A new perspective

Julius continued his training on the molecular scale.

Julius-"Alright so I need 7 protons, 7 neutrons, and 7 electrons to get... and done"

Voice-"you have created a Nitrogen atom"

Julius-"perfect with this I could unlock a bunch of new skills, first I will make some Nitric acid"

Julius creates the molecular structure for Nitric acid.

Voice-"you have now unlocked the elemental skill: acid"

Julius-"alright and then next lets make some liquid nitrogen by using my gravity skill to create pressure"

The nitrogen atoms are pressed together and reach a critical state forming liquid nitrogen.

Voice-"you have now unlocked the elemental skill: ice, you are also now level 0.06"

Julius-"still not enough aright I'll use create some more protons and neutrons to create an oxygen atom"

Voice-"you have now unlocked the elemental skill: air"

Julius-"hm so I'm a single atom so what would happen if I combined myself with another oxygen atom to become an oxygen molecule"

Voice-"I am unsure but I see no reason for it to cause you harm"

Julius-"ok I'll merge myself with the oxygen atom I created"

Julius fused with the oxygen atom he created and transformed into an oxygen molecule.

Voice-"you have gained the special skill: polymorph"

Julius-"Can I use my polymorph skill to remove the other oxygen atom from me"

Voice-"yes you can"

Julius uses his polymorph skill and the other atom is removed from him and flies away.

Julius-"alright now a simple one just take one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms to create a water molecule"

Julius creates the water molecule

Voice-"you have unlocked the elemental skill: water, you are now level 0.09"

Julius-"alright I'm just one away now from that eagle eyed skill, what do I do now"

Julius sees some beams of light go around him.

Julius-"maybe if I manage to catch a photon I can gain light magic"

Voice-"the photons move too fast for you to be able to grab them with your gravity magic"

Julius-"if I can set up a gravity field around me when a photon passes through it will stop and get pulled towards me"

Julius does just that and waits eventually a photon runs into the gravity field and gets pulled towards Julius.

Julius-"alright I have a photon now what do I do there are no particles to pull apart"

Voice-"light magic is more rare so it won't be as easy to replicate"

Julius-"wait I know I'll shoot some photons at a prism to create a light spectrum.

Julius collects more photons then creates a tiny prism of silica and shoots the photons into it creating a light spectrum.

Voice-"you have unlocked elemental magic: light and have raised to level 0.1"

Julius-"put all my skill points towards perception"

Voice-"your perception is now level 10 you can now evolve your perception into either eagle eyed or dark vision"

Julius-"I choose eagle eyed"

Voice-"your perception has evolved to eagle eyed your sight distance has massively increased"

The world around julius just suddenly changed large clumps of molecules became clouds the voids beneath and above him became the land and the sky. He could see vast forests and bright vibrant colors. A large and magical world just revealed itself to him being so immensely grand in size to him.

Julius-"it's incredible even in my old life I don't know if I ever saw a view like this before"

Julius used his gravity magic to fly down towards the forest.

Julius-"it's incredible each leaf of the tree is massive to me I spent years looking down at atoms I never imagined what the world would look like from their perspective, this is incredible..."

Just then a large object hurled towards him with julius quickly dodging out of the way, Julius focused on the massive object and discovered it was a fly.

Julius-"even a simple fly looks like a massive monster to me this is incredible, hey voice is there any people nearby here"

Voice-"based on your earlier look around the forest there was a nearby medium sized village"

Julius-"alright let's..."

Voice-"medium sized to the inhabitants to be specific"

Julius-"yeah I figured you meant that..."

Voice-"since your so small, it would of course seem very large to you"

Julius-"don't ruin the moment"

Julius then flies upwards and spots the village and flies on over to it.

Julius-"thankfully air molecules move at 480 meters per second if I moved at a regular pace at this size it would take months to get there"

Voice-"actually at your size it would have taken thousands of years"

Julius-"I'm going to ignore you now"

Finally Julius arrives at the village. It is full of humans, elves, and dwarves, with even a kart with a couple of goblins selling food.

