A "giant" adversary

Julius follows Damion and the guard to the arena where Damion is then shoved into the arena and the guard closes the door behind Damion before walking away.

Julius-"I hope you're right and Damion is going to be ok"

Voice-"They said he is the champion and even if he died they will just revive him"

Crowds-"Go ahead and kill it this time would you!?"

The crowds continue screaming and booing at Damion.

Damion in his head-"Hopefully after this fight, the ghost will let me out of here"

The door on the other side of the arena opens and a male dwarf walks out with a large mace.

Announcer-"(Shouting) Break is now concluded. Is everyone ready to get back into it!?"


Announcer-"For our first competitor we have the towering dwarf standing at an impressive 5 feet and 2 inches, it's the giant!!"

A dwarf walks out of the gate wielding a large war hammer with the hammer head being the size of a car tire.

Crowds-"(Yelling) WOOOOO!"

Spectator 1-"Wait, that doesn't sound very tall. Why are they called giant?"

Spectator 2-"It's because dwarves are normally around 4 feet tall"

Announcer-"And for the second competitor, we have the reigning champ, the curseborn!"

Crowds-"(yelling) Boooooo!, get him giant. Wipe him off the face of this world!"

"Giant" Dwarf-"You're the curseborn the other prisoners have been talking about?"

Damion-"(Sarcastically) Yep that would be me, how could you tell? Did the announcer and the crowds give it away?"

"Giant" Dwarf-"I've been looking forward to ending you"

Damion-"Why is that?"

"Giant" Dwarf-"I'm gonna make you pay for using dark magic!"

Damion-"(Sarcastically) Wow, haven't heard that one before"

Julius-"You know, Damion kind of talks like you"

Voice-"No, he misses the sort of elegance. I see very little resemblance"

Julius-"Yeah, 'elegance'"

Announcer-"(Yelling) And now, begin!"

The "giant" dwarf runs towards Damion holding up the large war hammer.

"Giant" Dwarf-"Take this you menace!"

The "Giant" Dwarf jumps into the air and swings the war hammer down at Damion. Damion puts his hand up to the hammer.

"Giant" Dwarf-"You can't block this!"

Damion-"Dark skill: unbind"

Damion created a magic circle in front of his hand. Once the hammer hit the circle, the hammer head was removed from the handle being launched into the air. The hammer head then crashed into the ground leaving a small crater.

The "Giant" Dwarf lands on the ground with a small amount of dust rising from their feet touching the ground. The "Giant" Dwarf then looks up at Damion, then looks at their hammer handle, then looks at their hammer head in the crater on the ground.

"Giant" Dwarf-"Well... I guess you could block it t..."

Damion-"Are we done now?"

"Giant" Dwarf-"I don't need my hammer to beat you!"

The "Giant" Dwarf puts his hands up and creates a magic circle.

"Giant" Dwarf-"Earth skill: launch!"

A large pillar of stone is raised from the ground and launches Damion up into the air.

Crowds-"WOOOO! That's it giant, take him down!"

Damion rotated himself in midair placing his feet upwards to push against the bars at the top of arena so he could bend his knees on impact to soften his fall.

Damion in his head-"Just this then I finally get to leave!"

Damion looks over and sees the crowds unhappy at him not getting injured from the launch.

Damion-"Dark skill: spacial unbind"

Damion removes the space between him and the "Giant" Dwarf causing him to launch towards the "Giant" Dwarf at hypersonic speed. Damion is right in front of the "Giant" Dwarf now.

"Giant" Dwarf-"What!?"

Damion puts his hand up to the "Giant" Dwarf as he flies past him.

Damion-"Dark skill: unbind"

The tendons and muscles are detached from the bones are detached from bones the same as he did against the arsonist. The "Giant" Dwarf then falls down to the floor. Damion again rotates to brace his fall again and slides along the floor making dust kick up behind him.

Announcer-"(Yelling) And it seems that once again Damion is our victor!"

Crowds-"(All yelling) Booo! Again! He must be cheating somehow!, Yeah he has to he cheating"

The crowds brake into a chant.

Crowds-"(Still yelling) Cheater!, Cheater!, Cheater!, Cheater!"

Damion heads back through the gate again as some healers come and collect the "Giant" Dwarf.

Julius-"(whispering) Good job out there"

Damion-"(whispering) Thanks, you able to get me out of here now?"

Julius-"(whispers) Yeah, we should get out of here"

Announcer-"(normal volume) The crowds are starting to get more and more annoyed, originally they were happy coming here waiting for that curseborn to loose but they might start thinking he never will"

The announcer looks over at a guard standing beside him.

Announcer-"I want you to make sure he looses today understood?"

The guard nods and walks away.

Back with Julius and Damion.

Damion-"So how do you plan on getting me out Mr. Ghost?"

Julius-"Again, I'm not a ghost"

Damion-"Are you real?"


Damion-"If you're not a ghost, are you just a voice in my head? I mean I have been locked up here for a while"

Julius-"Have you had voices in your head before?"

Damion-"I don't think so"

Julius in his head-"Great, now he thinks I'm a voice in his head. Maybe I should stick with the ghost thing"

Voice-"Is there something wrong with people having voices in their head?"

Julius in his head-"You know what I meant"

Julius-"I'm not a ghost and I'm not a voice in your head. I'm a living and existing person that's trying to help you escape"

Damion-"Are you saying you don't believe in ghosts?"


Damion-"Well, you explained that you're not a ghost because you are living and existing"


Damion-"So you are saying ghosts don't exist but I know that they do. If I know that they do then you should know that they do"

Julius-"What are you?..."

Damion-"Since you didn't know that ghost exists then that would mean you couldn't be a ghost so you are a voice in my head"

Julius-"Stop and listen to me!"


Julius-"I was saying I'm alive so I'm not a ghost. I exist so I'm not a voice in your head"

Damion-"Ohhh, ok"

Julius-"Good now, let's get you out of here"

The guard is in another room and goes into a drawer. The drawer is full of many green vials. The guard picks up one of the vials and pours a small amount into a needle.

Guard-"This should be enough to slow him down in the ring"

The guard heads back down to Damion's cell.

Meanwhile Julius and Damion are back in Damion's cell and Julius begins opening a small tunnel in the wall.

Julius-"earth skill: dig"

The tunnel is opened and Damion climbs inside, the two begin exiting.

Guard-"(shouting) HEY, STOP RIGHT THERE!"

Julius and Damion look back and see the guard running in their direction. It is the same guard that is holding the small green vial.

Julius-"Oh no"

Damion-"This isn't good"

Voice-"I knew this was a bad idea"

End of chapter 15.