leaked out on this closed door activity.


Adam attacked Feng Jiu fiercely like a savage beast. His moves were coordinated and precise to predicted movements and were also deadly. It made other Cadetd shiver in fear.

It was said that Reapers are all C ranks and some at B rank. But nobody had seen an A+++ ranked general fight before. But Adam's moves were very dominating, but still not enough to contend with Feng Jiu.

Feng Jiu smiled before throwing his fist at Adam, aiming for his chest region. Adam got the wind of it and also throwed in a attack with his fist, clearly suprising Feng Jiu.


The force of collision was great, causing ripples of remnant energy to spread aroud. This ripple of energy was released by both parties when their fists collided. Adam was sent twelve steps backwards with his body still active while squatting to regaing stamina, while Feng Jiu remained on the spot like he wasn't affected.

'How is that possible! He decided to attack instead of defending. It seems like he caught wind of my plans. He is really impressive. But why does this guy fight like someone I know?. Well difficulty will increase from here, boy'. Feng Jiu's thought was somehow unclear, but he was determined to make this lad another student of his.

Feng Jiu walked two small steps forward towards Adam, who was still catching his breath. Adam was suprised by the energy ripple from that collision. Even the system couldn't explain what just happen.

"Don't tell me you are giving up now, Cadet? I was just warming up". Feng Jiu's words touched Adam's nerve. He stood to his feet like nothing happened and his energy surged. The onlookers were taken aback by such strong aura exuded by Adam.

"I heard chinese people from the past are quite strong and know a lot of techniques they call secret arts. I wonder if I can learn it from you?". Adam wasn't the type to give up that easily, but he knew how to make ways for himself all the time. He was still full of energy and wanted to gain some useful things from this duel.

And so, Feng Jiu and Adam went again. This time, Feng Jiu attacked like he was an enemy to Adam, while Adam, who knew this old man had just increased the difficulty of the duel still attacked and didn't care about his defence. As long as he attacks in a way that would cover his weak areas, it was still good to attack head on.

Feng Jiu was experienced in close combat. He had good defence and attacks that made him near untouchable. His origin as a son of a chinese family was evident in his fighting style. His style looked fancy and adorable, but they were coordinated, premeditated and deadly. Only Adam had tested it first hand from the previous fist collision.

Adam lasted more than twenty rounds against Feng Jiu without using his abilities and special skills, which could be considered a distinction in close combat. This made Feng Jiu happy and commented: "I haven't seen anyone so composed and calm when fighting against me. It's like fighting him again. Cadet Adam Lebron, will you be my second student in white snow. You're better than Hailey in everything so far, and I could use your hands in disciplining that little girl when she misbehaves".

Adam wasn't really shocked at this outcome. He had predicted this from the start, so there was no way he didn't calculate this. The ones suprised was Hailey and the onlookers, who watched with their mouth agape.

"Teacher, this is not fair. I am your student, but you want another student? And I am older than him in terms of everything but age, so why must he be your student?". To Hailey's suprise, Feng Jiu didn't answer Hailey's questions. He looked at Adam like he was more familiar with him than anyone else. He still felt a cold breath from Adam that he had seen before when the federation was ambitious.

"Sure Sir! From now on, I will listen to your teachings and follow you as a student. You really are worth learning from". Adam was convinced that Feng Jiu was trustworthy enough to be close to him. During their first half of the fight, Adam released a negative effect awakening energy, which Could cause damage too opponent's body on contact.