Weird trial

"Granted that you are okay now and ready for the next course. I will begin immediately." The man said as he waved is hand.

"N-n-no! It's...fuck you Mf! What a prideful bastard you are. I swear I'm gonna give you a bad review back home during my next vacation." Adam cursed before looking at the smug looking 'bastard' who 'punished' him for 'cursing at his elders'.

"Well I'm prideful, so what? You little rascal who just managed to get here dare raise your voice at I, who've lived for millions of years. If you were who you were, I would never fight back, but this is a good chance to avenge how you treated me as a mere ragdoll in the past. Bastard, when you get there, remember I got your ass kicked. I'm sure the others will be delighted to here that "I kicked the ass of little 'him' that he cursed like a child. I'm sure he'll throw a fit and destroy the heavens because his pride was trampled on." Hehehe!" The golden haired man chuckled