A leisurely forest stroll

The adventuring party has been traveling through the forest for a couple hours now not having encountered anything dangerous yet.

Sir Williams-"I must admit fairy, this ride has been very stable I will commend you on that this is even better than my horse drawn carriage"

Julius-"thank you sir I don't deserve such praise"

Sir Williams-"I must give credit where credit due, keep this smooth ride up throughout the forest and I may forgive you for that transgression back at the hotel"

Julius-"I am truly sorry sir it won't happen again"

Sir Williams-"I don't need your mere worded apologies"

Julius-"since you sir mentioned a horse drawn carriage why didn't we take one of those"

Sir Williams-"there is no road to take, they tried building one but the stupid beasts of this hideous forest kept attacking the workers, just to get to the town I had to have a different group of adventurers take me, that was a C rank quest and we didn't run into any trouble I paid far too much for that"

Adam-"at this pace we won't make it there before nightfall we will have to set up camp"

Sir Williams-"I say we keep going normally I would hate to sleep on a chair like this but it's more comfortable than any excuse for a bed you could make out here"

Adam-"I'm sorry sir but at night is when the nocturnal monsters come out and we would be wise to avoid them"

Sir Williams-"very well then set up a base but make it is somewhat livable for me, hey fairy you can have your golem set my chair down for now"

Julius-"as you wish sir"

Julius softly sets down the chair with Sir Williams in it.

Adam-"I'm going to start building camp, nature skill: ironwood"

A bunch of trees appear and form a square wall around the group.

Julius-"that is some impressive magic"

Adam-"these are ironwood trees no beasts should be able to get through these"

Elise-"hey guys I'm gonna go hunt some food down for us"

Julius-"that is surprising I would of thought forest elves were vegans"

Adam-"normally yes but me and my sister don't really care about that stuff anymore, besides this forest is full of invasive monsters so it's good to kill some off"

Julius-"why don't you two care about that stuff anymore"

Adam-"personal reasons"

Julius-"come on you can't tell me something like that then just say it's personal reasons, please tell me"

Adam-"we just haven't been home in a long time that's all it was a falling out with our parents"

Julius-"Oh I see I'm sorry"

Adam-"It's alright that was 5 years ago, we left when we were only 15"

Julius-"oh really that long, have you talked to your parents at all sense then"

Adam-"no we haven't-"

Sir Williams-"hey chop chop can you get this place finished I refuse to get off this chair until there is a decent floor to stand on I don't want to step on any bugs out here"

Adam-"yes sir getting right on it"

Adam then uses the ironwood skill again to create a floor about 5 meters into the air the ironwood trees act as stilts along with a set of stairs leading up to it.

Sir Williams-"why is it all the way up there"

Adam-"it's better to have out camp up in the air so that way any monsters wandering by during the night will simply walk underneath it"

Sir Williams-"fine then I suppose I'll just walk all the way up these stairs"

Adam-"if you want to I can-"

Sir Williams-"no it's alright I'll walk up these myself thank you"

Sir Williams walks into the stilted base and closes the wooden door behind himself.

Adam-"man that guy is really so stuck up"

Julius-"I thought we weren't supposed to say anything bad about him"

Adam-"yeah to him that's why you wait until he is out of hearing distance"

A large explosion appears in the forest, Julius along with the two humans and the other elf look over to see Elise carrying a large frilled lizard about 3 meters in length.

Adam-"didn't you maybe go a bit far with that the thing has been completely fried"

Elise-"what I killed it quickly with a single blast didn't want to make it suffer by using weaker blasts, besides I'm sure at least some of the meat isn't burned"

Adam-"well at least whatever meat is still edible is probably cooked already"

Julius-"are you sure you guys are forest elves"

Adam-"born and raised-"

Adam stops and gives a puzzled look.

Julius-"what is it?"

Adam-"maybe our forest elves skills are getting rusty, a huge storm seems to be coming in out of nowhere, I should have been able to tell a while ago"

Julius-"a big storm are you sure?"

Julius quickly flies out of the golem and into the sky

Julius out of range from the others-"the barometric air pressure suddenly had a huge drop, that normally takes some time and doesn't happen this fast"

Julius flies back down and enters the golem again, he did all of this without anybody else noticing.

