Good job Adam! I'm a genius!

Adam stared at the golden haired man with an expressionless face. The glow from the man's body seemed to affect his body in many ways, most especially negatively.

Adam felt a little weaker than supposed, and his reaction towards this power was one not of hostility, but mere hatred. Yes, true hatred. He didn't know why, but he felt like he knew people like this guy.


Adam muttered subconsciously. How did he know that the man was a Faerie, he couldn't answer. Adam stared at the man continuously with his scarlet eyes, which started to glow like a red star. His body release strange energy of scarlet. It rose from his feet before spreading around his body. The strange energy leaked out from Adam's body, giving him a majestic look, complimenting his natural beauty.

The golden haired man comtinued to gaze at Adam with no intention of stopping. It almost felt like he was wary of Adam attacking him at any giving moment.