Julius-"not only can I see them, I can hear them talking, and smell the food thats being cooked and eaten"

Voice-"the perception skill enhances all of your sense not just sight"

Julius-"look at that building over there it says adventuring guild on it I could go become an adventurer that seems like it could be awesome"

Voice-"that outcome is unlikely as the guild members would be unable to see or hear you"

Julius-"oh yeah that's right, there has to be something I can do"

Just then an adventurer walks into the guild office with a golem behind them carrying their supplies.

Julius-"that's how I can do it, I can pilot a golem to interact with people, hey voice can I make a golem like that right now"

Voice-"at your current level of 0.1 you would be unable to make a golem, however if you level up to level 1 you will be able to"

Julius-"so I need to level up 90 more times to create a golem"


Julius-"I don't know if I can unlock a whole 90 more skills so maybe now that I can see the world I can try killing a monster"

Voice-"would you like for me to try to locate any monsters weaker than you nearby"

Julius-"there are monsters weaker than me"

Voice-"no, there are none"

Julius-"then why did you ask!"

Voice-"I asked if you wanted me to try to find some I didn't say there would be"

Julius-"I know you're doing this on purpose I don't know if this is some funny joke to you but stop, just find the weakest monster nearby"

Voice-"ok.... next to that tall tree on the far left of the village"

Julius flies over to the tree and finds a large ant about 6 inches talk

Julius-"that's a big ant, and no not just because of how small I am"

Voice-"correct insects smaller than this species don't count as monsters and wouldn't give experience"

Julius-"alright now that I have found it take this lightning skill: static shock"

The small lightning hits the ant and it didn't even notice.

Voice-"the attack was ineffective and dealt zero damage"

Julius-"darn what do I do now"

Voice-"looking at your current skills you could dissemble the ant by it's atoms"

Julius-"how long would that take"

Voice-"estimated time to kill would be 5 days"

Julius-"that's too long oh what if I tried to poison it, a creature this small it would take a very small amount of poison to kill"

Voice-"you have an acid skill but not a poison or venom skill"

Julius-"well then I'll just make one... I'll base the chemical compound on the venom of the western taipan which has the most potent venom of any snake in my world where a single bite could kill 100 men, activate skill: molecular reconstruction"

Julius makes venom identical to the western taipan's.

Voice-"you have now unlocked the elemental skill: venom. You are now level 0.11 and received a skill point"

Julius-"I think I'll start putting these skill points into mana now that my perception is good"

Julius flew up to the ant.

Julius-" now that I'm right next to the ant I should deliver the venom straight to the brain to do that I can just fly through the mouth"

Voice-"that is unadvised"

Julius-"huh why what is wrong with that"

Voice-"if a creature breaths in oxygen it gets turned into carbon dioxide I am unaware if this would kill you or not"

Julius-"didn't think about that, ok new plan, I'm going to use my polymorph skill to bring my electrons closer to my nucleus to shrink myself"

Voice-"what would shrinking yourself even more accomplish"

Julius-"atoms are 99.9999999999996% empty space due to the electron cloud so if I can pull my electrons closer to me then I'll be able to slip in between the ant's molecules and get to the brain"

Voice-"that could work"

Julius-"activate skill: polymorph"

Julius shrinks down and enters the ant's brain.

Julius-"now activate skill: venom"

A tiny portion of venom is placed into the ant's brain and within 45 minutes it dies.

Voice-"you gained two new skills, special skill: shrink and special skill: phase. You also gained 7 levels, 2 from the new skills and 5 from killing the ant making you level 0.18"

Julius-"put all of my skill points into mana, and are there any more of these ants nearby"

Voice-"yes the ant colony is nearby and contains about 300 of these ant"

Julius-"welp guess I'm being an exterminator today, this is gonna take a while"

End of chapter 2.