The bigger they were the harder they fell

A few minutes have passed since the wyvern was slayed with Julius, Adam, and Elise all resting.

Voice-"you have gained some experience points"

Julius-"I thought it was Adam who killed it"

Voice-"yes but you did a high amount of damage against a very powerful monster"

Julius-"what level was the wyvern"

Voice-"the wyvern was level 120"

Julius-"over level 100 well that explains why it was so strong"

Voice-"due to your experience gain you have raised from level 10 to level 20"

Julius-"that's nice"

Voice-"you also gained a new special skill: particle accelerator which raised you to level 21, where would you like to put your 11 skill points"

Julius-"into mana please"

Julius's mana had recovered and now he healed Adam and Elise while getting back into his gravel golem.

Julius-"hey voice what levels are Adam and Elise?"

Voice-"Adam is level 75 while Elise is level 73 however after this battle Adam raised to level 77 and Elise raised to level 75"

Adam-"where is everybody else"

Julius-"during the fight I told Sir Williams to meet back up with Joe after he ran off"

Adam-"it's unsafe to be out there"

Julius-"well it was safer than being here"

Elise-"what about Bob and Jasmine"

Julius-"Bob died when the base was blown up and Jasmine was killed when she was attacked by the wyvern"

Adam-"where are there bodies"

Julius took them over to the bodies.

Adam-"heal them"

Julius-"but I can't revive them"

Adam-"yes but there are people who can so we should heal them to bring them there"

Julius-"so are there adventurers who have revive skills"

Adam-"no, revive skills are incredibly rare and only a few holy borns have it so they don't usually become adventurers"

Julius-"whats a holy born"

Adam-"people born with holy magic only one in one hundred million people are and even only some of them get the revive spell"

Julius-"so it will be hard to find them then"

Adam-"not hard to find them they are pretty famous but they are also very expensive so we better hope Sir Williams is willing to pay them to revive Bob and Jasmine, now we have to get out of the forest and meet back up with Joe and Sir Williams"

Julius-"didn't you say it's dangerous to travel at night"

Adam-"yes, however one, the storm has cleared up now that we killed the wyvern since it seems they were the ones causing it, and two we need to catch up to Sir Williams and Joe before they get themselves killed"

Julius-"alright well let's go meet up with them I'll heal up Bob and Jasmine and carry them"

Julius, Adam, and Elise began walking through the forest.

Adam-"make sure to keep your keep your eyes open it's night so there could be an attack at any moment"

Julius-"and after we just dealt with that wyvern too this sucks"

Elise-"due to the wyvern flying in that may have caused the other monsters in the forest to lay low trying to avoid it so hopefully we won't have to deal with anymore"

Adam-"so Julius how did you manage that"

Julius-"manage what?"

Adam-"that big attack against the wyvern you are only an E rank"

Julius-"just strategy I guess, it was a combo of a bunch of spells, it wasn't any better than anything you guys did"

Adam-"even so how would you have enough mana to do that"

Julius-"I have been told that I have a high amount of mana"

Adam-"I see"

Julius-"hey there was something I was wanting to ask you about earlier before we were cut off from the wyvern"

Adam-"what is it"

Julius-"you had said before that you had a falling out with your parents, what was it about?"

Adam and Elise look at each other.

Elise-"well we weren't really being totally honest"

Adam-"it wasn't with our parents that we had a falling out with, it was actually an argument with the village chief"

Julius-"you guys got in trouble with the village chief about something"

Adam-"well kind of, it's a sensitive subject"

Elise-"it's fine he did save our lives after all"

Elise turns to look at Julius.

Elise-"as you know I was born with a fire skill which isn't normal for forest elves, you already mentioned earlier how fire can be good for a forest"

Julius-"yes it's part of nature's cycle"

Elise-"exactly, however even with that being the case it's still viewed as destructive and dangerous, so even though me and my brother were born with exceptionally high mana I was told to never use my skills"

Adam-"it wasn't even just that for Elise either"

Elise-"yeah, normally forest elves are commonly born with either water, earth, or nature skills but I had none of those, I didn't even have a healing skill which the vast majority of the women in my village had"

Adam-"because of this despite us actually having a lot of mana she was seen as a failure to the village"

Julius-"that's awful, what about you"

Adam-"I didn't have that problem, I had a nature skill plus the men are typically the warriors in our village so I had no trouble"