Julius-"your right, I think a storm is getting here soon and it just came out of nowhere"

Adam-"it seems like it will be a big one we should head up into the camp, Elise bring the lizard up to the camp we got to get everything up in there before the rain starts pouring on us"

Elise-"on it"

Julius-"I'll help bring everything in too"

All the adventurers bring their supplies up into the base with Adam also creating a roof and then sealing up the door.

Sir Williams-"this structure of your better keep the rain out I swear if any of my things get even the slightest bit wet from this rain, I'm calling off this whole quest do you hear me"

Adam-"don't worry sir the roof is airtight, no rain water will be getting in"

Sir Williams-"what about the walls what if the rainwater seeps in through the walls"

Adam-"I'm deeply sorry sir but I can't make the walls air tight because we wouldn't get enough air"

Sir Williams-"and?"

Adam is stunned for a moment.

Adam-"sir if we don't have air then we would suffocate"

Sir Williams-"ah yes, you make a point, I'll be staying in the middle of the base to ensure none of my things get wet from the storm"

Elise-"hey does anybody here have an air skill"

Julius-"I have an air skill"

Elise-"come here then"

Julius walks over to Elise who is making a fire pit.

Elise-"I'm making a small fire here because even when I burned the lizard I didn't get the meat cooked fully on the inside so to prevent smoke from filling up the room I need you to use your air skill to funnel the smoke out through this hole in the wall"

Elise points to a small hole in the wall.

Elise-"are you able to do that"

Julius-"yes I can"

Elise starts the fire so Julius starts funneling the smoke through the hole, Adam begins walking over pulling out a big sword and using it to cut up the lizard meat. Julius detects that the sword has a lot of magical power inside of it.

Julius-"that is a really cool sword you have there"

Adam-"thanks it's a B rank artifact and it's been passed down through my family for generations"

Julius-"fascinating, can I take a look at it"

Adam-"sure and you don't need to stay inside that golem you can go ahead and exit from it"

Julius-"I'm alright"

Julius while still maintaining the wind spell walks the golem over next to Adam with his sword and exits out of the golem flying down to the sword to see its molecular structure.

Julius-"I don't recognize this material what is it made out of"

Adam-"It's an enchanted steel alloy, instead of being made out of iron and coal it's made with a mix of iron and mana crystals"

Julius in his head-"this molecular structure is so strange, these atoms have the regular protons, neutrons, and electrons, but they are also have another particle"

Voice-"this particle is present within objects that possess magical properties, the people of this world don't know this so it does not possess a name"

Julius in his head-"incredible so I'm the first to discover this new type of particle"

Adam-"alright well the meat is all chopped up now we just have to wait for it to finish cooking"

Julius-"hey Adam, I don't know too much about forest elves but is fire magic a normal magic to have like your sister does"

Adam-"no it's definitely not common plus the people of my village weren't really that happy about it"

Julius-"huh why not"

Adam-"because we live in the forest fire and the forest don't really mix"

Julius-"oh course they do, forest fires are a natural element to a forest's life, it's because of forest fires that soils can be nurished with the forest floor plants being burned away allowing for new trees to grow"


Julius-"did you not know that"

Adam-"no I did, it's just for the majority of people all I need to say is 'fire bad for trees' and they all go with it, your pretty knowledgeable"

Julius-"thank you, although I'm sure you still know a lot more than me"

Adam-"you know maybe after this quest is done you could join me and my sister on future quests"

Elise-"are you sure we haven't even seen this guy's actual face you know"

Adam-"yeah but I can tell he's a good person plus he said he has a healing skill which would have come in handy plenty of times before"

Elise-"I guess your right"

Julius-"that sounds great I would love to be in your group"

Sir Williams-"are you guys almost done with your food"

Elise-"it's almost completed do you want some"

Sir Williams-"I brought my own pastries to eat and not any wild beasts hide, is that a hole in the wall more water will get in"

Elise-"it's for the smoke of the fire to leave sir, so we don't suffocate"

Sir Williams-"I swear is the body really so pathetic as you all say, if we do this we'll suffocate, if we do that we'll suffocate, look at how big this stupid hole is I can stick my whole head through it, see"

Sir Williams sticks his head through the hole getting his face wet.

Sir Williams-"At this point it seems like you are all trying to, hey what's that over there-"

Adam, Elise, and Julius all look in Sir Williams direction seeing a large gaping mouth full of sharp teeth when a bright light suddenly illuminates through the hole tearing the base down with a large bolt of lightning.

End of chapter 5.