Elise-"I had wanted to be warrior plus my skills were perfectly suited for it but the village elders refused"

Adam-"she was even bullied as a child with people referring to her as too dangerous to be around"

Julius-"was Elise eventually exiled from the village then because of her fire skill"

Elise-"no I was never actually exiled, I never committed a crime so they had no reason to, I actually left on my own because I couldn't stand being there anymore"

Julius-"and Adam, you chose to leave with her"

Adam-"yes and our parent's gave me this sword to keep the both of us safe"

Julius-"so you didn't have a falling out with your parents"

Adam-"no our parents understood the decision, they knew the village wasn't the right place for Elise and they knew I would want to be by her side"

Julius-"I understand, so am I still gonna join the two odds you"

Adam-"I would enjoy that, you seem like a pretty good person, although even during that fight I couldn't really get a good look at you because of all the flashing lights, any chance we could see you"

Julius-"um sorry it's embarrassing honestly"

Adam-"you think we would make fun of you for being shorter than a normal fairy"

Julius-"it's a personal thing I'm sorry"

Elise-"it's fine we understand"

Julius-"how long until we make it out of the forest, and do you think Joe and Sir Williams made it out ok?"

Adam-"we shouldn't be far from the edge of the forest now, and they better have if they got eaten we won't be able to afford the revival spell"

Julius-"that's kind of messed up that you have to pay a ton of money to get somebody revived"

Adam-"somebody got lucky with a gift and they chose to make money because of it, I can't really blame them, there have been some holy born who chose to revive people for free"

Julius-"hey I think I can see the edge of the forest now"

Adam-"good lets just hope that Sir Williams and Joe are there"

Julius, Adam, and Elise all exit from the forest with Julius carrying Bob and Jasmine's bodies.

Julius shouts out-"hey Sir Williams and Joe are you guys out here somewhere, did you get eaten?"

In the distance Julius sees 2 people running towards him at a very fast speed.

Elise-"hey guys I think that's them"

Julius looks closer and sees that they are running from a large wild boar monster.

Joe-"why, why me!?"

Sir Williams-"this had been the worst day of my life, every bad thing I have ever done has come back to haunt me"

Julius-"hey guys I think they are in trouble"

Elise -"(sighs) fire skill: fire ball"

A small burst of fire is shot out from Elise and hits the boar monster killing it instantly"

Julius-"are you guys ok"

Sir Williams-"I'm (gasp) perfectly fine (gasp) and don't (gasp) lump me in with 'you guys' anymore you (gasp) understand"

Sir Williams falls to the floor exhausted clearly never having run this much in his life.

Adam-"seriously Joe"

Joe-"seriously what"

Adam-"aren't you supposed to be a D rank adventurer you should have been able to kill that boar monster easily"

Joe-"it got the drop on me ok, and you know what I'm done after today no more adventuring I quit"

Adam-"I'm not your boss, tell that to the guild office"

Joe frowns in sadness and misery. Adam walks over to Sir Williams.

Adam-"Julius go ahead and heal him again"

Julius-"alright, support skill: heal"

Sir Williams regains his small amount of energy.

Sir Williams-"finally out of that"

Adam-"now Sir Williams if you shall listen to-"

Sir Williams-"no you listen here, if we hadn't stayed and made camp like you suggested we wouldn't have been attacked by that thundering lizard I hope you understand what a massive mistake you made-"

Adam shouting-"if you had made this a C rank quest instead of a D rank quest then there would have been more C ranks like myself here and Bob and Jasmine wouldn't have died"

Adam points at the bodies of Bob and Jasmine that Julius is carrying.

Sir Williams-"I- well that is true however I-"

Adam-"now you are going to pay"

Sir Williams gulps in worry.

Adam-"for them to be revived"

Sir Williams-"what!? Revival isn't cheap you know, even for a nobleman, besides adventurers die all of the time it's part of the job"

Adam-"it's your fault they died"

Sir Williams-"fine! The kingdom that we are heading too has a reviver there so we can do it then"

Adam-"I am aware so lets go"

Julius-"I'm surprised he yelled at him, Adam seemed to have a really tone temper"

Elise-"he hides it well but when it comes down to important stuff like this, while I may be the one with the fire skills but my brother still has a high temper"

End of chapter 7.